Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Financial Markets and Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Money related Markets and Risk - Essay Example The drawn out reserve funds and speculation items offered by banks and NBFI’s are for the most part life confirmation, benefits and other venture items, for example, fixed stores with a drawn out development. Fixed stores are time stores which give a higher financing cost than the ordinary interest stores. Benefits items are planned for meeting the retirement needs of financial specialists wherein a single amount sum is given to the speculator which is gathered throughout the years. Putting resources into securities (government and corporate) is another choice where there is more wellbeing despite the fact that the profits might be similarly less. A few banks and numerous NBFI’s give stage to put resources into shared assets moreover. II. Suggestions for singular savers and financial specialists of a critical increment in the general loan costs. The most obvious impact because of the expansion in financing costs is on the credits obtained and stores made by people. An e xpansion in loan fee implies increment in the repo paces of banks. This will bring about an expansion in the home loan loans’ enthusiasm just as different advances and obligations like charge card obligation. The expansion in financing cost on credits will constrain the people who previously obtained the advances to pay more on the intrigue and this will prompt less reserve funds. The individuals who had plans to acquire advance will defer the equivalent so as to be alleviated of the additional weight of higher intrigue reimbursement. Another viewpoint is with the planning inclination of making store. Since the financing cost is high, the arrival on venture from banks as stores will likewise be high which will incite the people to make more speculations out of their investment funds. Swapping scale changes can likewise be an impact of loan cost change. At the point when the financing cost builds, there will be more inflow of outside cash as FIIs. This will prompt an expansion in the estimation of the residential money. The suggestions are that, the people who put resources into remote money will see their estimation of venture descend as far as household cash because of the decline in estimation of the outside cash, different variables continuing as before. Additionally this will make imported merchandise moderately less expensive to the local purchasers which thus power the local makers to diminish their products’ value which implies more reserve funds for the person. Ascend in financing costs will likewise influence stock and protections like bonds. At the point when loan cost rises, the cost of existing bond falls. This is on the grounds that financial specialists can get higher rates on recently gave securities. An increasing loan fee may influence the securities exchange likewise in light of the fact that 1) financial specialists will go to purchase securities as they give better yield, 2) speculators need to pay more to get cash and spend t hem, which will prompt a droop in the development of numerous organizations which produce shopper merchandise. III. Dangers to business banks of a huge ascent when all is said in done financing costs. All banks face loan cost dangers. Changes in financing cost can diminish a bank’s income and lower its total assets. Loan fee hazard is characterized as the instability in profit or the estimation of a budgetary establishment attributable to sudden changes in financing costs. â€Å"The boss wellspring of loan cost chance is the befuddled re-estimating of a budgetary intermediary’s resources and liabilities.â€
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Digital Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Advanced Business Management - Essay Example To accomplish this, the paper has chosen as the site for examination. An examination of the site is directed with an attention on how it is executing computerized data frameworks. The paper at that point audits the plan of action of the site demonstrating its online offer. The paper at that point proceeds to distinguish the intended interest group of the site and how the site is attempting to get to them. In conclusion, the paper assesses the client relationship the executives methodology utilized and makes proposals dependent on what has been watched. is Origin’s official site. Source offers free gaming types of assistance and a stage for games shopping that permits client to shop, access and play differed computer games. Beginning additionally goes about as a long range interpersonal communication stage which empowers clients to associate, system and welcome each other to mess around across various stages (, 2014). The site is additionally associated with a cloud administration that empowers a client to spare a game and resume from where it was halted. It, consequently, takes into consideration trade of data and criticism, thus, making a completely practical computerized data framework (Gitman and McDaniel, 2006). An advanced data framework is characterized as plan of equipment, programming, liveware and data assets that empowers contributing of information, handling, yielding and capacity of data frequently for an unmistakable reason (Kathy, Zhwei and Agrusa, 2004). There are numerous sorts of data frameworks; the exchange handling framework, the board data framework, choice emotionally supportive network and official emotionally supportive network (El-Sawy and Pereira, 2012). This sites goes about as a choice emotionally supportive network since it gives data that is then utilized by a client to settle on choices dependent on data gave (Preece, 2001). A similar data can be utilized by the Origin supervisory group to note and break down issues and think of maintainable answers for the equivalent. The site executes computerized data frameworks in
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
The Art Of Capitalism Advertising And Culture Article
The Art Of Capitalism Advertising And Culture Article The Art Of Capitalism: Advertising And Culture â€" Article Example > Exploitation of Humanity by Advertisers for Commercial AdvantageAdvertising has played a very critical role in the growth of capitalism by aiding commerce, enhancing brand visibility and sustaining the growth of multinational companies. Advertising is the use of media technologies, artistic skills and recently psychological knowledge to appeal to the target market. The ultimate aim of advertising campaigns is to get consumers to buy particular products and services to support the growth of the producing companies. The logic behind advertising is that the effective an advertising campaign is, the higher the value of projected sales. While an increase in sales and growth of an enterprise is good for any economy, there is a thin line between the growth of businesses and exploitation of masses through advertising. Critics of advertising argue that advertisers employ artistic and scientific skills to capture the attention of the target market and influence it to buy the advertised prod uct or service. This has led to unsustainable consumerism where people buy more than they require for their needs. Advertisers also design campaigns meant to influence children whose cognitive ability if not fully developed. Advertising also contributes to gender stereotyping by objectifying women as sexual objects in advertisements that rely on sexual appeal to attract attention. Some messages in advertisement campaigns may be cleverly misleading and may thus cause injury or unexpected expenses to an unsuspecting consumer. Advertising clutter sent via email, visible on WebPages and public places constitute an incursion the attention of the audience subconsciously. The numerous negative implications of advertising seem to support Raymond Williams that at one level, 'the advertisers are people using certain skills and knowledge, created by real art and science, against the public for commercial advantage'. This paper will discuss the negative implications of commercially exploitive advertising in society. Advertising to childrenChildren were not as significantly exposed to advertisement messages before the 1950’s as they are currently. This can be explained by the widespread consumption of television and internet entertainment. According to a news articles by Bruce Watson in The Guardian, The average consumption of TV commercials in countries such as America is estimated at 16,000 (Watson, 2014). It is such statistics that have contributed to debate and scientific research on the effects of advertising on a child’s brain. Several arguments have been advanced against advertising to children. For instance, advertising has been partly blamed for the rising cases of childhood obesity in developed countries. Fast-food restaurants, sugary foods processors and retailers, and carbonated drinks manufacturers have been blamed of contributing to childhood obesity by advertising to children. This has led to fast-food restaurants such as Subway to launch healthy eati ng marketing campaigns meant to appeal to children and avoid a social backlash from the markets where it operates. In 2014, Subway agreed to spend $41m in a campaign-“Playtime: Powered by Veggies†to promote healthy eating in children. Subway’s action is a reaction to a widely discussed ethical marketing issue relating to advertising to children (Watson, 2014). Psychologists argue that children below the age of five years do not have the ability to distinguish between entertainment and commercials in television programs. Children between seven and eight years can distinguish between and entertainment and commercials but cannot recognise the persuasive intent of advertisers. It is not clearly evident if children can appreciate the fact that advertisement messages can be inherently biased towards encouraging consumption of a certain product or service. The fact that the cognitive ability of children does not enable them to understand advertisements messages from a realistic pe rspective creates the ethical dilemma of whether to support advertisements to children or not. Advertising to children indirectly contributes to childhood obesity, poor impulse controls and inability to distinguish between products by their actual value and brands. Advertisers have consistently argued that advertising can help children to develop critical analysis of issues relating to their worldview. However, it is only fair to appreciate that advertisers are primarily interested in persuading children to purchase their services and products. Countries such as Sweden have laws that completely bar advertising to children below 12 years. From a cognitive development of children perspective, it is clear that children cannot appreciate the persuasive intent of the advertiser. Therefore, advertising to children is the use of science and art against public good for commercial advantage.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Questions on Abnormal Psychology - 4701 Words
