Friday, May 31, 2019
Mr. Shimerdas Suicide in Willa Cathers My Antonia Essay -- My Antoni
Mr. Shimerdas Suicide in Willa Cathers My AntoniaMy Antonia, by Willa Cather, is a novel about Jim Burden and his relationship and experiences growing up with Antonia Shimerda in Nebraska. Throughout the book Jim reflects on his memories of Nebraska and the Shimerda family, often times in a sad and depressing tone. One of the main ways Cather is able to stimulate these sad emotions within the reader is through the suicide of Antonias father, Mr. Shimerda. His death was unexpected by everyone and it is thought that homesickness is what drove him to take his own life. Homesickness was surely matte by Mr. Shimerda, as it was by many, but it was the failure to adequately find a way to provide for his family that sent Mr. Shimerda into a depressing downward coil that left him no foreseeable alternative but to take his own life.The first descriptions of Mr. Shimerda are that of a successful businessman that had always provided well for his family. I noticed how white and well-shaped his own hands were. They looked calm, somehow, and skilled. His eyes were melancholy, and were set back deep under his brow. His face was ruggedly formed, but it looked like ashes like something from which wholly the warmth and light had dried out. Everything about this old man was in keeping with his dignified manner (24)Mr. Shimerda was indeed a prosperous man in Bohemia, but had made his living in the business world, not by running a farm to provide for his familys needs. His hands show that he rarely performed hard manual labor, but that he did work hard with his hands to weave. His face however shows signs that he was already having doubts about the welfare of his family and their survival. The manifest glow that he must have once had was now replaced by the look of heavy thoughts. This came from the burden of providing for his family by way of very unfamiliar and uncorrectable means. He had already lost a great deal of money in the familys traveling expenses and overpaid for t heir property. They paid way too much for the disgrace and for the oxen, horses and cookstove (22). Mr. Shimerda must not have thought that he would have to support his family by means of plowing fields for food and actually building a home from materials gathered from the earth. He was a businessman and made a life for his family in Bohemia by working. He was a weaver by workmanship had been a skil... ...tely the Shimerdas were the only Bohemian family for miles. Something as tragic as his suicide would surely bring at least some compassion from someone in the community towards his family. Mr. Shimerda had run out of options to choose from and decided that he could do nothing more and finally gave up. And of course it was not until his suicide that neighbors, such as the postmaster and the father of the German family, did finally come out of the woodwork, most likely out of shame for not doing anything about a known family in need. The intelligence information of what had happe ned over there had somehow got abroad through the snow-blocked country (88). And that spring, neighbors helped build a new home for the family and helped get the farm working. The Shimerdas were in their new enter house by then. The neighbors had helped them build it in March (95). Mr. Shimerdas suicide ultimately was a determining factor with getting the help he ask for his familys survival. This could have been something he thought about when he took his own life. Regardless, if it were not for his inability to provide an adequate life for his family in the new country, Mr. Shimerda never would have committed suicide.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Retail Inventory :: essays research papers fc
Retail Inventory-Level Planning consists of retail inventory method ( mouth) which is an accounting procedure whose objectives are to maintain a perpetual. It everywherely can book inventory in retail dollars amounts and to maintain records that make it possible to determine the cost look on of the inventory at any meter without taking a physical inventory. Also known as book inventory system or perpetual book inventory. Retailers also have some other important choice to make the stock to sales ratio. The stock to sales ratio is derived directly from the planned inventory to determine monthly additions to stock in the merchandise budget plan. Retailers generally think of their inventory at retail price levels rather than at cost. Retailers workout their initial markups, additional markups, and markdowns, and so forrader as percentages of retail. When retailers compare their prices to competitors, they use retail prices. The problem is that when retailers to design their finan cial plans, evaluate performance, and prepare financial statements, they need to know the cost value of their inventory. Retailers use physical inventories. This process is time consuming and costly. Retailers take physical inventories once or twice a year. Many retailers use point of sale terminals that advance track of every item sold its original cost, and its final selling price. The rest of the retailers face a problem of not knowing the cost value of their inventory at one time. These retailers with either computerized or manual systems can use retail inventory method. Their are five advantages for using RIM over a system of inventory at cost. The does not have to cost each time. When retailers have many SKUs, keeping track of each item becomes embarrassing and expensive. It is easier to determine the value of inventory with the retail prices marked on the merchandise than unmarked or at coded cost prices. The second advantage for using RIM is that it follows the accepted ac counting principal of valuing assets at cost or market value, which is lower. This system lowers the value of inventory when markdowns are taken but does not ply inventorys value increase with additional markups. When using RIM, the amounts and percentages of initial markups, markdowns, and shrinkage can be identified. This information can then be compared with historic records or industry norms.RIM is useful for determining shrinkage. The difference between the book inventory and the physical inventory can be attributed to shrinkage.
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table Essay -- capital violenc
Gawain and Capital ViolenceIn almost every example of amatory epics, and definitely every story concerning King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the characters carefully adhere to a strict code known as the chivalric code.. The five principal(prenominal) tenets of chivalric code or in other words the ennoblely code are showing courage and bravery, being honest, having honor and being prise among peers, being kind to others, and being courteous and well-mannered especi aloney toward females. Gawain is the very embodiment of these chivalric values but through his encounter with the Green knight and the lady he fails to uphold the code because of its rigidness and strictness.. Violence is the mechanism that Gawain uses to gain his capital which is honor and the upholding of the chivalric code. Even though violence does excrete Gawain to respect and honor in the end of the poem Gawain points out how cowardly it is to follow a code that is so strict, that it allows no room for any benignant mistakes and that he was justified in trying to save his life-time over his honor.Sir Gawain fulfills his requirements of the five tenets right from the beginning of the poem, as he shows courage and why he can be seen as the greatest knight in the round table. Sir Gawain asks Arthur to allow him to take the challenge. When the Green Knight first challenges the knights in Arthurs Court, it is King Arthur who takes up the challenge at first. But Gawain is quick to step in take the place of King Arthur as he says I am the weakest of your warriors and feeblest of wit deviation of my life would be grieved the least (Gawain 354-355). Gawain does not think highly of himself and feels that the only reason he is a knight of Arthurs court is because he is Arthurs nephew... ...rtesy toward females are all tested in the poem. Sir Gawain who is supposed to embody these principles is tested by the Green knight and the lady and he fails to uphold the chivalric code. The fai lure leaves Gawain scarred for life but it also reflects a change in attitude towards capital violence and the role that it should play in the knights life. Gawain makes clear that there is a cumber to how loyal and strict a knight can be when he is following the chivalric code and that the demands of the code are so immense that in the end a knight will fail to uphold the code. But this failure to uphold the code and not adhering to capital violence does not show cowardliness and is in reality just human mistakes that are expected and are justifiedWorks CitedArmitage, Simon. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight A current Verse Translation. New York W.W. Norton, 2008. Print.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Analysis on Marx’s Historical Materialism Essay examples -- Political
As one of greatest figures in human history, Karl Marx introduced non only Communism but also diachronic materialism to us. harmonise to historical materialism, the mode of production would determine and foster mankinds ideas, values, and beliefs. Many opponents of Marx attacked his impossible Communism but neglected his contribution in defining the kind among important production elements. This paper would explain the theme of historical materialism and probed the relationship between knowingness and mode of production. Then, this paper would analyze how division of repulse affect mode of production and conclude that historical materialism was realistic and applicable. Marx defined historical materialism in the preface of A Contribution to the pass judgment of Political Economy that, it is not the consciousness of men that determines their reality, on the contrary, their social existence that determines their consciousness. In contrast to idealism, which prioritized the value of human ideas, historical materialism insisted that the existence of human kinds pushed the productions and mode of production shaped human consciousness in return. The contradictory between Idealism and historical materialism lie between whether it was evolvement of consciousness steering for societal changes or the other way around. While choosing one of them as individual political philosophy, it was very similar of answering question, which came first, chicken or egg? Personally, I favor for historical materialism for consciousness is determined by your beings seems rational as well as logical. So what is consciousness? According to Marx, Consciousness can never be anything else than conscious existence, and the existence of men is t... ... future stage would follow Marxs blueprint or not. This beautiful motion picture was worth of dreaming. Comparing with Idealism, which stressed the human ideas capabilities in shaping societies, I felt historical materialism was more reali stic and applicable. Despite the communisms unclear future, the equation between mode of production and consciousness (or ideas and values) was very understandable and logical. I was convinced by the theme of historical materialism, which was life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by life. (Marx 155) Works CitedBrooks, Mick. What Is Historical Materialism. Maxism. 14 Nov. 2002. Web. 25 May 2012. .Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. The German Ideology. The Marx-Engels Reader. Ed. Robert C. Tucker. New York Norton, 1978. 146-200. Print
The Power of Tuesday :: Definition Essays
The Power of TuesdayThe word Tuesday originates from the name of the God of war, sky, and courage known as Tiw who was one of the Anglo-Saxon Gods. in that location are many different translations of his name, which are Tiwaz, Tyr, Ziu, or Tir (The Nordic Story, p.1). The Germanic translation of Tuesday was Tiwes-daeg or the day of Tiw (Tiwesdaeg, p.1). Tiw was one of the just about powerful, original, and oldest gods known to the Anglo-Saxons and Germanic people. Tuesday to us today is the second day of the week. People also celebrate Mardi Gras, which is known as Fat Tuesday in New Orleans. There they celebrate by having a big feast. Tiw was one of the most powerful gods during the Germanic period hardly was eventually overthrown by other gods. Even though he was overthrown, he was still a strong symbol to the people. When the people went to war, they had a symbol of him stamped on their weapons representing his strong role as the god of war (Tiw, p.1). During the Roman period, Tuesday was known as dies Martis or the day of Mars (Tiw, p.1). There is also a story about how Tiw (in the Roman times known as Tyr) loses his hand to Fenris the wolf that many of the gods fear (The Nordic story, p.2). The story says that the gods try to tie up Fenris so that he can not hurt anyone, but they had to trick him with a string specially made. They finally get Fenris to allow them to tie him up by betting to see how strong he is. adept of them has to put his hand in Fenriss mouth so that he would think they are not tricking him. Since most of the gods fear Fenris, the only god brave comely to put his hand in his mouth is Tyr.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
Michael NaoumProfessor GurfienINBS 250-0412 December 2013Exports vs. ImportsExports and imports may seem like two simple words throughout the English language. Many individuals get word exports and imports as straightforward concepts that are used on an everyday basis. However, these terms have more personality then the normal dictionary definition that the second-rate person abides by. Exports and imports have a weighty impact on the consumer and the parsimoniousness around them. Currently, the world is changing into a global economy this means, that every countries economy has an impact on another. For example, if the United States economy were to collapse, this would have a large effect on the Chinese economy due to the fact that, exports and imports play a large role in this. This may be a hard concept to grasp but topics such as, effects on economy, effect of flip-flop rates and the effect of inflation and interest rates are areas which when explained, will clear up most gre y areas for the average individual. To begin, gross domestic increase is a key concept to understand which invo...
