Sunday, May 24, 2020
Questions on Abnormal Psychology - 4701 Words
Part 1 of 4 - 12.0 Points Question 1 of 50 1.0 Points According to the integrative model, which of the following factors influence the onset and maintenance of somatic symptom disorders? A.Biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. B.Psychological, cultural and perceptual factors. C.Medical, sociological, and psychological factors. D.Cultural, medical, and gender factors. Answer Key: A Question 2 of 50 1.0 Points Concerning the cause of dissociative disorders, _______ dominate(s) this field of psychology. A.theory and speculation B.statistical analysis from experiments C.observation and patient interviews D.experimental research with controlled groups Answer Key: A Question 3 of 50 1.0 Points Jill was the†¦show more content†¦Although she has had a complete medical work-up, no basis for the extremity of her pain has been found. Despite this medical clearance, she does not feel well enough to return to college studies. Which of the following best describes Heather s symptoms? A.Factitious disorder B.Somatic symptom disorder C.Dissociative disorder D.Depersonalization disorder Answer Key: B Part 2 of 4 - 2 13.0 Points Question 13 of 50 1.0 Points Double depression is a term used to refer to episodes of A.dysthymia that recur frequently. B.major depressive disorder in addition to dysthymia. C.dysthymia without major depressive disorder. D.suicidal thinking found in major depressive disorder. Answer Key: B Question 14 of 50 1.0 Points Tracy is experiencing depression and is writing in a journal in order to contemplate the cause of her mood. What response style is Tracy using to cope? A.distracting style B.attributional style C.ruminative style D.external style Answer Key: C Question 15 of 50 1.0 Points Based on John Bowlby s model of attachment researchers have focused on how mother-infant attachment affects support in adulthood. B.vulnerability for bipolar disorder and cyclothymia. C.existential issues in the elderly.Show MoreRelatedAbnormal Behavior As Its Own Discourse Community1345 Words  | 6 PagesAbnormal Behavior as its own discourse community. Introduction: In order to fully understand Psychology as a discourse community, I have decided to research the Abnormal behavior branch; which is a study in the psychology field. I will then correlate that information to that of the psychology discourse community. Which will allow me to not only evaluate the Abnormal behavior branch, using both Swales and Pratt’s texts. Finally, I will most likely come to the conclusion based on my research, thatRead MoreNormal vs. Abnormal Psychology700 Words  | 3 PagesNormal v. Abnormal Psychology: Normal and abnormal psychology is based on the theory of perception whereby some changes are detected in the body such as the color of the body, its figure, shape, and size. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Vajrayana Buddhism - 1221 Words
Vajrayana Buddhism NO NAME REL/133 September 19, 2011 Deborah Wilkinson Vajrayana Buddhism Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism is called the Diamond Vehicle. This third branch of Buddhism teaches that strength, clarity, wisdom, and flashes of light; here Vajrayana allows followers to receive such enlightenment through this vehicle of the lightning bolt. Those who practice this type of Buddhism find its complexities to be quite clear as the encounter truths of Buddha along the way of life events. Serenity and peace are experienced as they align themselves with revelations of Vajrayanan. What are mudras, and why are objects important? Why is meditation the very foundation to discovering the truths of Vajrayana, and Buddha’s†¦show more content†¦As with the Buddha’s road to enlightenment, the Vajrayana search for enlightenment and to be free of the cycle of life. Objects A variety of objects are used during worship rituals when practicing Vajrayana Buddhism. Each object has a specific meaning or special importance. It is believed that the objects provide protection and powers. The objects that will be covered are the vajra, the bell, and the prayer wheel. The vajra and the bell represent the union of wisdom and compassion when used together. The rituals are very specific down to what hand each object must be held in during worship. The vajra is held in the right hand while the left hand holds the bell. The vajra is a divining rod or staff made of metal. The meaning behind the vajra is power and insight and represents kind actions or compassion. The bell represents wisdom. A prayer wheel is an object used by many believers. Sacred phrases and Mantras are written on paper and wound inside the wheel. It is believed that by spinning the wheel with scriptures inside it is just as beneficial as reading them. This philosophy also suggests that the m ore scriptures placed inside, the more powerful and effective the prayer wheel is. The newer prayer wheels made are capable of holding millions of Mantras because of