Part 1 of 4 - 12.0 Points Question 1 of 50 1.0 Points According to the integrative model, which of the following factors influence the onset and maintenance of somatic symptom disorders? A.Biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. B.Psychological, cultural and perceptual factors. C.Medical, sociological, and psychological factors. D.Cultural, medical, and gender factors. Answer Key: A Question 2 of 50 1.0 Points Concerning the cause of dissociative disorders, _______ dominate(s) this field of psychology. A.theory and speculation B.statistical analysis from experiments C.observation and patient interviews D.experimental research with controlled groups Answer Key: A Question 3 of 50 1.0 Points Jill was the†¦show more content†¦Although she has had a complete medical work-up, no basis for the extremity of her pain has been found. Despite this medical clearance, she does not feel well enough to return to college studies. Which of the following best describes Heather s symptoms? A.Factitious disorder B.Somatic symptom disorder C.Dissociative disorder D.Depersonalization disorder Answer Key: B Part 2 of 4 - 2 13.0 Points Question 13 of 50 1.0 Points Double depression is a term used to refer to episodes of A.dysthymia that recur frequently. B.major depressive disorder in addition to dysthymia. C.dysthymia without major depressive disorder. D.suicidal thinking found in major depressive disorder. Answer Key: B Question 14 of 50 1.0 Points Tracy is experiencing depression and is writing in a journal in order to contemplate the cause of her mood. What response style is Tracy using to cope? A.distracting style B.attributional style C.ruminative style D.external style Answer Key: C Question 15 of 50 1.0 Points Based on John Bowlby s model of attachment researchers have focused on how mother-infant attachment affects support in adulthood. B.vulnerability for bipolar disorder and cyclothymia. C.existential issues in the elderly.Show MoreRelatedAbnormal Behavior As Its Own Discourse Community1345 Words  | 6 PagesAbnormal Behavior as its own discourse community. Introduction: In order to fully understand Psychology as a discourse community, I have decided to research the Abnormal behavior branch; which is a study in the psychology field. I will then correlate that information to that of the psychology discourse community. Which will allow me to not only evaluate the Abnormal behavior branch, using both Swales and Pratt’s texts. Finally, I will most likely come to the conclusion based on my research, thatRead MoreNormal vs. Abnormal Psychology700 Words  | 3 PagesNormal v. Abnormal Psychology: Normal and abnormal psychology is based on the theory of perception whereby some changes are detected in the body such as the color of the body, its figure, shape, and size. 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He worked in the fields of Developmental Psychology and Epistemology. He’s known for his works and theories in the field of child development. His theories of cognitive development and epistemological views are called, â€Å"genetic epistemology†. Piaget placed the education of children as most important. His works and theories still play a huge role and influence the study of child psychology today. Jean Piaget was born on August 9, 1896 in Neuchatel, Switzerland
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Vajrayana Buddhism - 1221 Words
Vajrayana Buddhism NO NAME REL/133 September 19, 2011 Deborah Wilkinson Vajrayana Buddhism Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism is called the Diamond Vehicle. This third branch of Buddhism teaches that strength, clarity, wisdom, and flashes of light; here Vajrayana allows followers to receive such enlightenment through this vehicle of the lightning bolt. Those who practice this type of Buddhism find its complexities to be quite clear as the encounter truths of Buddha along the way of life events. Serenity and peace are experienced as they align themselves with revelations of Vajrayanan. What are mudras, and why are objects important? Why is meditation the very foundation to discovering the truths of Vajrayana, and Buddha’s†¦show more content†¦As with the Buddha’s road to enlightenment, the Vajrayana search for enlightenment and to be free of the cycle of life. Objects A variety of objects are used during worship rituals when practicing Vajrayana Buddhism. Each object has a specific meaning or special importance. It is believed that the objects provide protection and powers. The objects that will be covered are the vajra, the bell, and the prayer wheel. The vajra and the bell represent the union of wisdom and compassion when used together. The rituals are very specific down to what hand each object must be held in during worship. The vajra is held in the right hand while the left hand holds the bell. The vajra is a divining rod or staff made of metal. The meaning behind the vajra is power and insight and represents kind actions or compassion. The bell represents wisdom. A prayer wheel is an object used by many believers. Sacred phrases and Mantras are written on paper and wound inside the wheel. It is believed that by spinning the wheel with scriptures inside it is just as beneficial as reading them. This philosophy also suggests that the m ore scriptures placed inside, the more powerful and effective the prayer wheel is. The newer prayer wheels made are capable of holding millions of Mantras because of the technology of microprinting (Tibetan Prayer Wheels, 2011). The prayerShow MoreRelatedThe Vajra Of Vajrayana Buddhism1372 Words  | 6 PagesThe Vajra in Vajrayana Buddhism As Buddhism developed different schools or sects began to branch out taking the main component of Buddhist belief, called Dharma, but coming up with different ways to practice their own distinct view of Buddhism. Vajrayana Buddhism is of Indian tantric origin but it developed in the â€Å"Himalayan nations of Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan†because of this many Vajrayana’s tantras, rituals, have woven into Tibetan Buddhism making it difficult to differentiate between the twoRead MoreVajrayana Buddhism744 Words  | 3 PagesVajrayana Buddhism The Vajrayana approach to Buddhism is just one of a number of Buddhist traditions, and all of the aspects of Buddhism are based on the enlightened teachings of Buddha. Vajrayana Buddhism is based on Tantra which relates to the teachings of Buddha. Vajrayana Buddhism is also known as Tantric Buddhism, based of course on the Tantra (enlighten teachings). According to the Introduction to Vajrayana ( HYPERLINK, vajra is theRead MoreThe Diamond Buddhist Of Buddhism2133 Words  | 9 Pagesis apparent that not too many Westerners understand how complex Buddhism truly is. Buddhism has various traditions with different perceptions of Buddha’s teachings and rituals. Buddhism is practiced by all different types of people, not just monks or people who reside in the East. The Diamond Buddhist Way Center in Chicago helps display how diverse the Buddhist community is by providing a more western and contemporary style of Buddhism. The cente r is located at 4722 N Malden St, Chicago, IL 60640.Read More The Role of Women in Tibetan Buddhism Essay4445 Words  | 18 PagesThe Role of Women in Tibetan Buddhism â€Å"In Tantric Buddhism, we are dealing with a misogynist, destructive, masculine philosophy and religion which is hostile to life – i.e. the precise opposite of that for which it is trustingly and magnanimously welcomed in the figure of the Dalai Lama.†[1] Within Tibetan Buddhism, there is an inherent contradiction regarding the status of women. Although in many aspects women are seen and treated as inferior to men, several of the ancient and fundamentalRead MoreBuddhism During The Heian Period1510 Words  | 7 PagesBuddhism During the Heian period (745-1185AD) Buddhism spread throughout Japan and thrived in the imperial court in Heiankyo (Kyoto). There were two sects of Buddhism that were most popular during this time, one was Tendai and the other was Shingon. Both of these sects of Buddhism came from China and were brought over to Japan by two different people. Saicho or Dengyo Daishi brought over Tendai sect (767-822) and Kukai or Kobo Daishi brought over Shingon sect (774-835) known as Esoteric BuddhismRead MoreEssay about The Evolution of Buddhism 1182 Words  | 5 PagesBuddhism is a unique religion that bestows upon its members that their actions accumulate karma and too much bad karma leads to rebirth. A person reaches Nirvana (also known as heaven) when achieving enlightenment and is no longer subjected to rebirth. Buddhism also believes there is no one almighty god, but rather many gods, which they refer to as deities. Dharma is commonly known as the sacred teachings of a deity. The Budd ha is only born in certain situations that members are in need of re-teachingRead MoreThe Philosophy Of Buddhism, By Dalai Lama1351 Words  | 6 Pageshas grown by over 7.2%; perhaps it is the simplistic nature and approach to life that has caused this growth. Buddhism is one of the most fascinating religious and philosophical beliefs of the world. The faith emerged in India in approximately 560 BCE, and quickly spread throughout the East. Since then, it has become one of the fastest growing religions globally. In the 1960’s, when Buddhism became popular in Australia, it continued to develop. In order to accommodate for this, places of worship, suchRead MoreThe Buddhist Religion And Its Move Into America1175 Words  | 5 Pagesunderstanding. Fast forward 1000 years or so when Buddhism began making its way into America when the railroad industry and other expanding industries began hiring Chinese immigrants as cheap labor. They established temples in their settlements along the rail lines. At about the same time, immigrants from Japan began to arrive as laborers on Hawaiian plantations and central-California farms. The most significant event of the 19th century in Buddhism was the World Parliaments of Religions (Smith).Read MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Mahayana And Two Major Branches Of Buddhism1281 Words  | 6 Pages In Buddhism, the two major branches are the Theravada and Mahayana. Theravada is known as the â€Å"tradition of the elders.†Mahayana is called the â€Å"large vehicle.†Mahayana Buddhist came about after the first Buddhist council split. The second Buddhist council began a hundred years after the death of the Buddha. The councils came together to discuss the differences in bu ddha orders in which some Monks believed. They talked about the true meaning behind the Buddha teachings and certain practices. MonksRead MoreBuddhism Is A Religion And Philosophy Essay2054 Words  | 9 PagesBuddhism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama. It is the oldest and fourth largest religion in the world with around 500 million followers. Buddhism focuses on teaching people how to come to terms with and end the suffering of themselves and others by cutting out greed, hatred, and ignorance from their lives. Unlike most major world religions, Buddhism does not revolve around worshiping a god or divine creator, instead the focus of Buddhism is living one s best