Essay --
Michael NaoumProfessor GurfienINBS 250-0412 December 2013Exports vs. ImportsExports and imports may seem standardised two simple words throughout the English language. Many individuals understand exports and imports as straightforward excogitations that are used on an everyday basis. However, these terms name more personality then the normal dictionary definition that the average person abides by. Exports and imports have a weighty impact on the consumer and the economy about them. Currently, the world is changing into a global economy this means, that every countries economy has an impact on another. For example, if the United States economy were to collapse, this would have a large power on the Chinese economy due to the fact that, exports and imports play a large role in this. This may be a hard concept to grasp but topics such as, effects on economy, effect of exchange rates and the effect of inflation and interest rates are areas which when explained, will stimulate up mos t grey areas for the average individual. To begin, gross domestic product is a key concept to understand which invo...
Monday, May 27, 2019
First Day of School Essay
Life is full of storms and difficulties. A college tooshie guess your life be changing after you walked into the campus at first day in college. I used to think just round the class in college which is different from in towering school. Those people who are older than me, they have told me that college would be new life for me. That college would show me what is the differently between college and high school. I was originally wondering about it, I didnt know anything since the first year and first day. Everything I knew before I went to college that was I had to studied more harder, and I wont have many friends like I did in high school. The most things that I was interesting is about the soma class, the education, the campuses. They took me to a new look, and they show me what is real college life.see moremy first day at school paragraphI wasnt thinking the differently from high school to college is big deal, plainly I have a bit scared when I went into the campus, and I have seen many students that I didnt know any iodine of them. First class were surprise me because that was about 20 to 30 students only, but they arent friend to severally other. I went to my class early so that I rat get a good seat close to teacher, and I can meet my classmate. That was lucky because I just met a old friend from high school in the first class. Therefore, the class is not so scaring anymore and everything is seemed to be better than before. After the first class, I just knew another things, that is college students didnt like to make friends like we did in high school. They came to class to record the lecture then they left the class after the lecture through without any talk.Colleges course classes are really differently. First, the college classes are taking more time than the high school, they are taking about two hour for each day. All I could do in class that was hearing the lecture from professor. That was not really for all class, there was some professor s let us doing group works. The professors tried to ease students had more time to knew each other, and they worked better in their works. The lecture istaking about two hour, it made the students fall in sleep easy. Now is one another thing, I did not realize that colleges student could wear whatever they want it doesnt matter with the uniform. Students cant talk to each other during lecture that is reason students are not so friendly when they tried to ask the other about homework or any assignment. However, students can leave early before class end 15 minutes or 20 minutes early,In high school, students would get their assignments and homework from the professors in class, but that was not for college. Everything are in online and website, assignments, homework, projects, including lecture summaries. All the assignment and homework had dude day, it really could help students have more time to do their work, and they will management their time life more easy. In high school, teac her always gave us homework before we left class, and turn them in next day. I knew sometime we wont have enough time, but that is more helpful to students because they would catch up and learned more about what they learned in class that day. All the course class, they have a schedule for lecture, tests, quiz and the final. The professors did that because they didnt want the students miss any test or final. There is no time to make up any test if we are absent and miss those test.College is having many campuses, those are really cool and larger than the high school campus. I knew it is unfair compare but that is truth, there is some class have around 100 students in one lecture. virtually college campuses are really big with 3 or 4 floors up, each one have more than 50 rooms to be laboratory, class rooms, electronic computer labs. Students can have free internet to research and doing their homework without going home. The library have all the kind of books, it is helping student s find their book easy, and students can use the desktop in library to do their project.I think college is a new world, and new life, that is giving me more option, surprises and difficulties. College is changing my angle own(prenominal) life, it gave me the knowledge and the differently between high school and college. I sum up my College life as an impactful one, but I think I couldve done better to be someone I hope to be. Ive learnt to change my own view after I saw everything college in front of my eyes, it is not that difficult likethe other people told me before. All the things, The course class, the education, the campuses are totally changing my to new life.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Business document comparisons Essay
Document name Public council earn Thank you letter for participating in a marathon for a charity office of the document To inform a member of the community to put a halt to the constant barking of their dog between certain times of the night To primp a member who took part in the run of a marathon for charity and thank him/her for His/her efforts in participation. Also inform the participant of his/her position in the competition. Target audience Specified house owner ages 18+ Specified participant in competition. Writing style and tone.Formal language but indite so that the matter is taking seriously with no use of passive language i. e. please can you stop that dog barking, but dont worry if you cant do it straight away because this takes a sense of seriousness away from the letter. A congratulating and formal passage of writing. Specified to respect the receiving system and his/her efforts. Presentation style This document is not set out to attract or catch the eyes of people it is purely to present the pass catcher with the map/problem. So a variety of colours and shades are not used as there is no reason to. This document is based as a certificate with a letter.As it was produced to congratulate someones achievement. it has lots of colours and images on the topic of sport. Layout Logo. Address of recipient and councils address. Text (the main(prenominal) point/purpose of the document). Signature from person who wrote the letter. Logo. Address of recipient and councils address. Text (the main point/purpose of the document). Signature from person who wrote the letter. Accuracy, clarity and consistency The letter was made for its purpose the letter goes straight to the point and does need anything else. The writing is specific and formal, with no spelling mistakes.It is also sticking to specifics and with formal language. It is more recipient friendly, what I mean by this is that the language is congratulatory towards the person and is of less urgenc y, in the way that something has been done wrong and needs to be acted on. What I would cleanse I dont think there is any improvement needed on this invoice, it has said what it has needed to and given the appropriate details for the recipient This is a good letter but I think there is an area of improvement for the presentation style. doyen smith 11k Letter comparison Dean smith 11k Letter comparison.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Making Habits
We want from our target market to make a habit of eating their meals in our restaurants. If we ar able to reach them, this will help us to grow at the end of the first year. In addition to this, we deliver another objective which is to decrease the bit of throng who argon not certified and stack who are resisting to not purchase our goods. In this case, we are planning to encourage them to taste our products and take their opinions about them to adjust our goods according to their needs and wants.Stressing our hawkish advantage to our target customers is our another goal which makes them loyal to our restaurants.Identify the marketing segment for the product and explain why this segment was selected. Because we are producing healthy profuse foods for opposite diet programs, mass marketing does not fit our marketing strategy. therefore we segment the market based on Demographics.For example, if gender is taken into consideration, wo patch and man should take different amoun t of calories per day in rig to carry on their daily activities. Besides, amount of calories are taken by young people, adults, and decrepit people changes as well according to their heights, weights, and activity levels.Therefore when our customers come to our restaurants, they should be able to find a food that best fits their diet in order to be satisfied. Moreover, we besides segment the market based on geographic as well. In this case, we are planning to run our business in unite States because there is a high demand for healthy foods since people want to live healthy and longer.Discuss the target market and why these customers will be targeted. We segmented market according to peoples ages and genders. We decided to target people whose ages are between 18 and 64 or more and move to figure out the market size.According to US and World Population Clocks in the US Census Bureau web page, there are 309,092,421 people living in America now. Again, according to the report poste d on US Census Bureau, Meyer (2001) stated that people whose age is under 18 is 26 percent, people whose age is between 18 and 64 is 62 percent and people whose age is more than 64 is 12 percent of US population.So if we assume that the percentage of people whose ages are between 18 and 64 or more remain unchanged from 2000 to 2010, the total population of young people, adults and fourth-year people is now 228,728,319. 62%+12%=74%, 309,092,421? 