Sunday, May 24, 2020
Questions on Abnormal Psychology - 4701 Words
Part 1 of 4 - 12.0 Points Question 1 of 50 1.0 Points According to the integrative model, which of the following factors influence the onset and maintenance of somatic symptom disorders? A.Biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. B.Psychological, cultural and perceptual factors. C.Medical, sociological, and psychological factors. D.Cultural, medical, and gender factors. Answer Key: A Question 2 of 50 1.0 Points Concerning the cause of dissociative disorders, _______ dominate(s) this field of psychology. A.theory and speculation B.statistical analysis from experiments C.observation and patient interviews D.experimental research with controlled groups Answer Key: A Question 3 of 50 1.0 Points Jill was the†¦show more content†¦Although she has had a complete medical work-up, no basis for the extremity of her pain has been found. Despite this medical clearance, she does not feel well enough to return to college studies. Which of the following best describes Heather s symptoms? A.Factitious disorder B.Somatic symptom disorder C.Dissociative disorder D.Depersonalization disorder Answer Key: B Part 2 of 4 - 2 13.0 Points Question 13 of 50 1.0 Points Double depression is a term used to refer to episodes of A.dysthymia that recur frequently. B.major depressive disorder in addition to dysthymia. C.dysthymia without major depressive disorder. D.suicidal thinking found in major depressive disorder. Answer Key: B Question 14 of 50 1.0 Points Tracy is experiencing depression and is writing in a journal in order to contemplate the cause of her mood. What response style is Tracy using to cope? A.distracting style B.attributional style C.ruminative style D.external style Answer Key: C Question 15 of 50 1.0 Points Based on John Bowlby s model of attachment researchers have focused on how mother-infant attachment affects support in adulthood. B.vulnerability for bipolar disorder and cyclothymia. C.existential issues in the elderly.Show MoreRelatedAbnormal Behavior As Its Own Discourse Community1345 Words  | 6 PagesAbnormal Behavior as its own discourse community. Introduction: In order to fully understand Psychology as a discourse community, I have decided to research the Abnormal behavior branch; which is a study in the psychology field. I will then correlate that information to that of the psychology discourse community. Which will allow me to not only evaluate the Abnormal behavior branch, using both Swales and Pratt’s texts. Finally, I will most likely come to the conclusion based on my research, thatRead MoreNormal vs. Abnormal Psychology700 Words  | 3 PagesNormal v. Abnormal Psychology: Normal and abnormal psychology is based on the theory of perception whereby some changes are detected in the body such as the color of the body, its figure, shape, and size. 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