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Palm Hospital Notes Free Essays
Palms Hospital (Traditional Project Analysis) Palms Hospital * 250 bed capacity; investor owned; Islamorada, Florida * Founded in 1946 by Rob Winslow, went back in 1967 after the war * High economic growth, population expansion Acknowledged to be one of the leading healthcare providers in the area * Currently evaluating a proposed ambulatory (outpatient) surgery centre * More than 80% o all outpatient surgery is performed by specialists * Minor procedures take about one hour or less, major procedures take two or more hours * About 60 percent of the procedures are performed under general anesthesia, 30 percent under local anesthesia, 10 percent under regional or spinal anesthesia * Operating rooms built in pairs for prep and surgery efficiency * Outpatient surgery market has experienced significant growth since the first ambulatory centre opened in 1970; 1990 – 2. million surgeries, 2009 – more than 20 million surgeries * Growth was fueled by three factors: rapid advance ments in technology made it possible for inpatient surgeries to be performed as outpatient surgeries,; Medicare has been aggressive in approving new minimally invasive surgery techniques, meaning number of Medicare patients who use outpatient surgery services has grown substantially; patients prefer outpatient surgeries for convenience, and third party payers prefer them for less cost * Inpatient surgery numbers have been flat due to these factors over the last 20 years; outpatient procedures grow at 10% annually * No other outpatient surgery centre exists in Palms Hospital’s immediate environment, but rumors about physician owned facilities are surfacing * Palms Hospital owns a land adjacent to the facility that would be a perfect location for the new ambulatory surgery centre; the land was bought for $150,000, spent $25,000 to clear the land (also expensed for tax purposes) to put sewer and utility lines. If sold today, the land will ring in $200,000. We will write a custom essay sample on Palm Hospital Notes or any similar topic only for you Order Now * The supposed building will house four operating suites that will cost $5,000,000 plus another $5,000,000 for equipment costs for a total of $10,000,000. *Note: the building and the equipment fall into the modified accelerated cost recovery system (MACRS) five-year class for tax depreciation purposes; in reality, the building has to be depreciated over a longer period than the quipment * Although the project may have a longer life, the hospital assumes a five-year life in its capital budgeting analyses and then approximates the value of the cash flows beyond year 5 by including a terminal/salvage value in the analysis; to estimate this value, the hospital uses the market value of the building and equipment after five years, which in this case is $5M before taxes, excluding land value. *Note: taxes must be paid on the difference between an asset’s salvage value and tax book value at termination; for example, if an asset that cost $10,000 is depreciated to $5,000 and then sold for $7,000, the firm owes taxes on the $2,000 excess in salvage value over tax book value * Expected volume for this centre is 20 procedures a day, with an average charge of $1,500 but charity care, bad debts, managed care plan discounts and other allowances lower the net revenue amount to $1,000; the centre will be open 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year, 250 days out of the year. Labor costs are expected to run at $918,000 a year excluding fringe benefits; utility costs run at $50,000 a year * If the centre is built, hospital’s cash overhead will increase by $36,000 annually, primarily for housekeeping, building and grounds maintenance; centre will be allocated $25,000 of the hospital’s current $2. 8M administrative overhead costs. On average, each procedure will require $200 in expendable medical supplies, including anesthetics. The hospital’s inventories and receivables, as well as accruals and payables will increase. Overall change in net working capital is expected to be small, therefore not imperative to the analysis. The hospital’s tax rate is 40%. * Inflation – one of the most difficult factors to deal with in project analysis. Input costs and charges have been rising at twice the rate of overall inflation. Inflationary pressures are highly variable. Analysis is started by assuming that both revenues and costs, except for depreciation, will increase at a constant rate – which they project will be at 3%. * Board members’ concerns – wants to make sure that a complete risk analysis including sensitivity and scenario analysis is performed before the proposal is presented (board was forced to close a daycare that appeared to be profitable but turned out to be a big money loser – 2 years ago) * Another concern would be the impact of the centre on the current volume of inpatient surgeries. Surgery department head projected that the outpatient surgery centre could siphon off up to $1,000,000 in cash revenues annually, hat could lead to a $500,000 reduction in annual cash expenses * The data developed for risk analysis were as follows: three input variables are highly uncertain – number of procedures per day, average revenue per procedure, building/equipment salvage value. If another centre was built to compete with theirs, number of procedures could be as low as 10 a day, but if acceptance to their centre is strong, they could be doing 25 procedures a day. * Net average revenue (cost of procedure) is $1000. But if surgery severity is high, net average revenue could be $1,200. If severity is low, it could be $800. If real estate and medical equipment values stay strong, salvage value could be as high as $6M, but if it weakens, it’ll be as low as $4M – considering that the average salvage value is $5M. Another board member question why the scenario analysis only had three scenarios and suggested 5 or 7. * Based on historical scenario analysis data that use best case, worst case, and most likely, the hospital’s average project has a coefficient of variation of NPV (net present value) in the range of 1. 0-2. 0 and the hospital typically adds or subtracts 4 percentage points to its 10 percent corporate cost of capital to adjust for differential project risk. * Note : the case asks us to conduct complete project analysis and present findings. It suggests the application of Monte Carlo simulation (but that is bullshit because that’s the simulation you need a computer software for). How to cite Palm Hospital Notes, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Performance and Reward Management Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Performance and Reward Management. Answer: As stated by Shields et al., (2015), performance management is one of the crucial factors for gaining competitive advantage in the modern business environment.Performance management is the process of continuously measuring, identifying and developing performance in firms. This is done by aligning the personal gaols and objectives of the employees with that of the organization. Mone and London, (2018) stated, performance rating can be effectively used by the organization to increase the productivity of the employees. On the contrary, Pulakos et al., (2015) opined that there are other effective ways of evaluating the performance of the employees and help them in improving their quality of the performance. This literature will critically evaluate the importance of performance rating in elevating the performance of employees and whether companies can improve the employee performance without using performance ratings. As put forward by Judge and Zapata, (2015), performance rating is a part ofperformance management which is continuous process and aim at improving the overall growth of the organization. Performance rating is essential as it enables the managers to identify the strength and weaknesses of each of the employees. Moreover, the rating system will also reflect upon the growth of the employees in a particular time span. Therefore, the contribution of the employees towards the organization, their development in their respective career, promotional opportunities and pay increases and training needs are discussed within the organization. The rating system is the accurate reflection of employee performances which can be effectively used for their professional growth. On the other hand, Barrick et al., (2015) states, employee performance can be effectively evaluated without using the performance rating systems. The employees can be evaluated based on their accomplishments and the goals that they can achieve within a certain period of time. The employees can also be evaluated based on their future actions instead of their past performances. The performance rating system can also be avoided by discussing about their accomplishments and their future goals. As stated by Li, Bagger and Cropanzano, (2017), performance rating system contributes negatively more often than positively. Moreover, there are occasions where the rating systems are biased and inaccurate. It has been seen quite often that the performance measurement system is not an accurate measure of the organization and leads to an environment that is stressful. According to Borman, (2017), traditional approach of performancemanagement are still used many organization and all companies rate their employee performance. This enables them to identify the contribution of the employees to the organization. Maslows hierarchy of needs states that employee motivations to work are driven by their needs and wants. Moreover, there are certain needs that have higher priority than the others. Performance rating system is used to provide the employees with better monetary rewards and compensation packages so the employees driven by monetary urge will be able to perform in a better way. On the other hand, DeNisi and