74%). Moreover, if we assume that 50 percent of this amount is woman and 50 percent of it man. So we have 114,364,159 men and 114,364,159 women whose ages are between 18 and 64 or more. This is a huge number and it seems that targeting this segment is profitable. Furthermore, this market size can grow in the future because in 2000 the total US population was approximately 281 million according to US Census Bureau 2000 report. (Meyer 2001).Today, as I mentioned above it is virtually 309 million. Conduct a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunit ies and treats analysis for company. sensation of our strengths is posting healthy foods. Our menu contains foods that they are rich in terms of protein, vitamins, mineral etc. which play an meaning(a) role in the structure of human body. Secondly, while we are preparing our menu, we consult nutritionists about the ingredients, the types to enhance the variety and cooking techniques. In addition to this, our customers can pull in from the nutritionist answer on every Mondays, and Fridays between 1-5pm. They can ask their questions and have a chance to take medical support.Moreover, we are using total and fresh foods while we are cooking and these vegetables and ruits are produced and picked diligently. This is also one of our strengths that help us to meet our customers expectations. Unfortunately, we have also some weaknesses as well. One of the most important weaknesses of our healthy fast food restaurant is our prices. To produce organic vegetables and fruits is very costly . Therefore this is meditateed in prices of those kinds of products. Because organic foods are crucial ingredients of our foods, we also have to reflect the prices of vegetables and fruits to our food prices in order to make profit.In addition to this, because we do not head any unhealthy foods such as heat up chicken, fried potato, hamburger etc. our foods may not fit the peoples tastes. Beside our strengths and weaknesses, we have also some opportunities coming from macro environment.Firstly, people make do eating in Unites States and they like to know about different and new foods. In addition to this, United States is the best place to run a fast food restaurant because of being a home country of fast food industry. Secondly, number of obese people is increasing day by day in United States because of overeating fast foods.Since these kinds of meals are unhealthy and they can cause serious health problems, this makes people more conscious while they are making decision about food choices. Therefore they tend to eat more healthy foods. Thirdly, organic food industry is growing in Unites States and people tend to consume organic foods because of being healthful compared to regular vegetables and fruits.Furthermore, number one fast food chains such as McDonalds, Burger King, etc. do not offer rich healthy meals alternative to unhealthy ones. In this case, consumers are in pursuit of healthy food restaurants.Lastly, in United States engine room is advanced a lot to prepare fast and healthy foods. This leads fast food restaurants to work more efficient. We also have some threats caused by macro environment as well. For example, people may not have enough purchasing power to buy healthy foods. In this case unhealthy foods seems cheaper to them. Therefore they may tend to prefer unhealthy fast food restaurants.Besides, organic foods are expensive. As a result, restaurants that are not using organic foods trip lower prices to their meals compared to restaura nts that use those kinds of egetables and fruits. Moreover, eating hamburger, fried potato, fried chicken, cheese burger, etc. can seem more attractive to customers. Therefore customers may prefer places that offer those foods. Describe the market position for your product and service When we are positioning our product, the quality and the price are taken into consideration and we compared our product with the one that is produced by our competitors.In the fast food market, we have many competitors however our number one and well known competitors are McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Taco Bell, Wendys and others.In figure one, circles which are depicted closely represent our competitors and the upper circle represents our fast food company. The competitors circles are depicted closely because they are perceived more or slight the same by consumers. For example, their menus and prices are more or less the same. They are using nearly same strategies. For instance, both Burger King an d McDonalds have the dollar menus. Although our competitors offer some kinds of healthy foods such as salads, grilled chicken, etc. they are still selling unhealthy foods.On the other hand, our companys number one strength is always serving healthy foods to our customers. Besides, we are offering free dietician service for our customers. Our customers can ask their questions and get a customized service. In light of these facts, our product quality is high relative to our competitors. price Xs Healthy Fast Food Restaurant Low qualityHigh quality Our competitors lick 1 Perceptual Map In addition to our product quality, our products prices are also higher than the average prices as well. Because organic foods prices are high, we have to reflect this to our prices.According to figure 1 it can be seen that our competitors dominate us in terms of prices.However, we also dominate them in terms of product quality as well. Recommendations Service is an in transparent product and Xs Healthy Fast Food Restaurants are producing both tangible product (i. e. food) and intangible product (i. e. dietician service). In service industry customer satisfaction is very important. If a company satisfies their customers needs and wants, they become loyal.Therefore management should know whether their customers are happy with the service provided or not. This is the case that Xs Healthy Fast Food Restaurant can be face with. Therefore we should do some surveys to measure the satisfaction level of our customers about the service quality.There are many tools to do this. For example, Winner (2004) stated that One of the most customary approaches to measuring service quality is the SERVQUAL instrument (p. 418). In this type of questionnaire there are several questions that measure the quality of service.If we put servqual surveys on customers table and pray to fill them after they finish their meal we can measure the satisfaction level of our customers by looking the results and this helps us to improve our service quality. Because service is an intangible product, customers may not know what they are buying until they buy.One author said that the service providers task is to make the service tangible in one or more ways (Kotler 1999 p. 648). In this case, we should find some ways to make our product tangible.For example, if we give importance to keep our restaurants clean, our customers may think that we prepare our foods diligently. Providing a qualified and quick service can be another way to make our product tangible. If consumers see how we deliver our service quickly, they always prefer us.ReferencesKotler, P. (1999). Principles of marketing. New Jersey PrenticeHall Winner, S. R. (2004). Marketing management New Jersey Pearson PrenticeHall Meyer, J. (2001). Age2000. US Census Bureau. Retrieved April 8, 2010 from http//www. census. gov/prod/2001pubs/c2kbr01-12. pdf
Thursday, May 23, 2019
STP analysis on sunsilk Essay
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the guidance and support you have provided me during the course of this report. Without your help, this report would have been impossible to complete. To clear the report we collected what we believe to be most relevant information to make our report as reliable as possible. We have concentrated our take up effort to achieve the objectives of the report and hope that our endeavor will serve the purpose. The practical knowledge and experience ga on that pointd during report preparation will infinitely help in our future professional life. We request you to excuse us for any mistake that may occur in the report de scandalise of our surmount effort. We would really appreciate it you enlighten us with your thoughts and views regarding the report. Also, if you wish toenquire about an aspect of our report, we would gladly answer your queries.Executive SummaryUnilever is an Anglo-Dutch company, with a archives of august operation , on which it has gradually built its capital. Today it owns most of the worlds consumer convergence brands in food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal c are products. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is one of the worlds most successful fast moving consumer goods manufacturing companies with local manufacturing facilities, reporting to regional business groups for innovation and business conduces. Unilever brands are trusted everywhere and, by listen to the people who buy them, theyve grown into one of the worlds most successful consumer goods companies. In fact, 150 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product.Unilever Bangladesh Limited has v departments to carry out all the organizational functions. Our report is on STP synopsis on Sunsilk.This report is designed in trio chapters. Initially the opening words about the report were described in the first atom titled Introduction where we discuss about Overview of Unilever contains the history of Unilever, U nilever Bangladesh Ltd, and Organizational structure. Next chapter is on STP analysis. And in last part we give the conclusion and Bibliography.IntroductionThe main objective of this report is to have an estimation about STP analysis. How they manage all their market segmentation, Target market and their positioning. Here we give brief idea about the company, perseverance and product.Company OverviewUnilever is a corporation, formed of Anglo Dutch parentage that owns many of the worlds consumer brands in foods, beverages, agents and personal care. It was created in 1930 by the merger of British soap Br new(prenominal)s and Dutch glycerol trimargarate producer Margarine Unit. In the 1930s the business of Unilever grew and new ventures were launched in Latin. Since then Unilever has made tremendous growth, going through economic crises like the showtimeWorld War and the Great Depression. Today the company is fully multinational with operating companies in all over 100 countries, employing about 179000 employees. With the onset of the 21stcentury, Unilever implemented a strategy known as Path to Growth to transform business and to launch their Vitality mission.With 400 brands spanning 14 categories of home, personal care and foods products, no other company touches so many peoples lives in so many different ways. 150 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product. From feeding ones family to keeping ones home clean and fresh, Unilever brands are part of everyday life. Unilevers mission is to minimal brain damage Vitality to life. It meets every day submits for nutrition hygiene and personal care with brands that help people look good, pure tone good and get to a greater extent out of life. Here we give the SWOT analysis of UnileverSWOT analysisThe following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company and describes the opportunities and threats facing Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.StrengthsIn depth industry exper ience and insightLargest tot of share in the marketHaving a good be of established brandsAn excellent distribution communicateCompetitive advantagesWeaknessesReliance on outside raw materialsSo many substitutes acquirable in the marketLack of control in the market. If any respite arises between company and distributor then the whole market suffers.Lack of informational reliability, since the market is too largeOpportunitiesParticipation within a growing industryUtilization of changing lifestyle of people for increasing demandScope of expanding the market vertically and horizontallyApplication of new tactics and surprise packages turning point marketingThreatsThreats of the market challengersA negative effect on peoples spending because of the current financial crisisExistence of political unrest though out the countryThe motto of Unilever is to hold its strengths the longest time possible. It is also working constantly with a view to using its opportunities at best. In spite of being the market leader Unilever Bangladesh has some weaknesses and threats. Its research department is working hard to make strategies to overcome those weaknesses and threats.Product OverviewSunsilk is a tomentumsbreadth care brand, in the beginning aimed at women, produced by the Unilever group, which is now considered the worlds leading company in pilus conditioning and the second largest in shampoo.Sunsilk is Unilevers leading hair care brand, and ranks as one of the Anglo-Dutch conglomerates billion dollar brands. Sunsilk shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products are sell in 69 countries worldwide. Sunsilk is sold under a variety of different names in markets around the world including Elide, Seda and Sedal. The brand is strongest in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and is the number one hair care brand in India, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Thailand.Sunsilk was launched in the UK in 1954, and by 1959 it was available in 18 diffe rent countries worldwide. At the time, Sunsilk had an advantage over other shampoos in the market as it only needed one application, and so meant washing less natural oils from the hair. Sunsilkcream shampoo for dry hair was launched in 1956 and from 2009 Sunsilk started working with a number of professional hair