the technology of microprinting (Tibetan Prayer Wheels, 2011). The prayerShow MoreRelatedThe Vajra Of Vajrayana Buddhism1372 Words  | 6 PagesThe Vajra in Vajrayana Buddhism As Buddhism developed different schools or sects began to branch out taking the main component of Buddhist belief, called Dharma, but coming up with different ways to practice their own distinct view of Buddhism. Vajrayana Buddhism is of Indian tantric origin but it developed in the â€Å"Himalayan nations of Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan†because of this many Vajrayana’s tantras, rituals, have woven into Tibetan Buddhism making it difficult to differentiate between the twoRead MoreVajrayana Buddhism744 Words  | 3 PagesVajrayana Buddhism The Vajrayana approach to Buddhism is just one of a number of Buddhist traditions, and all of the aspects of Buddhism are based on the enlightened teachings of Buddha. Vajrayana Buddhism is based on Tantra which relates to the teachings of Buddha. Vajrayana Buddhism is also known as Tantric Buddhism, based of course on the Tantra (enlighten teachings). According to the Introduction to Vajrayana ( HYPERLINK, vajra is theRead MoreThe Diamond Buddhist Of Buddhism2133 Words  | 9 Pagesis apparent that not too many Westerners understand how complex Buddhism truly is. Buddhism has various traditions with different perceptions of Buddha’s teachings and rituals. Buddhism is practiced by all different types of people, not just monks or people who reside in the East. The Diamond Buddhist Way Center in Chicago helps display how diverse the Buddhist community is by providing a more western and contemporary style of Buddhism. The cente r is located at 4722 N Malden St, Chicago, IL 60640.Read More The Role of Women in Tibetan Buddhism Essay4445 Words  | 18 PagesThe Role of Women in Tibetan Buddhism â€Å"In Tantric Buddhism, we are dealing with a misogynist, destructive, masculine philosophy and religion which is hostile to life – i.e. the precise opposite of that for which it is trustingly and magnanimously welcomed in the figure of the Dalai Lama.†[1] Within Tibetan Buddhism, there is an inherent contradiction regarding the status of women. Although in many aspects women are seen and treated as inferior to men, several of the ancient and fundamentalRead MoreBuddhism During The Heian Period1510 Words  | 7 PagesBuddhism During the Heian period (745-1185AD) Buddhism spread throughout Japan and thrived in the imperial court in Heiankyo (Kyoto). There were two sects of Buddhism that were most popular during this time, one was Tendai and the other was Shingon. Both of these sects of Buddhism came from China and were brought over to Japan by two different people. Saicho or Dengyo Daishi brought over Tendai sect (767-822) and Kukai or Kobo Daishi brought over Shingon sect (774-835) known as Esoteric BuddhismRead MoreEssay about The Evolution of Buddhism 1182 Words  | 5 PagesBuddhism is a unique religion that bestows upon its members that their actions accumulate karma and too much bad karma leads to rebirth. A person reaches Nirvana (also known as heaven) when achieving enlightenment and is no longer subjected to rebirth. Buddhism also believes there is no one almighty god, but rather many gods, which they refer to as deities. Dharma is commonly known as the sacred teachings of a deity. The Budd ha is only born in certain situations that members are in need of re-teachingRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Buddhism, By Dalai Lama1351 Words  | 6 Pageshas grown by over 7.2%; perhaps it is the simplistic nature and approach to life that has caused this growth. Buddhism is one of the most fascinating religious and philosophical beliefs of the world. The faith emerged in India in approximately 560 BCE, and quickly spread throughout the East. Since then, it has become one of the fastest growing religions globally. In the 1960’s, when Buddhism became popular in Australia, it continued to develop. In order to accommodate for this, places of worship, suchRead MoreThe Buddhist Religion And Its Move Into America1175 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstanding. Fast forward 1000 years or so when Buddhism began making its way into America when the railroad industry and other expanding industries began hiring Chinese immigrants as cheap labor. They established temples in their settlements along the rail lines. At about the same time, immigrants from Japan began to arrive as laborers on Hawaiian plantations and central-California farms. The most significant event of the 19th century in Buddhism was the World Parliaments of Religions (Smith).Read MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Mahayana And Two Major Branches Of Buddhism1281 Words  | 6 Pages In Buddhism, the two major branches are the Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is known as the â€Å"tradition of the elders.†Mahayana is called the â€Å"large vehicle.