Saturday, May 18, 2019
Ecological Systems Theory
From the m a mortal first enters this serviceman until they taketheir final breath, they go through umteen changes that will shape their character and determine how they handle situations in their flavourspan story. Many different psychologists mother studied human behavior and why it is that we react a accepted way in different circumstances, and ultimately why we be dumbfound in the way that we do. Urie Bronfenbrenner developed a model c eithered the Ecological Systems Theory that attempts to explain what figures put to work a persons behavior and which ones suck the most trespass.The model is broken down into five carcasss the Micro governance, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. The Microsystem is considered the most intimate or most powerful level and it represents of the inter executions between the person and their family or their mean friends. These influences argon bidirectional, meaning that both sides are influenced equally. For example, a child who is very calm and obedient will most likely cause the parent to be calm and trusting of the child. On the other hand, if the parent is very strict and harsh towards the child, the child may feel the urge to rebel against the parent.The Mesosystem essentially represents the connections between the Microsystems. This means that thither is more than one part that influences a situation in ones support sentence. For example, if a young student is doing poorly in school, it sewer be due to lack of parent involvement in their academics, or if the parents show divert in the childs school life at all. Another example of this would be if an employee was not doing well in the workplace, it could be linked back to a fight at home or the lack of communication with a spouse. The next level in the theory is the Exosystem.This system is do up of figures or computes that do not necessarily contain the developing person alone nevertheless have an impact in their life. These factors or experiences nates be formal or informal organisations. Formal transcriptions consist of flexible work schedules or paid maternity or paternity leaves and these circumstances tooshie electropositively influence the parent-child relationship. Informal organizations can consist of the parents social ne cardinalrks, much(prenominal) as refinement friends or relatives that can offer advice or friendship in the childs life.These relationships can extend a sense of trust and source of love in the life of the child. This system can similarly be observed in a way that will affect the childs life negatively. For example, if the parents do not have close friends or a feeling of acceptance in the community, there has been shown to be an increased risk of child abuse and conflict within the family. The Macrosystem is a much broader system that consists of the cultural values, morals, customs, and resources in the community.An example of this would be if a child attends a priv ate school that astir(predicate) monitors the behavior of the children and tries to instill moral values, the child might experience a more enjoyable cartridge clip during their school geezerhood. Bronfenbrenner defined the ever-changing nature of a persons surroundings to be the Chronosystem. He noted that there were umpteen factors that can influence or change the circumstances of ones life, which he called Ecological Transitions. Ecological Transitions could be any event such as starting college, getting married, getting divorced, graduating high school or college, becoming a parent, or retiring.All of these instances could be considered milestones in someone s life that can have a major impact in the bend or schedule one is familiar to. For the project, I chose to conduct an interview with my aunty, who is now forty-eight historic period old. In the interview, I asked her questions that would reveal what or who were the influences in her life and what were the major sp ecial events that occurred. I tell the interview with her twice the first to ask her virtually her life at the age of blackjack oak and whence again at the age of thirty-six.I found that it was very interesting to interview my aunt virtually her experience at the age of twenty-one, yet twain geezerhood older than I am now. I tried to compare her influences, concerns, and experiences with mine and found that we are similar in many ways I was not aware of, but excessively very different in others. There were many factors in my aunts life that influenced where she is today in her life. When she was twenty-one, in the Microsystem level, three people that truly influenced her life at the time were my grandparents, Mimi and Papa, and my salient grandmother, Mamette.My aunt was extremely close to Mamette, and confided in her in many ways. Since all three were members of her close family, they would be considered part of this system and very crucial to her development at the time . My aunt told me after she receive from college all she wanted to do was party and not find a job, and I found that these factors and this mindset were part of the Mesosystem. The fact that she was partying all the time, or her social life, was impede her from finding a job and moving on from her college days.Since the Mesosystem is essentially factors that influence other factors or circumstances, the fact that she had recently graduated from college made her feel like she had the right to party and not find a job. Another factor in her lack of diligence toward finding a job was that her parents did not put a contend of pressure on her to do so. Along with factors in the Microsystem and Mesosystem, the Exosystem in her life consisted of many influences that played a manipulation in the crisis of no motivation and partying all the time.One factor in this system was that many of her friends were getting jobs after they graduated college, and she k newly that she should be search ing for one, but the motivation was not there. Another factor was that she may have felt that she deserved to have some time off after running(a) so hard in college. These examples are forms of informal organizations in the Exosystem. An example of a formal organization was that she applied for a job with the IRS and she was waiting for them to call her about her application.She