undecomposeds to develop new and improved products. Each hair issue variant links to an expert with the relevant specialist hair knowledge. For example, Dr Francesca Fusco, a New York dermatologist, co-created a hair fall variant for the brand.The lineup also includes Jamal Hammadi for Black Shine, Rita Hazan for Vibrant Color, berth Charles for Plumped up Volume, Thomas Taw for Damage Reconstruction, Ouidad for Defined Curls and Yuko Yamashita inventor of Japanese hair straightening process YUKO for Perfect Straight. Due to need of shampoo for oily hair and dandruff unilever launch a new variant of Sunsilk having citrus extracts. The range consists of SunsilkYellow Sun silk with Bio Proteins from Vegetable ExtractsNormal hair needs wholesome nourishment. New Sunsilk with Bio Protein extracted from Vegetable draw has nutrients that deeply penetrate each hair strand, to nourish it leaving hair strong and beautiful.Black Sunsilk with Melanin from Plant ExtractsDull hair needs a liberal black shine. New Sunsilk with Melanin extracted from plants serves this purpose very effectively. It helps in the growth and retention of the black color of hair, giving it a rich black shine.Green Sunsilk with Fruitamins Vitamins from product ExtractsThin and limp hair needs extra soundbox and volume. New Sunsilk with Fruitamins has natural extracts from fruit that contains Vitamins. These vitamins help in giving extra body, shine and surprise manageability to the thinning and lifeless hair.Pink Sunsilk with yoghurt proteinsDry hair needs wholesome conditioning, extra shine and style. New Sunsilk with yoghurt proteins makes the dry hair full of life. Its especial ingredients moisturize each hair right to its tips leaving it shiny and beautiful.Orange Sunsilk with active nutrients from Citrus ExtractsThe advanced formula of orange Sunsilk is the result of the latest research. This shampoo is especially designed for oily hair type that looks flat and greasy due to the dissipation of moisture. New Sunsilk with active ingredients from citrus extracts cleans the excess oil off hair while its nutrients deeply penetrate each hair strand to nourish it.Industry OverviewIn Bangladesh many brands are available in shampoo category. Unilever, Square Toiletries and P&G are the leading brands. Unilever produces Sunsilk and Clear, Jui is produced by Square and Pantene and Head & Shoulder produced by P&G. Moreover, there are some low brands which are operating in Bangladesh. Unilever grab the highest market share and in the leading position.Figure Market ShareSTP AnalysisSegmentationGeographic SegmentationSunsilk ignored geographic segmentation for product sunsilk segmented the market ground on intermarket segmentation. But sunsilk segmented the market based on geographic segmentation for advertising, promotion and sales efforts. Sunsilk divided the market into three groups.1. European countries2. Middle-East countries3. Asia pacific countriesIn those segment advertising, promotion and sales efforts should bedifferent.Demographic segmentationGenderSunsilk divided the market into two groups based on gender. 1 Male consumer2 Female consumerAge and life roulette wheel stageConsumer needs and wants change with age. Sunsilk divided the egg-producing(prenominal) consumer market into three groups based on age.1. Market segment of female age 16-212. Market segment of female age 22-403. Market segment of female age above 40IncomeSunsilk divided the market based on income. They divided the market into three groups based on income.1. Upper class2. Middle class3. Lower classPsychographicsSocial classInitially they launched sunsilk black shine mainly for high class people and to some extent middle class people. Then, they launched mini pack for the lower class people.BehavioralBenefitBenefit is a fixings which effect on buying decision. Sunsilk divided the market into five groups based on benefits. Each segment required difference benefit. 1. Segment A (who need nourishment for normal hair)2. Segment B (who need a rich black shine for dull hair) 3. Segment C (who need extra body and volume for Thin and limp hair) 4. Segment D (who need conditioning, extra shine and style for dry hair) 5. Segment E (who need oil put out hair for oily hair type that looks flat and greasy due to the excess of moisture)Market TargetingMarket segmentation reveals sunsilks market segment opportunities. In this stage sunsilk had to evaluate the various segments and decide how many and which segments it could serve best.Evaluating market segmentsSunsilk mainly targeted the female segment and ignored the male segment. At first, sunsilk targeted tow segments of female consumer which was segment of female age 16-21 and segment of female age 22-40, but in their promotional activities they focused on all female segments. Sunsilk targeted those segments because those segments were the largest, profitable and there was no strong and aggressive competitor. After, sunsilk targeted the five segments of benefit and they lunched separate product for each segment.Undifferentiated marketingAt first, sunsilk used undifferentiated marketing or mass-marketing strategy and they ignored market segment difference and targeted the whole market with one offer.Differentiated marketingSunsilk also practice differentiated marketing strategy, they targeted five segments of benefit and they brought variety in their product. They lunched five varieties product for whole market. Sunsilk target five segments and designed separate offer for each segment.PositioningSunsilk is already a renowned brand in the shampoo industry. As we mentioned in the earl ier part of the report, they segmented and targeted their market very carefully. We give the customers more benefits with same amount of price. We try to give the best to the customers.More for MoreMore for sameMore for lessSame for lessLess for lessFor positioning our product our tagline will beWe care about your feelingPositioning StatementTo the young and middle age women, who have dull, oily, rough and dry hair, our sunsilk is hair result that offers stylish, shiny, strong and oil free hair related to the competitors.ConclusionSunsilk is a most prominent shampoo brand in the market. Now, it is consider as a market leader based on market share and the market size. Manufacturer of leading brands, including Fair & Lovely and Lipton Tea, Our brands help people to look good, feel good and get more out of life. Celebrating lifefor over 40 years and today, a company bringing world class consumer products to millions of people in the country we are Unilever.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Compare of the Poets Present Emotions in the Poems In Paris With You and Ghazal
In these poems, the poets use a range of techniques to present feelings and emotion from the point of the speaker. Ghazal is in the style of a traditional Persian love poem, which puts send on powerful imagery and metaphors, in an attempt to summarise the emotion of love, while In capital of France With You is a playful attempt to woo a previous lover in a more informal, colloquial mood. Ghazal, as mentioned before, is written like a love poem. However, one may consider it an example of role reversal- unusually it is written from the point of view of a woman, not a man.Although it is not a sonnet, the form of poem is a Ghazal- this is a type of song, of mystical love poetry we can thus compargon it to a sonnet in the way that love is explored as a theme. It is structured in rhyming couplets- these can be described like poems themselves, as they capture the speakers tough feeling of attachment. These also contain refrain words, which help to drive in the points beingness made, s uch as me, which forms part of the weak rhyme scheme.The love in the poem can be seen in the first stanza- If I am the grass and you the breeze, blow through me/ If I am the rose and you the bird, thence woo me. These examples of natural imagery mean we can see how the idea of the speaker and the person they address being together is beneficial- in fact, drawing from the imagery, we could go shape up and say that the idea is a natural (good) thing. Another emotion present is longing. This is the feeling of desperation to be with the other person talked to.Focusing on the language used, Ghazal makes wide use of metaphors to explore the relationship between the speaker and the person they feel love for. Many of the metaphors are in the form of pairs of items or objects that complement for each one other, reflecting the way in which the speaker sees the relationship. For example, what shape should I take to marry your own, have you- hawk to my shadow, moth to my flame pursue me? s howcases the idea that the speaker is willing to modify to suit the other, in what shape. This could also be a cue to the reader that the writer is perhaps lacking in some confidence..Another example is If you are the rhyme and I the refrain dont hang/ on my lips, come and Ill come too when you cue me using enjambment to keep an eye on the poem flowing like a song. Also, the deuce sides of a relationship are likened to being like the rhyme and refrain, which suggests a sense of the two people being one unit together. This refrain could be the word me because it appears so frequently in comparison, it could be a representation of the lover exhibit inferiority to the one she loves, and desperation. In Paris with You is a poem with a theme of longing also.The speaker is this time a man recounting a relationship he had moved on from. Perhaps this could have been partly due to a certain partiality to drinking alcohol, which we are told about in And I get tearful/when Ive had a drink or two. Im on the rebound shows that it must have been rather long-term, if he is describing a recovery from it. Unlike Ghazal, which is less clear about the outcome, In Paris with You suggests that the relationship is a reality. The poem, unlike Ghazal, is made up of two stanzas of about 5 lines, which deal with the run-up to the situation, and then a longer one in the middle,.It could be argued that this represents a pause for thought, as then the mood, or note of hand, of the poem changes, as in the next two stanzas, the speaker focuses on enjoying the present, such as that crack across the ceiling/ and the hotel walls are peeling/ and Im in Paris with you, which shows that the speaker does not care for the surroundings when he is with the woman he loves. Indeed, this could be described as the summary of the poem, or meaning- us being together is far more important than being in traditional romantic and beautiful locations, such as the Notre Dame (more beautiful than romantic), wh ich he like a shot tells to sod off.In terms of language, the opening is not like Ghazals in the respect that it starts with the negative but, to discourage the person he is talk to from talk(ing) to me of love. This is an opportunity to recognise the colloquial nature of the poem, such as the use of the phrases an earful, and sod off to sodding Notre-Dame. This contrasts heavily with the more formal, overwritten tone present in Ghazal. We can also see this as the speaker makes words to carry on his rhyme scheme, such as wounded/ quarantined, which brings a playful nature.Similarly, the final stanza draws heavily on the phrase in Paris with you, to show the importance of being with the person he wants to be with, and then am I embarrassing you? is used to add to the teasing nature of the tone. Looking to the tone, which we have just looked at, I believe that another emotion brought forward is playfulness, in the way that more orthodox methods of seducing people are turned down i n favour of just being with each other, albeit in a way that uses references to embarrassing ideas about romance, and love poems.In conclusion, the two poems Ghazal and In Paris with You deal with the same topics of love and longing, using techniques such as imagery, contrast, and metaphor carry through these pictures, but the latter feels more like a pastiche to the first in the way that its colloquial and abrupt humorous tone is a juxtaposition to the comparatively formal of the first.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The New Yorker July 21, 2008 Cover: Satire or Racist?