Murphy, (2017) states, recent research suggested that most of the employees are driven by growth than rewards, benefits and incentives. As stated by Bernardin, Orban and Carlyle, (2017), performance rating system should be developed according to the requirement of the organization. This will facilitate in development of an effective working environment and work culture. The work culture should always be congenial and conductive and this would facilitate the employees in sharing information and knowledge among each other so that the organizational goals can be achieved. However, in most occasions the inappropriate use of performance rating system makes the employees more oriented towards their personal goals. Performance rating system cannot be considered as the most effective system for promoting employee performance. Performance ratings system has been used by all companies in one way or the other and most of the cases the companies are unable to develop an effective performance rating system. The majority of the global organizations are more oriented towards employee growth than performance rating. The basic problems in performance rating system are lack of differentiation, recency effect, horn effect and personal bias. The managers are either reluctant to judge the employees or lack self confidence to justify the rating they have provided to the employees. Schuh et al., (2018) states, in most scenarios it has been seen that employees are given average ratings or similar ratings. This leads to either lower ratings for everyone or higher rating for everyone which means that this is amanagement failure. This will definitely have an adverse effect on the employees and their performance. Recency effect is another major issue where the managers become more diligent than before (Rock Jones, 2015). Therefore, continuous evaluations of the employees are not done which will highly affect the employees performance. Horn effect is very much frequent where the employees are judged on areas where they are highly competent or incompetent. This evaluation is not exactly true to the organizat ion. Personal biases are a common bias where the employees are rated based on their personal feelings and impressions about them. These drawbacks majorly hamper the employee performances and most of the employees will be highly demotivated due to these practices. According to Smith et al., (2016), managers should be able to inspire the employees in order to improve their performance. Employee engagement is more important in this context and can be used effectively to increase the efficiency of the employees. This is the reason that most of the companies are not using the simple rating system for improving the employee performance. There are other complex systems of continuous evaluation of the process such as performance curve and forced ranking which has been effective for motivating the employees. The employee performance ratings are hurting the productivity of the organization as they do not assist in improving the performance of the employees. This is because of the fact that the employees provided with top ratings become complacent while the ones provided with lower ratings are disappointed and angry. The rating system is the area where the employees are focused on and they do not even listen to the valuable feedback that is being provid ed to them. The employees are more focused on the numbers on the assessment sheet that they have received (Latham, 2016). The rating system is practically meaningless as there are managers that are too strict about the ratings and others are too lenient. There are instances when employees have tried their level best to contribute to the organization and they have made an effort to improve the performance. Moreover, their improvements have been well received by the management but at the end of the day they received the same ratings as their last year. This will result in development of all negative emotions within the employees which will highly affect their performance of the employees. Therefore, these instances shows that the performance rating systems have not been used the way they should in an organizational setting. As stated by Rosen et al., (2017), the purpose of the reviewing the performance of the employees is to develop their hidden talents and motivate them to perform in a better way. The ineffectiveness in the employee rating system increases the attrition rate of the organization which increases the organizational cost. The most relevant example is Microsoft where the removal of the rating system increased the collaboration within the employees and they have been able to increase the performance of the employees significantly. The removal of the rating system exhibited collaboration, agile and customer orientation which is essential for companies to gain competitive advantage in the market (Latham, 2016). The employees in the modern generation are looking for growth in their respective careers and talent management is more effective in which the manage rs had a frequent conversation with their employees so that employee engagement can be increased. These have increased the growth rate of the employees significantly and the employees are developing at faster rate. The tradition process showed that employees and managers spent a lot of time in discussing about their past performances. These have been a complete waste of time as the organizations should be more focused on the future development of the employees (Rock Jones, 2015). Therefore, instead of assessing the ability and talents of the employees it is essential for the organizations to provide suitable job roles according to their talents which will benefit the organization. The importance of employee management and growth is high so majority of the companies are getting rid of the performance rating system in order to increase their organizational efficiency. Therefore, the argumentative literature has been able to throw a light on the advantages and disadvantages of using performance rating system. Performance rating system is not the most effective way of increasing the performance of the employees which is the very reason that most of the global organization shave changed their human resource policies. Thus, it can be concluded that performance rating system is not effective in respect to the changing modern environment and has more adverse affects that positive effects on the employees. References Barrick, M. R., Thurgood, G. R., Smith, T. A., Courtright, S. H. (2015). Collective organizational engagement: Linking motivational antecedents, strategic implementation, and firm performance.Academy of Management journal,58(1), 111-135. Bernardin, H. J., Orban, J. A., Carlyle, J. J. (2017, November). Performance Rating as a Function of Trust in Appraisal and Rater Individual Differences. InAcademy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. Borman, W. C. (2017). Implications of personality theory and research for the rating of work performance in organizations. InPerformance measurement and theory(pp. 127-172). Routledge. DeNisi, A. S., Murphy, K. R. (2017). Performance appraisal and performance management: 100 years of progress?.Journal of Applied Psychology,102(3), 421. Judge, T. A., Zapata, C. P. (2015). The personsituation debate revisited: Effect of situation strength and trait activation on the validity of the Big Five personality traits in predicting job performance.Academy of Management Journal,58(4), 1149-1179. Latham, A. (2016).Forbes Retrieved 7 April 2018, from Li, A., Bagger, J., Cropanzano, R. (2017). The impact of stereotypes and supervisor perceptions of employee workfamily conflict on job performance ratings.human relations,70(1), 119-145. Mone, E. M., London, M. (2018).Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge. Pulakos, E. D., Hanson, R. M., Arad, S., Moye, N. (2015). Performance management can be fixed: An on-the-job experiential learning approach for complex behavior change.Industrial and Organizational Psychology,8(1), 51-76. Rock, D., Jones, B. (2015).Why More and More Companies Are Ditching Performance Ratings.Harvard Business Review. Retrieved 7 April 2018, from Rosen, C. C., Kacmar, K. M., Harris, K. J., Gavin, M. B., Hochwarter, W. A. (2017). Workplace politics and performance appraisal: A two-study, multilevel field investigation.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,24(1), 20-38. Schuh, S. C., Zhang, X. A., Morgeson, F. P., Tian, P., van Dick, R. (2018). Are you really doing good things in your boss's eyes? Interactive effects of employee innovative work behavior and leadermember exchange on supervisory performance ratings.Human Resource Management,57(1), 397-409. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., ... Plimmer, G. (2015).Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Smith, M. B., Craig Wallace, J., Jordan, P. (2016). When the dark ones become darker: How promotion focus moderates the effects of the dark triad on supervisor performance ratings.Journal of Organizational Behavior,37(2), 236-254.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Indonesian Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Example