†Mahayana Buddhist came about after the first Buddhist council split. The second Buddhist council began a hundred years after the death of the Buddha. The councils came together to discuss the differences in bu ddha orders in which some Monks believed. They talked about the true meaning behind the Buddha teachings and certain practices. MonksRead MoreBuddhism Is A Religion And Philosophy Essay2054 Words  | 9 PagesBuddhism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. It is the oldest and fourth largest religion in the world with around 500 million followers. Buddhism focuses on teaching people how to come to terms with and end the suffering of themselves and others by cutting out greed, hatred, and ignorance from their lives. Unlike most major world religions, Buddhism does not revolve around worshiping a god or divine creator, instead the focus of Buddhism is living one s best
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Palm Hospital Notes Free Essays
Palms Hospital (Traditional Project Analysis) Palms Hospital * 250 bed capacity; investor owned; Islamorada, Florida * Founded in 1946 by Rob Winslow, went back in 1967 after the war * High economic growth, population expansion Acknowledged to be one of the leading healthcare providers in the area * Currently evaluating a proposed ambulatory (outpatient) surgery centre * More than 80% o all outpatient surgery is performed by specialists * Minor procedures take about one hour or less, major procedures take two or more hours * About 60 percent of the procedures are performed under general anesthesia, 30 percent under local anesthesia, 10 percent under regional or spinal anesthesia * Operating rooms built in pairs for prep and surgery efficiency * Outpatient surgery market has experienced significant growth since the first ambulatory centre opened in 1970; 1990 – 2. million surgeries, 2009 – more than 20 million surgeries * Growth was fueled by three factors: rapid advance ments in technology made it possible for inpatient surgeries to be performed as outpatient surgeries,; Medicare has been aggressive in approving new minimally invasive surgery techniques, meaning number of Medicare patients who use outpatient surgery services has grown substantially; patients prefer outpatient surgeries for convenience, and third party payers prefer them for less cost * Inpatient surgery numbers have been flat due to these factors over the last 20 years; outpatient procedures grow at 10% annually * No other outpatient surgery centre exists in Palms Hospital’s immediate environment, but rumors about physician owned facilities are surfacing * Palms Hospital owns a land adjacent to the facility that would be a perfect location for the new ambulatory surgery centre; the land was bought for $150,000, spent $25,000 to clear the land (also expensed for tax purposes) to put sewer and utility lines. If sold today, the land will ring in $200,000. We will write a custom essay sample on Palm Hospital Notes or any similar topic only for you Order Now * The supposed building will house four operating suites that will cost $5,000,000 plus another $5,000,000 for equipment costs for a total of $10,000,000. *Note: the building and the equipment fall into the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) five-year class for tax depreciation purposes; in reality, the building has to be depreciated over a longer period than the quipment * Although the project may have a longer life, the hospital assumes a five-year life in its capital budgeting analyses and then approximates the value of the cash flows beyond year 5 by including a terminal/salvage value in the analysis; to estimate this value, the hospital uses the market value of the building and equipment after five years, which in this case is $5M before taxes, excluding land value. *Note: taxes must be paid on the difference between an asset’s salvage value and tax book value at termination; for example, if an asset that cost $10,000 is depreciated to $5,000 and then sold for $7,000, the firm owes taxes on the $2,000 excess in salvage value over tax book value * Expected volume for this centre is 20 procedures a day, with an average charge of $1,500 but charity care, bad debts, managed care plan discounts and other allowances lower the net revenue amount to $1,000; the centre will be open 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year, 250 days out of the year. Labor costs are expected to run at $918,000 a year excluding fringe benefits; utility costs run at $50,000 a year * If the centre is built, hospital’s cash overhead will increase by $36,000 annually, primarily for housekeeping, building and grounds maintenance; centre will be allocated $25,000 of the hospital’s current $2. 