Tuesday, November 26, 2019
ACT Essay
Why You Shouldn't Copy Skeleton Templates for the SAT/ACT Essay SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips - Creating your own essay skeleton can go a long way towards helping you prepare for the SAT or ACT essay. Having an essay template ready to go before you take the test can reduce feelings of panic, since it allows you to control at least some of the unknowns of a free-response question. It can even be helpful to look at other people’s essay skeletons to get an idea what your own essay template should look like. But when does using an essay skeleton go from a great idea to a huge mistake? Keep reading to find out. feature image credit: Skeletons taking a selfie @ Street art @ Walk along the Amstel canal @ Amsterdam by Guilhem Vellut, used under CC BY 2.0/Cropped from original. Disclaimer: Most of the advice in this article is most useful for the old SAT essay (and, to some extent, the ACT essay); it's too soon to know if it's also applicable to the new 2016 SAT essay (although "don't plagiarize" is good advice in pretty much any situation). What Is An Essay Skeleton? An essay skeleton, or essay template, is basically an outline for your essay that you prewrite and then memorize for later use/adaptation. Usually, an essay skeleton isn’t just an organizational structure- it also includes writing out entire sentences or even just specific phrases beforehand. "But how can you do this, and more importantly, what’s the point?" I hear you cry (you sure manage to get out a lot of words in one cry). Creating an essay template for the current SAT essay is pretty simple, as the SAT prompts tend to fall into one of six categories: What should people do? Which of two things is better? Support or refute counterintuitive statements (Is it possible that [an unlikely thing] is true?) Cause and effect (is X the result of Y?) Generalize about the state of the world Generalize about people Because the prompts are, at the core, all "yes or no?" questions, you can somewhat customize your introduction and conclusion. Doing this is especially helpful if you tend to choke under pressure or are worried about your English language skills- you can come up with grammatically correct templates beforehand that you can memorize and then use on the actual test (filling in the blanks, depending on the prompt). Formulating an essay template for the ACT is a little more tricky, as the new ACT essay asks you to read an excerpt, consider three perspectives, come up with your own perspective, and then discuss all the perspectives in the essay using detailed examples and logical reasoning. It’s possible to come up with a useful template, but I’ve not really come across any students using templates in the 200+ ACT essays I’ve graded. In addition to figuring out your essay organization beforehand, you can look up synonyms for words that get commonly used in essays (like â€Å"example†or â€Å"shows†) and prewrite sentences that use these words correctly. For example, for the SAT essay, you could pre-write a way to introduce your examples: â€Å"One instance that illustrates [x] can be found in [y]" (where [x] is the point you're trying to make and [y] is the place from which you're taking your example). Finally, on a semi-related note, because you know that you’ll have to use examples to explain your reasoning on the essay, you can also come up with the examples you’ll use beforehand and get good at writing about them. The better you know your examples, the more organized your writing will be on the essay (because you won’t have to waste valuable time trying to think of what exactly happened in The Hunger Games that proves your point). For more on this, see our article on the 6 examples you can use to answer any SAT essay prompt. So What’s The Issue? Problems occur when you rely on other people's skeletons, rather than coming up with your own. In theory, there’s nothing wrong with looking at other people’s essay skeletons to help inform your own- in fact, I've even written up a helpful template on this blog for SAT and ACT essays. The issue arises when you move beyond using the organizational aspects of someone else’s skeleton to copying words directly from someone else. Skeleton - French anatomical engraving byUniversity of Liverpool Faculty of Health Life Sciences, used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Cropped from original. You did whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? A Spooky Tale of Essay Skeleton Plagiarism Out of the 600+ SAT essays I’ve graded over the last three months, I’ve seen the same essay skeleton come up 7 times. I know that it’s an essay skeleton because the key phrase repeated from essay to essay (â€Å"critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology†) was so unusual (and kind of grammatically incorrect) that I commented on it specifically the first time it showed up (to point out vocab misuse...because it just wasn’t good writing) and Googled it the second time it showed up. It turns out that this phrase is from an SAT prep skeleton (we're not going to name the book or the author), but it also shows up in various essays around the internet that either copied that prep book or copied a College Confidential posting that plagiarized the book, so I don't know where exactly students were seeing this skeleton. Here's the problem: while the idea of using essay skeletons makes