The Indonesian Tourism Industry Tourism Essay The capital metropolis of Indonesia, Jakarta with a entire populations of 9.6 million ( BPS, 2012 ) with five countries viz. West, East, North, South and Central, has positive economic growing since period 2000 to 2011, which largely was sustained by the three chief sectors such as ( 1 ) fiscal, existent estate and concern services sector, ( 2 ) trade hotel and eating house sector and ( 3 ) fabrication sector. ( BPS, 2012 ) The increasing of economic growing gives impacts to the touristry industry in Indonesia. In January 2011, the Culture and Tourism Minister of Republic Indonesia announced the replacing of Visit Indonesia Year stigmatization with Fantastic Dutch east indies as portion of touristry run that expected to pull 7.7 million foreign tourers and bring forth $ 8.3 billion of gross. Whereas 50 % of this gross will be generated from meetings, convention and exhibitions that will take topographic point in assorted topographic point in Indonesia. ( The Jakarta Post, 31st December 2010 ) . Jakarta, where the cardinal authorities, trade, services and industry are located at, makes Jakarta a finish for concern travelers or as a authorities cardinal meeting. In add-on, with the completing installations at JIExpo Kemayoran in North Jakarta, Jakarta Convention Center in Central Jakarta, Balai Kartini in South Jakarta, Semanggi Expo in South Jakarta, Jakarta will go one of the touristry finish for MICE ( Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition ) concern. ( Sarya, 2011, p.16 ) We will write a custom essay sample on The Indonesian Tourism Industry Tourism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Indonesian Tourism Industry Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Indonesian Tourism Industry Tourism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Table 1. : The statistic of figure of international tourer reaching through gate Airport Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Soekarno Hatta, 1,464,717 1,390,440 1,823,636 1,933,022 Ngurah Rai, 2,081,786 2,384,819 2,546,023 2,788,706 Polonia, 130,211 148,193 162,410 192,650 Sam Ratulangi 21,795 29,715 20,220 20,074 Batam 1,061,390 951,384 1,007,446 1,161,581 Juanda, Surabaya 156,726 158,076 168,888 185,815 Adi Sumarmo 19,022 16,489 22,350 23,830 Minangkabau, 40,911 51,002 27,482 30,585 Others 1,257,939 1,193,612 1,224,489 1,311,468 Sum 6,234,497 6,323,730 7,002,944 7,647,731 Beginning: Biro Pusat Statistik, 2012 Table 1.1 shows that the international tourers who arrived through Jakarta s International Airport viz. Soekarno Hatta, have increased twelvemonth to twelvemonth which in 2011, it reached about 1.9 million. The entire international tourers who came to Indonesia in 2011 have about reached the mark of the Culture and Tourism Minister to pull 7.7 million foreign tourers. Hotel Industry For some large states like Jakarta, which has many concern activities, hotel becomes one of the most productive income-producing belongingss ( Internal information Colliers International Indonesia, 2012 ) . There are four benefits from hotel industry for a state ( Medlik A ; Ingram, 2000, p.4 ) , which are, In some countries, hotel as an attractive force of visitant who bring passing power and who tend to pass more money than they do when they are at place. This visitant disbursement power frequently gives large part to the economic system gross of a state. In Jakarta, hotel, trade and eating house sector is one of top three sectors which give a biggest part in GDP for largely old ages. From period 2009-2011, hotel, trade and eating house sector has contributed 20 % for DKI Jakarta s GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) . ( BPS, 2009 2011 ) In countries which having foreign visitants, hotels play large functions as alien currency earners which can give large part to their state s balance of payments. For states which have little possibilities of export may take hotels as their alien currency earners. Hotels can supply many occupation chances that this function is of import for countries which have little figure of beginnings of employment, where they contribute to regional development. Hotel can move as a medium to promo the merchandises of other industries. Largely hotel are supplied with nutrient, drink and other consumables which purchased from local husbandmans, fishermen and other providers. Using local merchandises in their services makes this hotel non merely can lend straight to their economic system gross to state as a alien currency earners but besides indirectly as an mercantile establishment to advance other local industries. Hotels may go societal activity Centres for local people and frequently their eating houses and other installations can pull local usage. The positive macroeconomic growing encourages the positive growing of hotel supply in Jakarta, as a respond from hotel groups for the positive growing of room demand. Some hotel groups expand their hotel concatenation by increasing their figure of hotel, such as Tauzia ( local concatenation ) which its hotel direction will develop 23 hotels until 2012, consist of 15 units Harris Hotel and 8 units of Pop Harris. Next, there is the Accor group ( international concatenation based on France and the largest operator of hotels in Asia Pacific ) program to spread out their web across Indonesia from 40 hotels in 2011 to 100 hotels by 2015. PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk ( SSIA ) , who own and manages the 5-star Gran Melia Hotel Jakarta and Melia Hotel Bali, plans to spread out its gross in the cordial reception market by developing a budget hotel web in 2012. The increasing figure of hotel for a budget hotel to a five stars hotel for period 2000 2011 are shown on the Figure 1.2, ( from the period 2012 2015 are projection figure ) , Beginning: Adopted from informations internal Colliers International Indonesia, 2012 Figure1. : The hotel supply in Jakarta by figure of hotel from period 2000-2015 Beginning: Adopted from informations internal Colliers International Indonesia, 2012 Figure1. : The hotel supply in Jakarta by figure of room from period 2000-2015 Based on the Figure 1.2, the supply of hotel since 2000-2011 are dominated by 5-star hotel and 4-star hotel, whereas until 2011 there were already 37 five-star hotel and 35 four-star hotel in Jakarta. These hotel groups which play in Jakarta hotel market consist of international and local trade names. Some of international trade names in Indonesia which the author would wish to advert are Holiday Inn, Sheraton, Four Seasons, Kempinksi, InterContinental, Hilton International, Ritz-Carlton and Mandarin Oriental. While the local trade names besides sharply work to construct their ain concatenation, from Santika, Mulia and Sultan to the Sahid Group and many others. The Emerging of Budget Hotel in Jakarta The construct of Budget Hotel in Jakarta began to emerge in 2006, initiated by the Accor Group, France with the Hotel Formule1, which plans to construct four other subdivision of this hotel in Bali, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Jakarta. Then followed by Santika Group with their Amaris Hotel that until 2012 holding 22 Amaris hotel and planning to spread out the concatenation by adding another 13 Amaris Hotel. Basically the key participants in budget hotel market are hotel groups who already have established their star hotel ironss, and because they can see the possible market and demand of budget hotel, they add one line in their concatenation for budget hotel. Some of the hotel groups are shown in Table 1. : Hotel groups and their trade name on star and budget hotel. Table 1. : Hotel groups and their trade name on star and budget hotel Hotel Group Star Hotel Brand Budget Hotel Brand Aston International Aston Hotel ( 3 Star ) Fave Hotel Accor Group Grand Mercure ( 4 star ) Novotel ( 4 star ) Pullman Hotel ( 5 star ) Ibis Budget Hotel ( antecedently Formule 1 ) Grahawita Santika Santika Premiere ( 4 Star ) Santika Hotel ( 3 Star ) Amaris Hotel Tauzia Hotel Management Harris Hotel ( 4 Star ) Pop Hotel PT Intiland Development Grand Whiz ( 3 Star ) Whiz Hotel Beginning: Adopted from informations internal Colliers International, 2012 Budget hotels are known for its low menu hotel ( Barrows A ; Powers, 2009, pp.273 ) , where invitees can see remaining at good quality hotel, with a low monetary value. The invitees pay merely for what they use. This will ensue in non merely cost efficiency for the costumier but besides for the investor. Based on Colliers International Indonesia information 2012, in twelvemonth 2011 there are merely 6 budget hotels in Jakarta, which are, Formule 1, Menteng by Accor Amaris Hotel, Panglima Polim by Santika Formule 1, Cikini by Accor Amaris Mangga Dua Square by Santika Amaris Soekarno Hatta, Cengkareng by Santika Amaris Senen by Santika In the Figure 1.3 shows the entire figure of budget hotel in Jakarta since emerged in 2006 to 2012. Beginning: Adopted from informations internal Colliers International Indonesia, 2012 Figure1. : The figure of budget hotel in Jakarta from period 2006-2012 The Segment of Budget Hotel The chief section of budget hotel in Jakarta is concern traveler. The high demand of concern activities in Jakarta, which require low monetary value adjustment with limited service, has encouraged budget hotel as a chief penchant for company in taking their concern adjustment. In add-on, there is a displacement work system among corporation when they will make enlargement into a new country. In the epoch of the 1990s, to supervise or guarantee the possible for concern in country which freshly initiated, the company normally sends a direct top direction ( Hari et al. , June 2011, p.44 ) . Since 2000 s, with the bettering economic system and quality of human resources, the corporation began to depute the undertaking at in-between direction degree ( Hari et al. , June 2011, p.44 ) . In add-on, by deputing undertakings to the degree of direction, the costs will be cheaper than directing the top direction. Those alterations of form, so impact the travel concern in Indonesia, from the outgrowth of low cost bearer ( LCC ) to the mushrooming budget hotel ( limited service hotels ) which merely provide the basic demands of the invitees: the comfy suites for remainder. Basically the potency of concern traveller market in Jakarta is rather big, because of few grounds, which are: The betterment in all sectors and positive economic growing has large impact in the increasing of concern activity in Jakarta. In their concern activity, the concerns frequently do concern trip to out of town, even abroad. And as a cardinal authorities, trade, services and industry, Jakarta becomes one of the most finishs for concern travelers in Indonesia. Based on informations from Asia Pacific Business Traveller Research 2011 by Accor Group, the cost which spent for hotel adjustment for Indonesian concern traveler is $ 92/night ( 2011, p.11 ) , while the norm long stay is 2.08 twenty-four hours. ( BPS, 2011 ) As the entire concern traveler in Indonesia in 2011 is about 90 % of the entire domestic tourer in Indonesia ( Siahaan, 2012 ) , hence concern travelers will be around 6.84 million in a twelvemonth. Therefore from this sum of concern travelers, there is about $ 1.3trillion of the entire cost of the trip that flows into the hotel industry in 2011. Global fiscal crisis in 2008 had besides triggered the corporation to cut their concern travel budget. There are some schemes that they have done during 3 old ages after the crisis ( 2009-2011 ) . Based on Ascend Corporate Travel Survey 2012 , from 340 respondent of concern travelers who based 43 % Europe, 30 % North America and 17 % Asia Pacific, there is an increasing figure of company which planning to alter their pick of hotels to salvage money in 2011. Whereas this status was encouraged budget hotel as a penchant adjustment for company for concern trip The Industry of Budget Hotel in Jakarta What becomes interesting from budget hotel market in Jakarta is how the supply and demand of budget hotel is significantly increasing in the short period of clip. Many hotel groups or air hose groups expand their concern to put in budget hotel, by seeing the possible demand of this hotel. For case, AirAsia Group, an