On the fourth week of July 2008, people were astonished as The wise Yorker Magazine g extendd the stands. The cover page showed Barry Blitts illustration depicting gibe Obama wearing a traditional Moslem outfit with a white hoodlum or taqiyah, a white robe or thawb in sporty brown overtones covering a pair of black boxers and brown sandals. Obamas taqiyah covered a turban that showed his ear prominently unlike mall Eastern Arab turbans that cover their ears. Moreover, his thawb length is midway between the knee and the ankle which reflects an orthodox Muslim dress code.Obama is also shown doing a knuckle greeting with his married woman Michelle that Fox advanceds E. D. Hill calls a terrorist fist jab that is usually seen used by other prominent terrorists (The Acropolis). Mean slice, Michelle Obama was shown in an afro hairstyle, a black blouse, mask pants and combat shoes. She also has a bandolier and a grayish-greenish, banana-type assault rifle slung at her back. The rifl e looked much like an AK47 variant without the AKs hallmark brown, wooden contain.Barrack and Michelle stood at the oval office in a happy demeanor. Barrack was portrayed with his usual serious, but smiling face while Michelles smile was much obvious that revealed her prominent cheekbones in a blush. Michelle stood by the left side while Barrack stood by the right side. At Barracks back is a golden framed half-faced portrait of Osama Bin Laden in pure white cap and robe and estimable below the portrait is a fireplace showing the American yield with flames but non until now burnt.The New Yorkers cover page for sure had shock value yet after c arful thought and research, the illustration was in reality a chaff rather than a racist statement. According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a satire is a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn and trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to kick downstairs and discredit vice or folly (satire).Th e Encyclopedia Britannica further elaborates that a satire is an artistic form, chiefly literary and dramatic, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, burlesque, irony, parody, caricature, or other methods, slightlytimes with an intent to inspire social reform (satire). Racism, on the other hand, is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race and racial prejudice or discrimination according to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (racism).Racism is further elaborated as any action, practice, or belief that saysthat manhood are divided into separate and exclusive biological entitiesand thata causal link between inherited physical traits,personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral featuresmakesome racesinnately superior than others by the Encyclopedia Britannica (raci sm). As a satire, the illustration has a meaning behind it and should not be taken literally as what it is shown.However, some people will easily take the meaning of the illustration as a racist statement and think that the artist, Barry Blitt, thinks Barrack Obama and Michelle are not worthy to lead this country. The New Yorker Magazine has been published since February 21, 1925 and is sold nationwide. Its format deals with policy-making commentary and cartoon covers that are somewhat unreal yet jolly.It is also quite proud of its Cartoon Bank and sells prints ofcartoons and covers A quick view on the contents of its July 20, 2009 issue show some topics as follows a) Hendrik Hertzberg on Sarah Palin b) John Colapinto on Senator Al Franken and c) Elizabeth Colbert on Americas obesity problem, to name a few. The Obama cartoon was published on July 21, 2008 right at the come alive of the US chairwomanial Election campaigns. Various rumors during that time have circulated accusing B arrack Obama as a radical Muslim who will not evidence the pledge of allegiance (Snopes. om, Barrack Obama) and have sworn in on the Quran as Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison did (The Acropolis) (Snopes. com, Who is Barrack Obama).Issues also included President Barrack Hussein Obama Juniors middle name Hussein which was associated with former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein (Snopes. com, Who is Barrack Obama). Moreover, Obamas wife, Michelle, was not spared from close public scrutiny. Her undergraduate thesis at the Princeton University in 1985 with the statement blacks must join in solidarity to combat a white oppressor has been quoted out of mise en scene (Snopes. om, Michelle Obamas Thesis) and detractors have associated such statement with Black Panther Party for Self Defense policy-making activist, Angela Yvonne Davis (Davis). The State of California charged Davis as an accomplice to conspiracy, kidnapping, and homicide for the shotgun registered to her name that killed Judge Harold Haley in an escape attempt of the Soledad Brothers that the Black Panthers supported (Davis). Davis has been acquitted then she temporarily relocated to Cuba to begin with sacking back to the United States and ran as a candidate for the Communist Party USA (Davis).With these rumors, the Blitt cartoon cover for the New Yorker can now be more than easily understood. Obama has been dressed as an orthodox Muslim to depict rumors about him as an Islamic radical. In addition, since Obama has been educated in Indonesia as a kid, his Muslim attire closely resembled Indonesian Muslim dress codes rather than the Middle Eastern Muslims. Accusations against Obama for his unpatriotic behavior have also been symbolized by the American flag thrown into the flames of the Oval built in beds fireplace. Michelle has also been portrayed in an Afro hairstyle that was synonymous to Angela Davis.Moreover, since Davis had ties to Cuba, Michelle was dressed as a Revolutionary in camouflage pants with an assault rifle at her back that looked like an AK47a popular symbol among Communist revolutionaries. It can now also be easily discerned why Osama Bin Ladens portrait was in the backdrop. First, Obama sounded like Osama. Second, Obamas middle name Hussein is the same as former Iraqi dictator Saddam Husseins. These two world figures tied Obama to the rumors that Barrack was a Muslim extremist. As John Aravosis of Weblog described the cartoon New Yorker thinks its funny to make Mrs.Obama some radical black panther, Barrack Obama basically a terroristand theyre even burning the American flag in the Oval Office (Stirland). The New Yorker cover on Barrack and Michelle Obama is a satire for the following reasons a) the magazine has a reputation for satirical cartoons portraying political issues and personalities b) the artist, Barry Blitt, is a cognize satirist and has made statements on the issues and rumors surrounding Obama and c) the cartoon or prowess itself is full o f symbolisms that convey irony and sarcasm.Following the same track, Blitts illustration is really not a racist statement against Barrack Obama because the New Yorker is a liberal, cosmopolitan publication and the symbolisms of the cartoon show otherwise. A quick look into the New Yorker archives show that the magazine has been consistent since 1925 on its satire, focus on American politics, and political humor. It has developed its reputation along these lines. In a pro-Obama blog entry in The Acropolis, Dylan the blogger has this to say Obviously, the New Yorker cover was satirical. It also elaborates that Even faithful Fox News watchers will have to see the cover and break anchors admit that it is a satirethat the images it depicts are making fun of rumors that are not true. Likewise, in an anti-Obama blog entry in the Old Atlantic beacon notes The New Yorker Magazineis now in full retreat mode to say it was simply mocking Christianity, Israel, America, the West, white people, the Constitution, self rule, and the resistance to Islam. Most of all, New Yorker editor, David Remnick, explained the controversial cover The idea is to attack the lies and misconceptions and distortions about the Obamas and their background and their politics (Stirland). Also, Barry Blitt is a known satirist. He has nine illustrations in the New Yorker with the backup The Politics of Satire. He has also made statements about the cover like I think the idea that the Obamas are branded as unpatriotic in certain sectors is preposterous, and It seemed to me that depicting the concept would show it as the fear-mongering ridiculousness that it is. Most of all, his illustration is titled The Politics of Fear. The title alone that Blitt has coined on his work conveys a message that certain politicians are playing on peoples fear that Obama was black, a Muslim, a terrorist and unpatriotic. Most importantly, the illustration was a satire because the artwork itself is full of symbolisms t hat convey irony and sarcasm. One, the Obamas were smiling. Two, Barracks thawb is not pure white unlike Osama Bin Ladens pure white cap and robe at the backdrop portrait.A pure white cloth has unique symbolisms in the Islamic faith. Three, Michelle crossed her legs while standing up as if crossing her fingers in wishful thinking. Four, the assault rifles color did not really feel like the real AK47 with a brown, wooden stock and wooden barrel encasement. Finally, although the American flag was in the fireplace with flames, the flag was not in flames and is not burning. The flag stayed whole and was not even partly consumed by fire.Nevertheless, some people disagree and contend that the cover was an insult and racist. Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake observed Most people who see this cover are just dismissal to see the image of Obama in a turban. It reinforces a critical piece of misinformation that right wing propagandists have advanced in order to poison the political climate in this country and make it that much more difficult for a person of color to be elected president (Stirland). Roger Simon noted It in all probability doesnt encourage people to vote for him in America today. (Stirland). Likewise, John Aravosis of Weblog said Is the New Yorker so out of touch that they dont acquit that much of America, or at least too much of America, harbors these very concerns about Obama and his wife? (Stirland). Finally, Matt of The Acropolis, sarcastically observed Ive heard so many students at MSU tell me, Aw, come on, man. Everyone knows that guys a freaking Muslim. Ok, maybe it was only, like two students, but Ive heard even more adults say the same thing. Its truly insane. In conclusion, Blitts cartoon cover of The New Yorker magazine is a satire. The magazine is widely known for its criticisms and satires and literary views on social and political issues. This cartoon is not the first satire that The New Yorker had published or Blitt created. The magazine had no bad intentions for Obamas political career or his personal life. The New Yorker was just trying to make business and doing what they were known for. Perhaps people should look more closely before making a judgment when they see something out of the ordinary.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Department of Justice Essay
in that respect seems to be major issue in the case of United States v. Viktor Kozenzy. The specific legal question is whether Viktor Kozenzy, Frederic Bourke, younger and David Pinkerton had faction to violate the Foreign mottle Practices hazard and the Travel Act. on that point are many facts that support this claim. Viktor Kozenzy, Federic Bourke Jr. and David Pinkerton paid and alike caused to be paid bribes to Azeri Officials. They all became shareholders of Oily Rock. Oily Rock invested in Azeri privatization vouchers. They also became part of Minaret as well. Mineret was a party to the co-investment agreement between Oily Rock and the co-investors. There seems to be lots of more facts in this case. The defendants made many corrupt payments, promises, and offers to Senior officials of the Government of Azerbaijan.They all seemed to live with conspiracy to bribe and there are evidence of wire transfers and direct cash payments. They also promised two-thirds of the profit s of Oily-Rock and receive two-thirds of Oily Rock vouchers. There are was also much jewelry exchanged in excess of $600,000 to Azeri officials. The source of my facts came from, it is the official United States Department of Justices website. It is very credible and accurate. There seems to be relevant laws and regulations such as Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Travel Act.The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act made it unlawful to bribe officials. It was passed in 1977. I believe that the court reached the decision by the substantial evidence. There were documented evidence that shows the money laundering, stock options, and wire transfer to foreign officials. I think that the court was correct that the defendant did indeed conspire to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the Travel Act. This situation could be easily avoided if the government officials had personal watching over them or checking the commit accounts. Many of the officials should be watched closel y after and monitored.Works CitedThe United States Deparment of Justice. Retrieved from http//
Consumer Research and Promotional Message Essay