jokes during her interview that she would still be in that stage if she didnt look for another job until the IRS called her back because its been twenty-seven years and they still havent called The Macrosystem played a role in her development at that time also. She mentioned how life just now seemed more laid back and carefree times were easier and there was no terrorism (that she knew of). The culture was also more wholesome than it is now and the moral values of the country were at higher standards.One cable of the country and the economy was the oil crisis that erupted during the 80s. She remembers ex pensive gas and oil, and that the economy was not very ironlike during that time. As she reflected on this time of her life, she says that there were experiences during that time of her life that have an impact on her life now. Sometimes she wishes she could go back to that time of fun and no worries, but what was most important about that time of her life was the friendships she made. Shes learned life is not about a job, money, or objects, but about the relationships one makes along the way.She has recently gone through a divorce, and she says that she could have never made it through that hard time without the friends she made in high school, college, her sorority, or even in the last(prenominal) couple years. The Chronosystem encompasses changes over time and how one develops over a lifetime. Her reflection and the amount she has grown as a person in the last couple decades is an example of the way a human can change and mature in this particular system. Next, I interviewed my aunt about her life when she was thirty-six years old and lived in Houston, TX.She described this time as some of the scoop up years of her life. Her son, Mike, was six years old and her daughter, Stacey, was only three. She reminisced about the neighborhood bar-b-ques, pig roasts, her amazing church, the kids summer camp, and great friends. During the interview I could tell that she truly longed to go back to this time. Her Microsystem level consisted of her best friends, Dana and Diane, and her Bible show Fellowship leader, Gloria Day. These people truly shaped her life at the time and she was explaining how they still have an impact on her now.Just the other day she talked to her friend, Dana, about her divorce, and she can see just how important these influences are in her life. The Mesosystem at this time consisted of the influence of the guidance she acquired in Bible Study Fellowship that helped her to be a better mother and spouse. Also, her church served as an outlet for her to find good friends that would hold her accountable and provide advice and companionship when she needed it most. In the Exosystem there were many areas in her life that socially provided experiences and interactions that would influence her at the time.The formal organization of this level was the fact that she was a stay-at-home mom, giving her more time with her children and the ability to focus on being the best mother she could be. Another example of an informal organization would be her Bible Study Fellowship. Here she could make friends with the same beliefs and morals, and really gain a company that would provide great stability and accountability. The Macrosystem during this time consisted of a stimulated economy, the price of gas was cheap, and, again, there was no fear or worry of terrorism.She noted how practically everyone in her neighborhood was an engineer. The stress that we now experience today of terrorist attacks and a failing economy was not present. I onc e again asked to reflect on her life at that time, and see how her experiences then have influenced her life now. This answer came to her much easier than when I asked her about the influence of her experiences when she was twenty-one. Her involvement in Bible Study Fellowship showed her how to have a relationship with savior Christ, and how to apply her study of the Bible to real life.Her leader, Gloria Day, truly inspired her to grow in her walk with beau ideal and rely on Him for everything. She revealed in the interview how she had been going through some very tough times, and if she did not have the information she learned through Bible Study Fellowship, she would not have had the same rosy and hopeful view of her struggles now. Over time, her walk with the Lord has gone through times when she was very close with Him, and times when she was not. In the Chronosystem, her relationship with divinity fudge and her spiritual beliefs have been the defining factor of her inner de xterity as a person.Along with her relationship with God, many major events, or bionomical changes, occurred from the time that she was twenty-one and thirty-six. For example, she found a job, got married, became a parent, and moved. All of these events can have an influence on ones character and well-being. They can have a rippling effect in someones life, influencing many parts during one time. My aunt recalled that she absolutely hated moving, and they would stay in the same place for about three years.She said the first year was always the hardest, the second year was better, and the third was when they were finally settled but then my uncle would have to move again for his job. The moving process always took a price on her family and kids, never truly establishing a place for them to call home. Another bionomic transition for her during this time was getting married. Marriage is definitely an adjustment and her decision in the man she chose to marry may not have necessarily been the right one. Nevertheless, changes that one experiences in their life require adjustment, or an ecological transition.The Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem are the ecological systems in our lives that influence our character, morals, and decisions. From the time my aunt was twenty-one to thirty-six, the influences in her life changed drastically. Instead of being influenced by her parents and grandmother like when she was younger, she was more independent from her family and her close friends and studying Gods word had the most impact on her. Right after she graduated from college, she was not focussed on growing up or finding a job, but mostly on partying and having a good time.She matured greatly when she started a family, as