8M administrative overhead costs. On average, each procedure will require $200 in expendable medical supplies, including anesthetics. The hospital’s inventories and receivables, as well as accruals and payables will increase. Overall change in net working capital is expected to be small, therefore not imperative to the analysis. The hospital’s tax rate is 40%. * Inflation – one of the most difficult factors to deal with in project analysis. Input costs and charges have been rising at twice the rate of overall inflation. Inflationary pressures are highly variable. Analysis is started by assuming that both revenues and costs, except for depreciation, will increase at a constant rate – which they project will be at 3%. * Board members’ concerns – wants to make sure that a complete risk analysis including sensitivity and scenario analysis is performed before the proposal is presented (board was forced to close a daycare that appeared to be profitable but turned out to be a big money loser – 2 years ago) * Another concern would be the impact of the centre on the current volume of inpatient surgeries. Surgery department head projected that the outpatient surgery centre could siphon off up to $1,000,000 in cash revenues annually, hat could lead to a $500,000 reduction in annual cash expenses * The data developed for risk analysis were as follows: three input variables are highly uncertain – number of procedures per day, average revenue per procedure, building/equipment salvage value. If another centre was built to compete with theirs, number of procedures could be as low as 10 a day, but if acceptance to their centre is strong, they could be doing 25 procedures a day. * Net average revenue (cost of procedure) is $1000. But if surgery severity is high, net average revenue could be $1,200. If severity is low, it could be $800. If real estate and medical equipment values stay strong, salvage value could be as high as $6M, but if it weakens, it’ll be as low as $4M – considering that the average salvage value is $5M. Another board member question why the scenario analysis only had three scenarios and suggested 5 or 7. * Based on historical scenario analysis data that use best case, worst case, and most likely, the hospital’s average project has a coefficient of variation of NPV (net present value) in the range of 1. 0-2. 0 and the hospital typically adds or subtracts 4 percentage points to its 10 percent corporate cost of capital to adjust for differential project risk. * Note : the case asks us to conduct complete project analysis and present findings. It suggests the application of Monte Carlo simulation (but that is bullshit because that’s the simulation you need a computer software for). How to cite Palm Hospital Notes, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Performance and Reward Management Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Performance and Reward Management. Answer: As stated by Shields et al., (2015), performance management is one of the crucial factors for gaining competitive advantage in the modern business environment.Performance management is the process of continuously measuring, identifying and developing performance in firms. This is done by aligning the personal gaols and objectives of the employees with that of the organization. Mone and London, (2018) stated, performance rating can be effectively used by the organization to increase the productivity of the employees. On the contrary, Pulakos et al., (2015) opined that there are other effective ways of evaluating the performance of the employees and help them in improving their quality of the performance. This literature will critically evaluate the importance of performance rating in elevating the performance of employees and whether companies can improve the employee performance without using performance ratings. As put forward by Judge and Zapata, (2015), performance rating is a part ofperformance management which is continuous process and aim at improving the overall growth of the organization. Performance rating is essential as it enables the managers to identify the strength and weaknesses of each of the employees. Moreover, the rating system will also reflect upon the growth of the employees in a particular time span. Therefore, the contribution of the employees towards the organization, their development in their respective career, promotional opportunities and pay increases and training needs are discussed within the organization. The rating system is the accurate reflection of employee performances which can be effectively used for their professional growth. On the other hand, Barrick et al., (2015) states, employee performance can be effectively evaluated without using the performance rating systems. The employees can be evaluated based on their accomplishments and the goals that they can achieve within a certain period of time. The employees can also be evaluated based on their future actions instead of their past performances. The performance rating system can also be avoided by discussing about their accomplishments and their future goals. As stated by Li, Bagger and Cropanzano, (2017), performance rating system contributes negatively more often than positively. Moreover, there are occasions where the rating systems are biased and