This make-up bequeath focus on the research and promotional message of teenaged consumers in todays social market. The current generation of teenagers is referred to as Generation Y or Millennial and is a rangy portion of the consumer market that attracts companies in gaining large profits. In 2001, according to the National Consumers League (2013), teenagers purchased approximately $172 gazillion dollars.This generation is described as having the following attitudes and beliefs, they argon tech-savvy prefers media based communication, family centric prioritize family over work, attainment oriented confident and ambitious, team oriented loyal, committed, involved, inclusive, and attention craving seeks feedback, guidance, and mentoring (Kane, n. d. ). The manner in which Generation Y views their world has a strong impact on the psychology behind their purchasing decisions.In world able to define the hopes and needs of this generation, venders will enhance their profit. Gener ation Y teenagers form a significant consumer group more than ever in todays society. This teen group has become mavin of the fastest growing markets and they are greatly influenced by their social setting and environment. This generation was born into the harsh and competition edge of technology. Therefore, technological innovations systems keep Generation Y immersed in an insatiable state of want and need for social interaction and communication, information, and stimulus.In todays economy, these teenagers are an easily identifiable market, they are eager to buy, able to spend, are easily reached (Schiffman, Kanuk & Wisenblit, 2010). From the teenagers perspective cost is a dead mail given that their parents purchase the items they need, there is no discretionary on purchasing as do their parents. interrogation and marketing teams identify that teenagers more often than not, spend money more on want than what they need.another(prenominal) factor is that this is the no child le ft behind generation which strengthens the need for popularity, inclusion, and acceptance these are delineate elements to identifying their consumer needs. Teenagers are impressionable and are subject to positive and negative peer pressure. The need to fit in and be accepted as part of the group reveals how their purchases define these desires. An example of this would be Nike clothing and footwear. Nike is the go Greek goddess of victory. The Nike Company is widely associated with athletic achievement and promotes challenging slogans on their apparel such as, scarcely Do It.Further, Nike reports from their own research that they catch the consumers attention through product quality, color and purport and connect with potential consumer through aggressive media messaging and positive public relations imaging and paid sport sponsorship. These combining factors create an ideal product for Generation Y teenagers because Nike appeals to all aspects of their needs and wants. other example of specific and successful marketing for this age group is through technological devices, such as with apple. According to Buzz Marketings Tina Wells told Forbes, Teens are telling us Apple is go ine.Apple has done a great job of embracing Gen X and older but I dont think they are connecting with millennial kids. (Matyszczyk , 2013). Further, Wells states that everything moves in cycles and you cant confront on your past glory. Youve got to evolve to maintain relevance. Apple needs to focus on innovation and teens will come back (2013). Another interesting twist on this is that teens may instanter view Apple products as having become too popular and have therefore suffered the disapproval of this like teenaged group of consumers.This is a great example of how rapidly the attitudes and beliefs of this population can change and carry a sense of balance in their marketing. From these examples, it seems that Apple, Inc. will be forced to redesign their marketing strategie s to successfully compete with Samsung and Android. Conclusion Marketers will have to anticipate the ever changing and rapid trends of the Generation Y pathway. Given that this generation of teenagers is so innovatively advanced, they will continue to spend a vast amount of their time and effort involved with modern technology and devices whether toreceive information, communicate to peers, to shop online for products, or to download their favorite(a) music. It will remain of utmost importance for marketers to understanding the underlying influences which impact teenagers and as well as their behavioral processes within the social context of their culture, their peer groups, and their lifestyles choices. Knowing this will enhance a marketers process and will enable the proper promotional messages that will provide their business with a potentially lucrative lifetime of profit returns.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Comparing Ancient and Classical Art Paper Essay
Through all(prenominal) culture, art is created even it wasnt meant to be used for it. The Stonehenge and the bang-up Stupa atomic number 18 two of the oldest cognise structures in our history. The European civilization, based in the gray part of the United Kingdom, is one of the wonders of the world and the best-known prehistoric remembrance. The ancient Indian civilization is in India, is one of the three stupas in India. Many similarities and differences existed between these two civilizations, as even though they co-existed during a certain convictionframe and in two contrasting geographical areas. The differences in geography are both these civilizations were subjected to different kinds of exposure, which may have included contact with other civilization and cultural inheritance. The European civilization had a stronger emphasis on a central authority, while the Indians had a more decentralized structure, where powers were distributed over the cities and the states as w ell.The Art the Europeans created were more winding into making great monumental and gaudy structures while the Indians were more involved in creating sm altogetherer, more literary pieces of art. The Great Stupa at Sanchi is one of the most sophisticated and well-known monuments of all succession the marvelous icon is considered to be a cornerstone of Buddhist art, architecture, and religion. It al-Qaedas tall and holds a compelling presence that is very symptomatic of its historical context. India is home to one the most symbolic and oldest stone structures known to man. This astonishing marvel built around 3rd century B.C by one of the most goodish and influential rulers of ancient India, emperor moth Ashoka the Great. Asoka was the emperor of the Maurya Dynasty and ruled the Indian subcontinent from ca. 269 BCE to 232 B.C and during his reign, Ashoka converted to Buddhism and spread his Buddhist teachings through and through India, as well as having the great stupa erected to glorify and harbor the sacred Buddhist relics.This incrediblemonument is majestic & unique in more ways than one. It has been said that the structure symbolizes the world mountain and contempt having the most perfect and well-preserved stupa, Buddhist art and architecture, its in any case surrounded by numerous other stupas, pillars, temples and living quarters for monks, the greater part of which had been buried. Upon first recognition one could be slip away to believe that because there are many other alluring attractions in India, it would be hard for this stupa to stand bulge out and get its proper avowal. But this remarkable stone masterpiece has a wide break away of spectacular things to offer, and tells us a very detailed story about early Buddhist living in India. Although the Great Stupa is among one of the many ancient monuments of India, few are of more interest than the overstep of the stupas at SanchiKanakheda. (Sayre, 2010) In the late Neolithic period, the m egaliths at Stonehenge were erected.These stones were believed to be built anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC and moved by the community just one hundred miles to the west of London, England. Nobody knows the initial draw a bead on of Stonehenge however, there are theories of what it may have meant to this culture of the Neolithic era. There have been discoveries of human corpse found at Stonehenge that have been dated back to the time of its creation. This discovery advises that all of these stones put in pasture as a burial ground for this cultures ancestors. The five trilithons that form a horseshoe are located in the focus of a full circle of what purports like multiple, connected trilithons. This broadsheet enclosure, much like the stone circular wall around The Great Stupa, is designed to emergence the sacredness of what is inside.Another similarity of these structures is that they both serve as burial grounds. Stonehenge appears to be an organized grouping of stones and The Great Stupa, appearing to be flawlessly symmetrical, were both created as complete perfection in the eyes of each of the respective cultures who created them (Sayre, 2010). The similarities and differences between the Stonehenge and the Great Stupa at Stanchi are interesting and more similarities than expected. The Stonehenge was built surrounding some(prenominal) thousand burial mounds which are very similar to the Great Stupa in a sense that the center circular brick formation was built over the relics of the Buddha. The Stonehenge and the Great Stupa were both built in a circular formation. The Stonehenge and the Great Stupa both are built with large pillars as well as differ in that sense because theStonehenges pillars have/had a rough, more natural/raw material for their standing pillars.The Stupas pillars had polished the pillars they had built and also covered them with narrative scenes from the life of the Buddha. The narratives scenes were for onlookers to be able to see. Although the Stupa had polished their pillars, they had also carved them to look like carved wood. Unlike the Stupa, the Stonehenge is believed to have shrunk in size over time as years passed. The Stupa stretch outed after a believed vandalism, which then led to the son of the emperor to expand the Stupa with stone slabs making it almost twice in size. Although the Stupa was expanded over time, numerous different multiplication and the Stonehenge was not they were both however believed to be built in stages. The Stupa was built with stone carved to look like wood in some spots while the Stonehenge was built with wood timbers. Even though now it looks as though its just stone the opposite of the Stupa that looks as though its built with wood, as well as stone.The purpose of the Great Stupa at Sanchi is believed to be for religious purposes. For example, Emperor Asoka believed power rested within religious virtues and not military forces. The stupas also housed important relics of Buddha and the remains of Buddhist holy monks. The Great Stupa holds great cultural value because it is revered by the people because it is a place of worship and prayer. The purpose of the Stonehenge is set to be unknown, however there are a set of theories and out of the many there was one which stood out the most.Based on hundreds of human bones that were found at the site, the bones were over 1,000 years old. The human bones show a human burial cremation took place at the site. The cultural value of the Stonehenge could be it held a significant amount of information on when it was time for the people to harvest. The ancient artifacts created philosophers, great artwork, and great writing, which we find extremely useful to our daily education today. reference bookSayre, H. M. (2010). A World of Art. Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Education Inc. A guide to Sanchi John Marshall. These Greek-looking foreigners are also described in Susan Huntington, The art of ancient India, p. 100 Lacy, Norris J, ed., The Arthurian Encyclopedia, New York, Peter Bedrick Books, 1986, hold by Geoffrey Ashe, p. 529.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Ecological Systems Theory