air hose company based on Malaysia, who became a innovator of supplying a budget air hose ( Low Cost Carrier, LLC ) , has besides interested to make budget hotel with trade name Tune Hotel. After first established in Malaysia in 2007, Tune Hotel has spread in 6 states, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, England, Thailand, Filipina and Australia. In 2009, they launched two Tune Hotel in Bali which is in Kuta and Seminyak and in 2013, they are be aftering to spread out 13 Tune Hotels in Indonesia which will be in Jakarta, Bekasi, Surabaya, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Sola, Palembang, Tangerang and Bali ( Kompas, 5th September 2012, p.19 ) In the Figure1. : The growing in footings of figure of suites from period 2000-2012 below shows that budget hotel s growing compared with 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in footings of figure of suites is lifting important since emerged in 2006. Beginning: Adopted from informations internal Colliers International Indonesia, 2012 Figure1. : The growing in footings of figure of suites from period 2000-2012 The important supply of budget hotel is a respond for important demand from the market. It can be seen from the tenancy rate of budget hotel which is rather good better than 3 5 star hotels. The Figure1. : The tenancy rate from 5-star hotel to budget hotel shows that merely two old ages after budget hotel has emerged to the market, its tenancy rate is extremely better than 3 5 star hotels, even 5-star hotel has the lowest tenancy rate from 2000-2011. Beginning: Adopted from informations internal Colliers International Indonesia, 2012 Figure1. : The tenancy rate from 5-star hotel to budget hotel The higher demand of budget hotel than 3, 4, 5 star hotels gives an thought that budget hotel likely has satisfied their client and could make their trueness clients who wants to make repetition purchases of their services. However, before making high client satisfaction degree and holding trueness clients, there are values that budget hotel should give to their client. How client value creative activity that budget hotel has done to their client and how this value creative activity impacts their client satisfaction and trueness that finally will increase their demand degree and how this client value creative activity impacts to the hotel profitableness that impact the supply degree will be a intent for this research. Problem Designation Due to the demand of budget hotel is higher than 3, 4, 5 star hotels, therefore there is a mark that likely budget hotel has satisfied their client that finally could make client trueness who wants to make repetition purchases of their services hotel. However, in order to fulfill their client and make client trueness, they should give values to their client. Therefore, the issue in this thesis is to analyze The Impact of Customer Value Creation on Budget Hotel towards Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Hotel Profitability . There are four countries of research job, What value creative activity that budget hotel has done towards its clients? What is the client satisfaction degree of budget hotel as an impact of client value creative activity? What are the ruling values in act uponing client satisfaction which will take to make client trueness? How is the profitableness degree of budget hotel compared to 4 and 5 star hotel as an impact from client satisfaction and client trueness? Research Objective The chief intents of this research paper are: To place and explicate the client s value of budget hotel To place and explicate of client satisfaction of budget hotel as impacts of the client value creative activity To place and explicate the ruling value in act uponing client satisfaction degree of budget hotel, which will take to make client trueness To place and explicate the correlativity between client satisfaction and client trueness of budget hotel To analyse the profitableness degree of budget hotel compared with 4 and 5 star hotel as an impact from client satisfaction degree and client trueness Significant Research The survey is important because it provides information which will be helpful for the readers: The survey is important in understanding the client behaviour and needs better. The survey will turn to the issue of client value creative activity to better the client satisfaction to make client trueness. The survey may be utile for many interested parties, particularly: Budget hotel groups. They may utilize this research to back up sweetening of client satisfaction and relationship Students and internal parties of Swiss German University. This research can be used as a mention for lectors and other pupils to carry on farther research. The research worker. The consequence of this research can be used to enrich my cognition. Academicians. The consequence of this research can be used to make farther research in the same industry. Scope and Limitation of Thesis In order that the survey on this topic more focal point, and to acquire the benefit from the survey, therefore the survey limited to: The value creative activity by budget hotel in Jakarta towards its client The impact of client value creative activity on client satisfaction and trueness The impact of client satisfaction and trueness on profitableness degree of budget hotel compared with hotel industry.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Biology paper essays
Biology paper essays In the article, Condition Critical: An exclusive look at a U.N. assessment of Earths ecosystems shows they are strained to the limit, the author Eugene Linden begins by addressing the fact that the Earth has been showing signs of distress for the past forty years. The signs were not as noticeable at first, but as time drew on, the fact that Earth was in trouble became very clear. Linden believes that the few who take an active role in preserving the Earth and the minor programs that have been started are just not enough to stop the downfall of Earths ecosystems. At the United Nations millennial session they started a four million dollar project called the Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems (PAGE). This study will determine whether or not Earth is in the downward spiral that many scientists believe it is. This study will set the stage for a much larger twenty million dollar study called the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment, which is set to begin next year. PAGE is sponsored by the U.N. Development program and the World Bank which are agencies that deal primarily with economic issues. However, their involvement in PAGE turns towards the likely possibility that if the environment of Earth is unhealthy, then economies will not prosper either. Page also points out that the worlds population is producing beyond its capacity. The Earths fishing fleets are 40% larger than the oceans can support which will eventually put a good number of fisheries out of business. In the past thirty years, global economies have increased food output and livestock production but have depleted and polluted water supplies, ruined the soil and destroyed habitats. PAGE also examines how human and industrial interference can disrupt the Earths ecosystems. PAGE reveals how the excess release of carbon dioxides and nitrogen into the atmosphere can have negative eff...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Financial Econometrics Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financial Econometrics Coursework - Essay Example In 2003, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mentioned that the R-square of the regression analysis was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of hedging. In a speech by a professional accounting fellow from the office of the chief accountant of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, stated that determination of hedge effectiveness should consider the slope of the coefficient of the regression analysis. This coefficient reflects the minimum variance hedge ratio.1 The interpretation of the regression slope coefficient is the average change in the dependent variable: real total expenditure on food for a unit increase in the independent variable: Real total expenditure on goods and services. The slope coefficient it 0.32, thus for every 1 unit change in real total expenditure on goods and services, there is a 0.32 unit change in real expenditure on food. Omission of an important independent variable such as real price of food relative to other goods will result in the decreased ability of the model to predict the real total expenditures on food given the real total expenditures on food. The independent variables used to predict 99.9% of the dependent variable: real consumption expenditure as indicated by the value of the adjusted-R Squared. The Durbin-Watson value of 1.85 indicates there is no signs of first-order serial correlation in the residuals of a time series regression. The values of Akaike info criterion (AIC) -268.2093 and Schwarz criterion -273.6530 are extremely low indicating the need for modification in the regression model by changing the independent variables. The t-statistic value could be compared with the critical t-value which is not available. The reported Probability is the p-value, or marginal significance level. Since this probability value of the regression analysis (F-statistic) is less than the size of the test, say 0.05, the null hypothesis could be rejected. This indicates that the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Simple Problem Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Simple Problem - Article Example th the cat, the bathtub for bathing the cat, towel for drying the cat, shampoo for rinsing out the dirt from the cat, cat bath seat for placing the cat during the bath, dryer for dry the cat finally after towel use, comb for smoothing down the cat’s hair, fragranced powder for keeping a pleasant fragrance on the cat after the bath, and a healthy environment for ensuring that the bath is carried out at a suitable location that is healthy for pets in terms of water etc. In this process of bathing Fluffy, the first step is to bring the cat seat and arrange it in the bathtub in a comfortable position. The second step is to sprinkle some water on the cat in order to prepare it for the bath. The next step in this process is to apply the shampoo on the cat and to ensure that its body is covered well with the shampoo. In the fourth step, we need to wash the cat well with water until there the shampoo completely left its body. The fifth step is to prepare the towel to dry off the cat. The next step is to dry the cat with a dryer in order to make sure that its body is completely dry. The seventh step is to comb the cat’s fur and the eighth and the last step is to apply fragranced powder on the cat. As it is fundamental to make sure that Fluffy receives a very good bath, it is important to plan an effective test which guarantees the objective fulfilled effectively. Therefore, I will start the entire process by making a plan in order to make sure that a successful cat bath has been done. First of all, the equipments to be used in the process of bathing the cat will be well documented and the pricing for each piece will be listed. Together with it, I will also document where I to get all these important equipments from. Next, I will record the steps involved in the process of bathing the cat. After designing this plan, I will divide the work equally based on who will best help me in bathing the cat and in getting the equipments at the right time. It will also be