inaccurate. It has been seen quite often that the performance measurement system is not an accurate measure of the organization and leads to an environment that is stressful. According to Borman, (2017), traditional approach of performancemanagement are still used many organization and all companies rate their employee performance. This enables them to identify the contribution of the employees to the organization. Maslows hierarchy of needs states that employee motivations to work are driven by their needs and wants. Moreover, there are certain needs that have higher priority than the others. Performance rating system is used to provide the employees with better monetary rewards and compensation packages so the employees driven by monetary urge will be able to perform in a better way. On the other hand, DeNisi and Murphy, (2017) states, recent research suggested that most of the employees are driven by growth than rewards, benefits and incentives. As stated by Bernardin, Orban and Carlyle, (2017), performance rating system should be developed according to the requirement of the organization. This will facilitate in development of an effective working environment and work culture. The work culture should always be congenial and conductive and this would facilitate the employees in sharing information and knowledge among each other so that the organizational goals can be achieved. However, in most occasions the inappropriate use of performance rating system makes the employees more oriented towards their personal goals. Performance rating system cannot be considered as the most effective system for promoting employee performance. Performance ratings system has been used by all companies in one way or the other and most of the cases the companies are unable to develop an effective performance rating system. The majority of the global organizations are more oriented towards employee growth than performance rating. The basic problems in performance rating system are lack of differentiation, recency effect, horn effect and personal bias. The managers are either reluctant to judge the employees or lack self confidence to justify the rating they have provided to the employees. Schuh et al., (2018) states, in most scenarios it has been seen that employees are given average ratings or similar ratings. This leads to either lower ratings for everyone or higher rating for everyone which means that this is amanagement failure. This will definitely have an adverse effect on the employees and their performance. Recency effect is another major issue where the managers become more diligent than before (Rock Jones, 2015). Therefore, continuous evaluations of the employees are not done which will highly affect the employees performance. Horn effect is very much frequent where the employees are judged on areas where they are highly competent or incompetent. This evaluation is not exactly true to the organizat ion. Personal biases are a common bias where the employees are rated based on their personal feelings and impressions about them. These drawbacks majorly hamper the employee performances and most of the employees will be highly demotivated due to these practices. According to Smith et al., (2016), managers should be able to inspire the employees in order to improve their performance. Employee engagement is more important in this context and can be used effectively to increase the efficiency of the employees. This is the reason that most of the companies are not using the simple rating system for improving the employee performance. There are other complex systems of continuous evaluation of the process such as performance curve and forced ranking which has been effective for motivating the employees. The employee performance ratings are hurting the productivity of the organization as they do not assist in improving the performance of the employees. This is because of the fact that the employees provided with top ratings become complacent while the ones provided with lower ratings are disappointed and angry. The rating system is the area where the employees are focused on and they do not even listen to the valuable feedback that is being provid ed to them. The employees are more focused on the numbers on the assessment sheet that they have received (Latham, 2016). The rating system is practically meaningless as there are managers that are too strict about the ratings and others are too lenient. There are instances when employees have tried their level best to contribute to the organization and they have made an effort to improve the performance. Moreover, their improvements have been well received by the management but at the end of the day they received the same ratings as their last year. This will result in development of all negative emotions within the employees which will highly affect their performance of the employees. Therefore, these instances shows that the performance rating systems have not been used the way they should in an