From the m a mortal first enters this serviceman until they taketheir final breath, they go through umteen changes that will shape their character and determine how they handle situations in their flavourspan story. Many different psychologists mother studied human behavior and why it is that we react a accepted way in different circumstances, and ultimately why we be dumbfound in the way that we do. Urie Bronfenbrenner developed a model c eithered the Ecological Systems Theory that attempts to explain what figures put to work a persons behavior and which ones suck the most trespass.The model is broken down into five carcasss the Micro governance, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. The Microsystem is considered the most intimate or most powerful level and it represents of the inter executions between the person and their family or their mean friends. These influences argon bidirectional, meaning that both sides are influenced equally. For example, a child who is very calm and obedient will most likely cause the parent to be calm and trusting of the child. On the other hand, if the parent is very strict and harsh towards the child, the child may feel the urge to rebel against the parent.The Mesosystem essentially represents the connections between the Microsystems. This means that thither is more than one part that influences a situation in ones support sentence. For example, if a young student is doing poorly in school, it sewer be due to lack of parent involvement in their academics, or if the parents show divert in the childs school life at all. Another example of this would be if an employee was not doing well in the workplace, it could be linked back to a fight at home or the lack of communication with a spouse. The next level in the theory is the Exosystem.This system is do up of figures or computes that do not necessarily contain the developing person alone nevertheless have an impact in their life. These factors or experiences nates be formal or informal organisations. Formal transcriptions consist of flexible work schedules or paid maternity or paternity leaves and these circumstances tooshie electropositively influence the parent-child relationship. Informal organizations can consist of the parents social ne cardinalrks, much(prenominal) as refinement friends or relatives that can offer advice or friendship in the childs life.These relationships can extend a sense of trust and source of love in the life of the child. This system can similarly be observed in a way that will affect the childs life negatively. For example, if the parents do not have close friends or a feeling of acceptance in the community, there has been shown to be an increased risk of child abuse and conflict within the family. The Macrosystem is a much broader system that consists of the cultural values, morals, customs, and resources in the community.An example of this would be if a child attends a priv ate school that astir(predicate) monitors the behavior of the children and tries to instill moral values, the child might experience a more enjoyable cartridge clip during their school geezerhood. Bronfenbrenner defined the ever-changing nature of a persons surroundings to be the Chronosystem. He noted that there were umpteen factors that can influence or change the circumstances of ones life, which he called Ecological Transitions. Ecological Transitions could be any event such as starting college, getting married, getting divorced, graduating high school or college, becoming a parent, or retiring.All of these instances could be considered milestones in someone s life that can have a major impact in the bend or schedule one is familiar to. For the project, I chose to conduct an interview with my aunty, who is now forty-eight historic period old. In the interview, I asked her questions that would reveal what or who were the influences in her life and what were the major sp ecial events that occurred. I tell the interview with her twice the first to ask her virtually her life at the age of blackjack oak and whence again at the age of thirty-six.I found that it was very interesting to interview my aunt virtually her experience at the age of twenty-one, yet twain geezerhood older than I am now. I tried to compare her influences, concerns, and experiences with mine and found that we are similar in many ways I was not aware of, but excessively very different in others. There were many factors in my aunts life that influenced where she is today in her life. When she was twenty-one, in the Microsystem level, three people that truly influenced her life at the time were my grandparents, Mimi and Papa, and my salient grandmother, Mamette.My aunt was extremely close to Mamette, and confided in her in many ways. Since all three were members of her close family, they would be considered part of this system and very crucial to her development at the time . My aunt told me after she receive from college all she wanted to do was party and not find a job, and I found that these factors and this mindset were part of the Mesosystem. The fact that she was partying all the time, or her social life, was impede her from finding a job and moving on from her college days.Since the Mesosystem is essentially factors that influence other factors or circumstances, the fact that she had recently graduated from college made her feel like she had the right to party and not find a job. Another factor in her lack of diligence toward finding a job was that her parents did not put a contend of pressure on her to do so. Along with factors in the Microsystem and Mesosystem, the Exosystem in her life consisted of many influences that played a manipulation in the crisis of no motivation and partying all the time.One factor in this system was that many of her friends were getting jobs after they graduated college, and she k newly that she should be search ing for one, but the motivation was not there. Another factor was that she may have felt that she deserved to have some time off after running(a) so hard in college. These examples are forms of informal organizations in the Exosystem. An example of a formal organization was that she applied for a job with the IRS and she was waiting for them to call her about her application.She jokes during her interview that she would still be in that stage if she didnt look for another job until the IRS called her back because its been twenty-seven years and they still havent called The Macrosystem played a role in her development at that time also. She mentioned how life just now seemed more laid back and carefree times were easier and there was no terrorism (that she knew of). The culture was also more wholesome than it is now and the moral values of the country were at higher standards.One cable of the country and the economy was the oil crisis that erupted during the 80s. She remembers ex pensive gas and oil, and that the economy was not very ironlike during that time. As she reflected on this time of her life, she says that there were experiences during that time of her life that have an impact on her life now. Sometimes she wishes she could go back to that time of fun and no worries, but what was most important about that time of her life was the friendships she made. Shes learned life is not about a job, money, or objects, but about the relationships one makes along the way.She has recently gone through a divorce, and she says that she could have never made it through that hard time without the friends she made in high school, college, her sorority, or even in the last(prenominal) couple years. The Chronosystem encompasses changes over time and how one develops over a lifetime. Her reflection and the amount she has grown as a person in the last couple decades is an example of the way a human can change and mature in this particular system. Next, I interviewed my aunt about her life when she was thirty-six years old and lived in Houston, TX.She described this time as some of the scoop up years of her life. Her son, Mike, was six years old and her daughter, Stacey, was only three. She reminisced about the neighborhood bar-b-ques, pig roasts, her amazing church, the kids summer camp, and great friends. During the interview I could tell that she truly longed to go back to this time. Her Microsystem level consisted of her best friends, Dana and Diane, and her Bible show Fellowship leader, Gloria Day. These people truly shaped her life at the time and she was explaining how they still have an impact on her now.Just the other day she talked to her friend, Dana, about her divorce, and she can see just how important these influences are in her life. The Mesosystem at this time consisted of the influence of the guidance she acquired in Bible Study Fellowship that helped her to be a better mother and spouse. Also, her church served as an outlet for her to find good friends that would hold her accountable and provide advice and companionship when she needed it most. In the Exosystem there were many areas in her life that socially provided experiences and interactions that would influence her at the time.The formal organization of this level was the fact that she was a stay-at-home mom, giving her more time with her children and the ability to focus on being the best mother she could be. Another example of an informal organization would be her Bible Study Fellowship. Here she could make friends with the same beliefs and morals, and really gain a company that would provide great stability and accountability. The Macrosystem during this time consisted of a stimulated economy, the price of gas was cheap, and, again, there was no fear or worry of terrorism.She noted how practically everyone in her neighborhood was an engineer. The stress that we now experience today of terrorist attacks and a failing economy was not present. I onc e again asked to reflect on her life at that time, and see how her experiences then have influenced her life now. This answer came to her much easier than when I asked her about the influence of her experiences when she was twenty-one. Her involvement in Bible Study Fellowship showed her how to have a relationship with savior Christ, and how to apply her study of the Bible to real life.Her leader, Gloria Day, truly inspired her to grow in her walk with beau ideal and rely on Him for everything. She revealed in the interview how she had been going through some very tough times, and if she did not have the information she learned through Bible Study Fellowship, she would not have had the same rosy and hopeful view of her struggles now. Over time, her walk with the Lord has gone through times when she was very close with Him, and times when she was not. In the Chronosystem, her relationship with divinity fudge and her spiritual beliefs have been the defining factor of her inner de xterity as a person.Along with her relationship with God, many major events, or bionomical changes, occurred from the time that she was twenty-one and thirty-six. For example, she found a job, got married, became a parent, and moved. All of these events can have an influence on ones character and well-being. They can have a rippling effect in someones life, influencing many parts during one time. My aunt recalled that she absolutely hated moving, and they would stay in the same place for about three years.She said the first year was always the hardest, the second year was better, and the third was when they were finally settled but then my uncle would have to move again for his job. The moving process always took a price on her family and kids, never truly establishing a place for them to call home. Another bionomic transition for her during this time was getting married. Marriage is definitely an adjustment and her decision in the man she chose to marry may not have necessarily been the right one. Nevertheless, changes that one experiences in their life require adjustment, or an ecological transition.The Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem are the ecological systems in our lives that influence our character, morals, and decisions. From the time my aunt was twenty-one to thirty-six, the influences in her life changed drastically. Instead of being influenced by her parents and grandmother like when she was younger, she was more independent from her family and her close friends and studying Gods word had the most impact on her. Right after she graduated from college, she was not focussed on growing up or finding a job, but mostly on partying and having a good time.She matured greatly when she started a family, as she became more focused on others rather than herself. approximately everything in her life changed when she had children, from her schedule to her priorities. As the influences and events in my aunts life changed over the years, so will mine when I am older. My ecological systems will always be transforming as I graduate college, get married, and eventually have children. Right now my life is focused around what is best for me my education, social life, and health.I am still dependent on my parents for guidance and support, but I am beginning to lean more on Gods will for my life and trusting in Him rather than advice from other people. After I graduate my Mesosystem will change, along with my Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. By acquiring the noesis of how factors influence an individual, I will be able to truly examine what those factors are in my life and decide which are in my best interest. In conclusion, Studying Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory was very interesting and I feel it will be very helpful to know in my emerging teaching career.When a child is misbehaving and is not performing to their best ability in school, I can look into their home life and see if there ar e any distractions or added stresses that could be hindering their academic performance. Also, I hope to provide a source of guidance and comfort for my students that extend agone the realm of academics, but can better them as a person in the long run. Urie Bronfenbrenner was a brilliant man whose research and theories can help people have a better mind about the influences in their lives and how to use them to their full advantage.Ecological Systems TheoryDespite previous theories, Erie Brotherlinesss ecological systems theory continues o be one of the most comprehensive theories used to better understand human needs. That Is why it has become Increasingly Important to be able to recognize the key concepts of the ecological systems theory and to be able to Identify what characteristics set this theory apart from other theories. Once this level of competence is achieve, proletarians should be able to identify what kind of problems and/or invitees this theory would be helpful