Monday, January 27, 2020
A Critical Commentary Of Voltaires Candide English Literature Essay
A Critical Commentary Of Voltaires Candide English Literature Essay Voltaires work, Candide, uses powerful satirical narrative to represent slavery in the eighteenth century, the supposed Age of Reason, and Candides epiphany, represented throughout the course of the extract. The passage follows the travels of Candide and his fellows to Buenos-Aires, in search of his beloved Cunà ©gonde. After five days of travelling, he arrives, with Cacambo, outside the town of Surinam, where they encounter a mutilated slave. The theme of slavery is represented most effectively through the descriptions given by the characters, rather than the physical description of the scene provided by the narrator. A slave or nà ¨gre is found on the ground. His physical position, à ©tendu par terre, reflects his social class and the degradation of slaves. The slaves garment, un caleà §on de toile bleue, is hardly weather-proof or durable, highlighting the poverty endured by slaves and the ruthless attitude of their masters. Voltaire withholds the name of the slave, emphasising the disregard for human life implied within society. Nà ¨gre is used to represent the entire slave population. This pejorative term further highlights societys attitude. However, it is important to note that Candide first calls him mon ami, indicating his open nature, perhaps a reflection of Voltaires opinion of slavery. Whilst the masters of slaves are very disrespectful of their slaves, the nà ¨gre calls his keeper maà ®tre, showing a profound respect. To add to masters grandeur, the slave recalls his position in society, qualifying it with the adjective fameux. In this paragraph, the depiction of slavery is brutal, with the tragedies of the workplace and punishment discussed with a banal acceptance. The language used when the slave describes how la meule nous attrape le doigt, on nous coupe la main; quand nous voulons nous enfuir, on nous coupe la jambe gives a feeling of breathlessness and the futility of his attempt to escape. This description of suffering draws accurately on legislation concerning delinquent slaves set out in in the 1685 Code Noir [2] .The description also draws a parallel between the relationship between the slave and his master. Voltaires use of restrictive adverbials, [3] such as neà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦que demonstrate the physical effects of cruelty on the slave. The language used by the slave is resigned, with a repetitive use of passive structures such as on nous. The slave then coldly states, cest à ce prix que vous mangez du sucre en Europe. This simple statement highlights the corruption, not only in slavery, but in all levels of society. Leibnizs philosophy of Optimism is evident in the representation of slavery. The slaves resigned account shows an acceptance of life shared with those who follow the belief of Optimism. Leibniz claimed that both human and moral evils were part of a greater good [4] .This is further emphasised by the qualification of slavery by the mother of the slave as un honneur. The slave adds an optimistic cependant; this sudden element of bathos reinforces Pangloss meilleur des mondes outlook on life. This optimistic view, personified through Pangloss, contrasts greatly with Candides opinions after witnessing the situation. The absurdity of Optimism, with reference to the slave-trade, is shown when Cacambo asks, Quest-ce que quoptimisme? Cacambo has not used an article before optimism, emphasising how little he cares for it. With reference to the novel as a whole, Optimism is only mentioned directly within this passage. As soon as it is mentioned, it is denounced. Further to the slaves acc ount, he compares his situation with that of des chiens, des singes et des perroquets. The animals might possibly represent the different social classes within society. The passage emphasises how slavery was represented in monetary terms; the slave was sold by his mother for ten à ©cus patagons, the currency of Spain at the time. Moreover, throughout the slaves account of how he came to be in this position, it appears that slavery was represented differently in the West from the homelands of the slaves. The nà ¨gre recalls how his mother told him ils te feront vivre heureux, describing it as an honour to work for nos seigneurs, les blancs. It is interesting that the masters are classed as les Blancs. Voltaire divides society not only by social class, but also by race. It is clear that the people of Guinà ©e were disillusioned by the notion of slavery. The confusion is further emphasised by the religious theme central to the passage. The lexical field of religion emphasises the religious beliefs of the slaves, a central theme in their African culture. Evidently, the slave is religious, as he attends church tous les dimanches. However, Voltaire highlights, yet again, the corruption within society by making it clear to the reader that the slave had been converted. The Pasteur claims that they are tous enfants dAdam, blancs et noirs. This contradicts his earlier statement of the masters being les blancs. Like his clothes and culture, his religious identity has been stripped from him. Here, Voltaire is criticising the social system of the period. It is clear that the slaves are taught what they know not to be true, yet they accept it as it is the way of the world in which they live. Despite Voltaires thought-provoking depiction of slavery in the passage, it is interesting to look critically at Candides attitude to the situation. When he first encounters the slave on the road, he addresses him in a friendly manner, symbolising his naivety and lack of understanding. Voltaires portrayal of Candides naivety is referenced even in his name. Candide is taken from Latin and connotes whiteness, openness, naivety, innocence and, more negatively, inexperience and credulity. [5] The passive language of the slave throughout his description of his horrific ordeal is a direct juxtaposition with the raw emotion portrayed through Candides reaction. The flaws in Panglosss optimism are clearly highlighted, especially during Candides discourse. W.H Barber suggest that the characters help Voltaire in his purpose of parodying the episodic adventure novel [making it possible for the reader] to view characters and narrative as it were externally, and consequently critically to become aware of the caricature and exaggeration, the deliberate implausibilities, the bathetic contrasts [6] . Despite Candides denouncing of belief, he does little else to react to the situation. Candide merely begins to cry, leaving the slave where he found him. The reader criticises Candide for not helping to free the slave from his bind in society. Voltaire is provoking this response in the reader to make clear the effects of passivity. He also seems to regard the problem as so large and horrifying that [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] one can only weep and go on ones way, or presumably, continue to eat sugar with a guilty conscience. [7] Throughout this passage, irony plays very little part. However, other narrative techniques are employed. Personal deixis is used when Candide is talking to the slave. He asks, que fais-tu là , mon ami, dans là ©tat horrible oà ¹ je te vois?Here it is impossible for the reader to understand the situation and the horrible state that the slave is in without reading into the context of the question. The theme of culture can be thoroughly examined in this passage. Talking en hollandais, Candide emphasises his European background compared with the African culture of the slave. Division within society is clearly illustrated when the slave tells Candide that his mutilation is the price that he has paid to eat sugar en Europe. Voltaire demonstrates that the world is divided. Interestingly, the slave understands Candides Dutch, highlighting their cultural awareness, the importance of communication and the enforcement of other cultures upon slaves. The cultural toleration of the slaves is juxtaposed with the attitude of Western civilisation. African culture appears to be more family-oriented when compared with Candides upbringing. The slave refers to his mother, ma mere, showing his respect for the advice given to him by his family. Throughout this passage of Voltaires Candide, slavery is represented in a number of ways, most notably by the description provided by the slave himself. In addition, Candides attitude highlights the philosophy of Optimism that Voltaire aims to discuss throughout the entire book. It is said that the narrative of Candide is [..] a vehicle carefully designed to convey a philosophical discussion of topical concern both to the author and reader [8] . In conclusion, Voltaire has employed a palette of narrative techniques to enrich this passage of the book. Word Count= 1,490 Bibliography MHRA format Barber, W.H., Studies in French Literature 5, Voltaire: Candide (London: W.H. Barber, 1960) Cronk ,Professor Nicholas, Voltaire and the Voices of Enlightenment, read by Simon Russell Beale, (BBC Radio 3, 2010) Mason,Haydn, European Masters : Voltaire (London : Hutchinson, 1975) Williams,David, Voltaire:Candide (London: Grant and Cutler Ltd, 1997) Voltaire, Candide, Presentation by Jean Goldzink, (Paris, Editions Flammarion, 2007)
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Citizen Journalism vs. Mainstream Media