she became more focused on others rather than herself. approximately everything in her life changed when she had children, from her schedule to her priorities. As the influences and events in my aunts life changed over the years, so will mine when I am older. My ecological systems will always be transforming as I graduate college, get married, and eventually have children. Right now my life is focused around what is best for me my education, social life, and health.I am still dependent on my parents for guidance and support, but I am beginning to lean more on Gods will for my life and trusting in Him rather than advice from other people. After I graduate my Mesosystem will change, along with my Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. By acquiring the noesis of how factors influence an individual, I will be able to truly examine what those factors are in my life and decide which are in my best interest. In conclusion, Studying Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory was very interesting and I feel it will be very helpful to know in my emerging teaching career.When a child is misbehaving and is not performing to their best ability in school, I can look into their home life and see if there ar e any distractions or added stresses that could be hindering their academic performance. Also, I hope to provide a source of guidance and comfort for my students that extend agone the realm of academics, but can better them as a person in the long run. Urie Bronfenbrenner was a brilliant man whose research and theories can help people have a better mind about the influences in their lives and how to use them to their full advantage.Ecological Systems TheoryDespite previous theories, Erie Brotherlinesss ecological systems theory continues o be one of the most comprehensive theories used to better understand human needs. That Is why it has become Increasingly Important to be able to recognize the key concepts of the ecological systems theory and to be able to Identify what characteristics set this theory apart from other theories. Once this level of competence is achieve, proletarians should be able to identify what kind of problems and/or invitees this theory would be helpful wit h.This skill can only be mastered by understanding every detail of the ecological systems theory. Discussion According to Whooper, Rooney, dewberry bush Rooney, Storm-Gottfried, and Larsen (2010), the ecological systems theory suggests that Individual engagement with other human beings ( receding) and systems within the surroundings (habitat) are two of the most influential factors that determine human needs. This is because both factors reciprocally influence each other (2010).For instance, a change in a persons environment typically changes the kind of people that person interacts with and the type of resources that person has access to. If I decided to move from the projects to he suburbs, I would be exposed to a new community. My new community will allow me to network with people who I might not have had the opportunity to network with when I lived In the projects. My move from the projects to the suburbs could also provide me with access to more resources such as libraries an d jobs.A change in a persons niche or habitat can be positive or negative. The ecological systems theory makes it clear that it is desirable to have a positive and well-balanced niche and habitat. This Is because the satisfaction of human needs and mastery of placement task require adequate resources In the environment and positive transactions between people and their environment (Whooper, Rooney, Dewberry Rooney, StormGottfried, and Larsen, 2010, 16).For example, a person who aspires to be a phenomenal business leader would be better prepared to take on that role if he or she had access to superior educational institutions and positive interaction with individuals who are already in this type of position. This is because the educational facilities can provide valuable knowledge to that Individual and the exposure to other traders can open up hands-on learning opportunities. Now Image If there were gaps In any AT ten above resources or negative Interactions Ana now tense gap could hinder that individuals needs and development.This archetype that a persons life circumstances are based on individual interactions and different layers of his or her environment is what set the ecological systems theory apart from other theories. This is because, historically, theorists have only used one of the two variables to understand different aspects of human life. The ecological systems theory is helpful on both the micro and macro level of social work. For a clinical social worker, the ecological systems theory is the most helpful in phase one of the helping process.During this phase the worker explores leaf node needs, assesses contributing factors, and devises a plan of action to help meet client needs. Taking an ecological systems approach to this phase will allow the worker to create a more accurate profile of client needs, help to determine what environmental absentees may be causing certain needs, determine individuals who may be costively or negatively contributin g to client needs, and to determine what actions need to take place to help bridge the gap between clients habitat and niche.Personally, the ecological systems theory appears to be an ingenious approach to the field of social work. It is very advantageous because it forces the worker and the client to create an all-inclusive picture of the clients reasons for needing a social worker. As human being we have a tendency to identify a single factor as the cause of all of our problems. The ecological system perspective is helpful in extending our coal point.Applying this theory would be the most beneficial to me when I am working with clients who are having difficulties meeting certain needs because of a lack of resources or with clients who have a drug abuse problem. I identify drug abuse clients because these types of clients typically use drugs as a coping mechanism to deal with some of their relationships or current living situations. Conclusion In closing, the ecological systems the ory is one of the best theories to apply when attempting to assess human needs.
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