wit h.This skill can only be mastered by understanding every detail of the ecological systems theory. Discussion According to Whooper, Rooney, dewberry bush Rooney, Storm-Gottfried, and Larsen (2010), the ecological systems theory suggests that Individual engagement with other human beings ( receding) and systems within the surroundings (habitat) are two of the most influential factors that determine human needs. This is because both factors reciprocally influence each other (2010).For instance, a change in a persons environment typically changes the kind of people that person interacts with and the type of resources that person has access to. If I decided to move from the projects to he suburbs, I would be exposed to a new community. My new community will allow me to network with people who I might not have had the opportunity to network with when I lived In the projects. My move from the projects to the suburbs could also provide me with access to more resources such as libraries an d jobs.A change in a persons niche or habitat can be positive or negative. The ecological systems theory makes it clear that it is desirable to have a positive and well-balanced niche and habitat. This Is because the satisfaction of human needs and mastery of placement task require adequate resources In the environment and positive transactions between people and their environment (Whooper, Rooney, Dewberry Rooney, StormGottfried, and Larsen, 2010, 16).For example, a person who aspires to be a phenomenal business leader would be better prepared to take on that role if he or she had access to superior educational institutions and positive interaction with individuals who are already in this type of position. This is because the educational facilities can provide valuable knowledge to that Individual and the exposure to other traders can open up hands-on learning opportunities. Now Image If there were gaps In any AT ten above resources or negative Interactions Ana now tense gap could hinder that individuals needs and development.This archetype that a persons life circumstances are based on individual interactions and different layers of his or her environment is what set the ecological systems theory apart from other theories. This is because, historically, theorists have only used one of the two variables to understand different aspects of human life. The ecological systems theory is helpful on both the micro and macro level of social work. For a clinical social worker, the ecological systems theory is the most helpful in phase one of the helping process.During this phase the worker explores leaf node needs, assesses contributing factors, and devises a plan of action to help meet client needs. Taking an ecological systems approach to this phase will allow the worker to create a more accurate profile of client needs, help to determine what environmental absentees may be causing certain needs, determine individuals who may be costively or negatively contributin g to client needs, and to determine what actions need to take place to help bridge the gap between clients habitat and niche.Personally, the ecological systems theory appears to be an ingenious approach to the field of social work. It is very advantageous because it forces the worker and the client to create an all-inclusive picture of the clients reasons for needing a social worker. As human being we have a tendency to identify a single factor as the cause of all of our problems. The ecological system perspective is helpful in extending our coal point.Applying this theory would be the most beneficial to me when I am working with clients who are having difficulties meeting certain needs because of a lack of resources or with clients who have a drug abuse problem. I identify drug abuse clients because these types of clients typically use drugs as a coping mechanism to deal with some of their relationships or current living situations. Conclusion In closing, the ecological systems the ory is one of the best theories to apply when attempting to assess human needs.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Pros and cons of horse racing Essay
Horse rush is an adrenaline filled boast for all the participants. It is a short lived, action packed, joy ride. The sport has increased in popularity over the last(prenominal) several years, due to the need for a rush, and is continuing to rise. Due to this throngive influx in size of it the touchstone of money the business is contributing to the government is large. The business has in any case had to hire a raft of people to help carry out the project of keeping the business as orderly as possible. The enlargement of the ply locomote industry has also made the stakes for money in the agreeable a much bigger deal for owners which means they entrust do most anything to win. This includes the use of dirty drugs on the long cavalrys and many different forms of chess. When the prize money raises so does the need for as many triumphant horses as possible for horse owners in the industry. The need for horses has led to an intense amount of over manner of thoroughbreds. The amount of money contributed to the United States government by the horse cannonball along industry is an incredible amount. On average the sport produces 38.8 billion dollars, of which a whopping $1.88 billion is paid in annual taxes. That amount of money just goes to the United States. Around the world, countries make on average 40.2 billion. For instance, in Europe, horse racing is a large-mindedly known event and is tradition to participate in. they make on average about 45.3 billion United States dollars in the horse racing industry. Then, when talking into account supplies and employees, they produce around 101.6 billion us dollars. Governments around the globe benefit highly from the industry and horse racing being forbidden could have a drastic effect on entire populations from lack of money. Horse racing being banned could also cost millions of people around the globe their jobs and businesses. According to a recent roil poll over 4.6 million people ar regard in the horse industry in some way, either as owners, employees, service providers or volunteers. This includes 2 million horse owners, of which 238,000 are convoluted in breeding. When it comes to competing such as the jockeys and handlers, 481,000 people are mixed. When looking at the amount of people involved in other activities such as grooms, veterinarians, and care takers, 1.1 million involved. 119,000 service providers and 702,000 employees, full- and part-time and 2 million family members and volunteers. That means that 1 out of every 63 Americans is involved with horses.Many of these jobs are held by lower-income families. This could be disastrous when taking into accountall the people who depend on the money they make from this business. ban the horse racing industry could affect the local rural areas around them badly. The results of the one study done by students at the University of Louisville show that the horse business is a highly diverse industry that supports a wide variety of activities in all regions of the country. It combines the p sassingarily rural activities of breeding, training, maintaining and riding horses with the more urban activities of operating race hybridises, off- report card-playing parlors, horse shows and public sales. Usually when people go to watch a race they want to nourish dinner or spend their newly eared money in the expertly placed, over priced restaurants and shops. These foray mall shops gain money and business from these enthused shoppers. If there is no race intersect, these shops and small businesses could have a plummet in sales and be shut down for lack of ability to pay. Additionally, the volume of consumers that are driven to the racetracks each year create a need for additional medical care, education for children and families of track staff, as come up as the local universities. Having the race tracks removed could lower business income for hospitals and schools as rise up as universities. Th e United States alone produces 3 billion from horse racing and tourism. Over 67 percent of activity as well as gambling money come from tourists going and paying at the race track. As a source of entertainment as well as having food venues and shop areas round the premises of the track, it is an ideal hot spot for tourists to spend their money whether it be on food, gambling, or shopping. The revenues made my gamblers who are not local to the area is 785 million dollars. Gambling is exciting as well as engaging for the participants. For those who enjoy taking risks, the propensity for risk associated with gambling may be some(prenominal) simulating and challenging. Also, gambling on horse racing allows the participant to challenge themselves with predicting the potential wins and losses. Gamblers from out of the country are obviously a large part of the income on the race track. Banning racing could make the area of choice loose business all around from not having the interest of tourists any longer.When it comes to betting on horses in horse racing, bettors rely on the accuracy of the statistics on the horses. The statistics allow the bettors to know which horses to bet and count on. Cheating, such as the latest scandal called doping, can affect the reliability if those statistics. Doping and other forms of cheating applydrugs can harm the jockeys and horses in the long run. A few of the top drugs used in horse racing are cocaine, blcarbs, anabolic steroids, blue magic and heroine. Drugs such as heroine and anabolic steroids are typically injected into the lungs of the horse or the heart as to keep them from feeling pain and to slow down the rapid sum up at which they would usually work to keep them from tiring. This can cause break downs on the track because of the lack of oxygen entering the rake stream at such a high rate of physical activity. Drugs such as cocaine blcarbs, and blue magic are usually pumped into the blood stream on added into the gr ain. What the purpose of these are is to give the horses an energy boost that is un natural and these can also cause break downs on the track because of the amount of stress the horse is putting its body nether without being aware until it is too late. The form of cheating of which is in drugs is considered cruel to the horse. Another form of cheating in the racing industry is toe grabs. A toe grab is a raised rim on the toe area of a horseshoe its purpose is to help the horse dig in to the track and reduce sliding much like football cleats. However, there are increased stresses on the limbs from this stronger grip on the ground and quicker stops of the feet when they land while normally the foot slides forward just a bit on the ground before stopping, but toe grabs arrest this slide. Its also been suggested that toe grabs add stress to the limb by raising the toe relative to the heel. toenail grabs on front feet have been associated with increased incidence of catastrophic injury in horse racing.Horses involved in racing are being over bred and this is causing modify in the breed and mass slaughter of those horses that do not make the cuts. While over-breeding in the racing industry is the derivation of availability, inbreeding, and drugs are inescapably interconnected with the callous and brutal practice of slaughter as is the insatiable demand for horse meat for human consumption principally in European and Asian cultures. Inbreeding and drugs have weakened the new-made Thoroughbred while the horse meat industry remains a lucrative multi-million dollar enterprise. much than 100,000 unwanted horses are born in the U.S. per year. Roughly 83,000 of those horses are slaughtered every year just in the United States because of improper breeding. A recent study was done and it showed that if 1,000 horses are bred for racing, only 300 give make it to training. Of that 300, onlyroughly 75 horses will make it to racing. Only about 4 horses will make it to live t heir second race. Most horses that are not used for racing are change to meat and glue factories. Only 12% of horses are properly retired and either sold to a family for other riding uses it retired to the pasture. This unnecessary breeding has caused weak bones in the thoroughbreds and diseases passed down in blood lines.The weakening of the breed has aroused a lot of controversy over whether or not horse racing should continue due to this issue. In the end there are both pros and cons to whether or not horse racing should be banned. Horse racing contributes an incredible amount of money worldwide and produces multiple job opportunities as well as business in local shops. It also brings in tourism to the track and surrounding areas which can help great deal of money also. Horse racing also has a large issue with cheating that can harm both the jockey and the horse against their will. The use of irregular drugs and product on the race horses pre race can significantly alter the ho rses performance whether for the good or the bad and in the long run, harm the horse terribly. Also over breeding has become a widely known issue across the globe and is causing a mass amount of horses to be sent to slaughter. Over breeding has also caused a decline in the stability of the breed. Horse racing both helps and harms.
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