organizational setting. As stated by Rosen et al., (2017), the purpose of the reviewing the performance of the employees is to develop their hidden talents and motivate them to perform in a better way. The ineffectiveness in the employee rating system increases the attrition rate of the organization which increases the organizational cost. The most relevant example is Microsoft where the removal of the rating system increased the collaboration within the employees and they have been able to increase the performance of the employees significantly. The removal of the rating system exhibited collaboration, agile and customer orientation which is essential for companies to gain competitive advantage in the market (Latham, 2016). The employees in the modern generation are looking for growth in their respective careers and talent management is more effective in which the manage rs had a frequent conversation with their employees so that employee engagement can be increased. These have increased the growth rate of the employees significantly and the employees are developing at faster rate. The tradition process showed that employees and managers spent a lot of time in discussing about their past performances. These have been a complete waste of time as the organizations should be more focused on the future development of the employees (Rock Jones, 2015). Therefore, instead of assessing the ability and talents of the employees it is essential for the organizations to provide suitable job roles according to their talents which will benefit the organization. The importance of employee management and growth is high so majority of the companies are getting rid of the performance rating system in order to increase their organizational efficiency. Therefore, the argumentative literature has been able to throw a light on the advantages and disadvantages of using performance rating system. Performance rating system is not the most effective way of increasing the performance of the employees which is the very reason that most of the global organization shave changed their human resource policies. Thus, it can be concluded that performance rating system is not effective in respect to the changing modern environment and has more adverse affects that positive effects on the employees. References Barrick, M. R., Thurgood, G. R., Smith, T. A., Courtright, S. H. (2015). Collective organizational engagement: Linking motivational antecedents, strategic implementation, and firm performance.Academy of Management journal,58(1), 111-135. Bernardin, H. J., Orban, J. A., Carlyle, J. J. (2017, November). Performance Rating as a Function of Trust in Appraisal and Rater Individual Differences. InAcademy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. Borman, W. C. (2017). Implications of personality theory and research for the rating of work performance in organizations. InPerformance measurement and theory(pp. 127-172). Routledge. DeNisi, A. S., Murphy, K. R. (2017). Performance appraisal and performance management: 100 years of progress?.Journal of Applied Psychology,102(3), 421. Judge, T. A., Zapata, C. P. (2015). The personsituation debate revisited: Effect of situation strength and trait activation on the validity of the Big Five personality traits in predicting job performance.Academy of Management Journal,58(4), 1149-1179. Latham, A. (2016).Forbes Retrieved 7 April 2018, from Li, A., Bagger, J., Cropanzano, R. (2017). The impact of stereotypes and supervisor perceptions of employee workfamily conflict on job performance ratings.human relations,70(1), 119-145. Mone, E. M., London, M. (2018).Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge. Pulakos, E. D., Hanson, R. M., Arad, S., Moye, N. (2015). Performance management can be fixed: An on-the-job experiential learning approach for complex behavior change.Industrial and Organizational Psychology,8(1), 51-76. Rock, D., Jones, B. (2015).Why More and More Companies Are Ditching Performance Ratings.Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 7 April 2018, from Rosen, C. C., Kacmar, K. M., Harris, K. J., Gavin, M. B., Hochwarter, W. A. (2017). Workplace politics and performance appraisal: A two-study, multilevel field investigation.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,24(1), 20-38. Schuh, S. C., Zhang, X. A., Morgeson, F. P., Tian, P., van Dick, R. (2018). Are you really doing good things in your boss's eyes? Interactive effects of employee innovative work behavior and leadermember exchange on supervisory performance ratings.Human Resource Management,57(1), 397-409. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., ... Plimmer, G. (2015).Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Smith, M. B., Craig Wallace, J., Jordan, P. (2016). When the dark ones become darker: How promotion focus moderates the effects of the dark triad on supervisor performance ratings.Journal of Organizational Behavior,37(2), 236-254.
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