Citizen journalism is news that comes from the larger public and not well- known and legitimate news agencies like, The Washington Post or The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Citizen journalism can be most recognized in the form of blogs or wiki sites. 15211 is a citizen journalism site that is based in Mt. Washington which is a small part of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The title of the blog relates to the blog because it is the zip code for Mount Washington residents.The blog discusses current events that are going on in the Mount Washington area only; the site masters are completely open to criticism and understand that not everyone agrees or likes what is being discussed. A mainstream media outlet close to Mount Washington is the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. This newspaper discusses everything from sports to local news to country wide and international affairs. Although there is an opinion section in the paper, it is not all opinion based like a blog.Also, newspapers provide other things than just news whether it is informative or opinionated; it also provides coupons for state wide stores and allows their audience to connect to other websites such as job search sites. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette provides a wide range of informative topics to appeal to a wide range of publics. Since newspapers are losing their appeal to the newer generations they must start finding new ways to attract people to read and subscribe to their publication.Although many publics in today’s society prefer mainstream media to citizen journalism, there are many pros to blogs and wiki sites. For instance the blog, 15211 is targeted to a specific public (audience) which are the people of Mount Washington, a small part of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as it says in the about us section. Having a target audience allows for more freedom to write about anything related to that topic and not receiving many contradictory statements or backlash opinions.Although most blogs have a targeted audience, backl ash comes with the territory and one of the things that 15211 says is, â€Å"Sometimes you’ll like what you read, other times you won’t. That is the point of a blog and we intend to keep true to the medium. We know that our opinions may not be yours and vice versa, but we respect the fact that you’re here†¦. †This allows more people to openly express their opinion and respond to the opinion of the creator without feeling judged.Another upside to citizen journalism is that it is very easy to share and connect with the site and the other followers. On the 15211 home page they have a tiny box in the middle of the page that allows you to share or bookmark the site to 11 different social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google Bookmarks. On the site, the blog creators also allow people to view a live Twitter comment feed on the website so that they don’t have to have Twitter to view the comments people are making about the blog post s.Citizen Journalism good at sharing information and allowing others to participate in the discussion, but being completely opinionated and specific on one topic is not always a good thing. On negative thing about citizen journalism is that they mostly only apply to specific publics/audiences and although the internet has many different blogs and wiki sites that attract all people, it still doesn’t cover everyone, especially older generations who are against the change in the way that we view and access our information.Being able to expand to just more than one specific public might help increase the recognition just like mainstream media is. Another down side to citizen journalism is that it is all opinionated and although people like the freedom of expressing their opinion, people like facts and information that they can definitely rely on to right. After researching the 15211 site, citizen journalism seems to be on the rise and more accessible than ever with social network ing and bookmarking sites.All in all it seems as though it is becoming new way for people to express themselves without having to reveal too much about themselves like on Facebook. It also allows internet surfers to read only what they want and what they connect and agree to the most. Citizen journalism is becoming very popular and with the way technology is growing and expanding it only seems like this form of journalism will become even larger among the future generations.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Interpersonal conflict in the Movie “Hitch†Essay
Interpersonal conflict within any relationship is normal but must be carefully resolved so that long term damage doesn’t occur. In the movie, â€Å"Hitch†there was a few interpersonal conflicts that erupted. According to Sole, â€Å"The way in which each person deals with conflict varies based on experience, personality, and communication style. Often we do not know how we will deal with a particular circumstance until it occurs (Sole, 2011).†This particular film was not shy of conflict; this paper will include ways on how the interpersonal conflict could have been resolved. One of the main interpersonal conflicts in the film was dishonesty of the main character. He was a guy who gets hired by people to hook them up together. He basically coaches and trains them on how to be more desirable. He does a full make over from their appearance to what initially comes out of their mouth. The conflict started when the main character took on a new client who was desperat e to date this woman who was like a mogul in her field. The new client was not the best at establishing relationships with people especially when it came to love interest. According to Sole, â€Å"The parties in an interpersonal relationship also have consistent patterns of interacting and communicating with each other, and these patterns are unique to that relationship (Sole, 2011).†The main characters interpersonal conflict emerged when he engaged in a relationship with a woman that he was attracted to. The woman had later on found out the type of work that he was involved in and she felt that it was misleading to people. She felt that their whole relationship was based on lies. According to Sole â€Å"Conflict can be dangerous because it has a tendency to grow and worsen, but it can also have important benefits that can strengthen a relationship and might even be desirable (Sole, 2011).†The main characters client did end up with his significant other but the main character lost his love interest for a short period of time. According to Sole, â€Å"Researchers have found that serious relationship problems arise when those in the rela tionship are unable to reach beyond the immediate conflict and include positive as well as negative emotions in their discussions (Sole, 2011).†In this particular movie the characters were using aggressive communication as a means of getting their points across. This could very well be relationship suicide. They should utilize a more assertive way of communicating to each other. While they were arguing they should have found a way to lighten the argument. According to Sole, â€Å"In happy marriages, instead of always responding to anger with anger, the couples found a way to lighten the tension and to de-escalate the conflict (Sole 2011).†When it comes to interpersonal conflict all is not lost because of the fact that it could be a healthy factor for any relationship. According to Sole, â€Å"some conflict may actually be good for a marriage over time and can lead to the personal growth of both partiesâ€â€if the negative communication is aimed at the other person’s specific behavior and not at the whole person (Sole, 2011).†This is basically pointing out the actions that an individual took or di dn’t take. It’s similar to how you deal with a child that’s misbehaving. For an example you tell the child that their actions were bad and not that they are bad. When you take this type of approach you can salvage a relationship and not affect anyone’s self-esteem. In the long term they will understand how to avoid the same conflict in the future. References: Sole, K. (2011).Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Entourage Final Paper - 1556 Words
Communication is a tremendous aspect of everyday life. The effects of positive and negative communication are imperative to making deals, providing information, and even everyday office interaction. The way people communicate with each other defines their character, especially in an office setting. Positive communication skills are appreciated and are the basis of running a successful company. Conversely, negative communication can lead to business failure, as well as poor relationships with co-workers. Three positive methods of communication are active listening, effective speaking, and confidence. Three negative methods of communication are strong reactions, providing misleading information, and the use improper communication tools. Ari†¦show more content†¦Ari always communicates in a confident manner. He often reassures his clients that he is the number one agent in Hollywood. This gives clients a sense of relief that they are in good hands. Ari’s confidence has g iven him his big name in Hollywood. In turn, allowing him to reach out and contact whoever he desires. The business of being an agent revolves around constant contacts. The business is enormous, so being well connected is what makes Ari so powerful. Strong reactions fall on the negative side of the spectrum with communication methods. When experiencing strong feelings about work, it is important to vent and express your feelings in a calm, collected manner. Blowing up at an employee or client is not professional, nor will it give a good impression. While dealing with clients or employees, patience and understanding must be expressed. Mistakes are made all of the time in the workplace. Dealing with them in a collected manner will earn respect from employees (Megan Martin). Ari has a tendency to explode and lash out at employees. Mistakes are not tolerated and usually met with termination of a job. Ari’s constant barrage of insults thrown around makes him unapproachable and fea red. One specific outburst leads to the unjust firing of a mailroom employee. Ari meant to fire an employee and was met in his office by the mailroom employee. Without knowing the appearance of hisShow MoreRelatedRonald Reagan Farewell Speech Essay1221 Words  | 5 PagesElizabeth David Advanced Technical Communications: Paper Assignment #1 February 27, 2012 On January 11, 1989 President Ronald Reagan gave his Farewell Address to the Nation from the Oval Office in The White House. The speech was broadcast live on nationwide radio and television. He had served our country for 8 years and now it was time for George Bush to take office. He used his 34th and final speech as president to not only bid the nation farewell but also to give thanks to the American peopleRead MoreContributions Of Emily Dickinson1045 Words  | 5 Pagestime allows the best ideas to flow. 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