a lot of sense, and even the using of some organizational aspects of another essay skeleton is acceptable, word-for-word copying of sentences is considered plagiarism, and plagiarism is not permitted on the SAT. In fact, it's specifically addressed in the SAT Terms and Conditions. I sent a message to the CollegeBoard asking about the use of essay skeletons and what, exactly, was considered plagiarism. The language used to describe it in the terms and conditions is pretty vague, and I wanted to know if, for instance, a certain number of words had to appear in a row for something to be considered plagiarism. The response I got back only contained the relevant text from the Terms and Conditions: â€Å"ETS reserves the right to dismiss test-takers, decline to score any test, and/or cancel any test scores when, in its judgment, as applicable, a testing irregularity occurs, there is an apparent discrepancy in a test-taker's identification, an improper admission to the test center, a test-taker engages in misconduct, or the score is deemed invalid for another reason, including, but not limited to, discrepant handwriting or plagiarism.†[bolding mine] Basically, if the CollegeBoard thinks you’re plagiarizing, then they can cancel your SAT score. And because the CollegeBoard does not define plagiarism, they basically have the latitude to do one of those â€Å"I know it when I see it†standards with things like essay skeletons. Chances are that you won't get marked down for the essay (other than for using vocab incorrectly), but since the template is so common, why risk it? Take an hour to develop your own template. You'll end up with even better results since you crafted it yourself and will be able to use it with more precision. So what is plagiarism? There's the Google definition, which says plagiarism is taking the work or idea(s) of someone else and not crediting them/presenting it as your own work or idea(s). Plagiarism is generally considered ethically wrong, and in many cases (including with the SAT), it can have real world consequences. You might have read that the writer of the essay template gave permission to reuse the template, and that makes it OK. This is 100% false. Consider this scenario: you're in high school and you're taking AP English. Your brother had the same teacher the year before, and he got As on all his essays. For whatever reason, he gives you permission to reuse his essays in your class. Does that count as plagiarism? 100%. There's no question about it. Your teacher and school don't care whether the writer gave you permission or not. You copied the essay, and that is an ethical lapse that is entirely on you. You'd probably fail the class and/or face whatever other punishment your school has as policy. What Does This Mean For My SAT/ACT Essay? Obviously, using the same word, or even the same couple of words in a row, as someone else isn't plagiarism (otherwise there would be lots of controversies over people using the two words â€Å"of the†together all the time and not citing their sources). A good general rule to follow is to avoid copying more than four words in a row. I’ve seen several essays since that begin with the phrase â€Å"The presupposition that,†which is fine, because it’s a phrase anyone could come up with to describe an assumption, and is relatively short (3 words). The phrase â€Å"these romantic critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology,†on the other hand, is problematic because a) it’s way too many words copied from someone else’s work and b) it's honestly not great writing (except in a very specific context), because the vocabulary deployed in the phrase has very specific contexts in which the words are appropriate to use When it comes to preparing for the SAT or ACT essay, it's much better to rephrase in your own words and create your own skeleton. You can (and even should) look at other people’s skeletons/essays for tips, but you should never copy someone else's work word-for-word without making it clear that it's someone else's work. Skeleton figures in heraldic engraving by University of Liverpool Faculty of Health Life Sciences, used under CC BY-SA 2.0/Resized from original. What’s Next? Can’t get enough of those SAT essays? Check out our 15 tips and strategies for writing the SAT essay, as well as a complete list of SAT essay prompts. On the ACT side, we have a corresponding article with tips to raise your ACT essay score, as well as acomplete guide to the new ACT Writing Test (for September 2015 and onward). Want more in-depth essay articles? You’re in luck! We’ve got step-by-step examples of how to write both the SAT and ACT essays, as well as detailed advice for how you can get a perfect 12 on the SAT essay. Reading articles is all very well and good, but how can you get feedback on your practice essays? One way is through trying out the PrepScholar test prep platform, where intrepid essay graders (like myself) give you custom feedback on each practice essay you complete as part of our program. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Online Sources for Nursery Tree Purchase and Delivery
Online Sources for Nursery Tree Purchase and Delivery High-quality seedlings can be found at reasonable prices on the Internet. You just have to know where to look. Try these sites the next time you need to purchase trees. They have been picked because of the convenience of online ordering, ease of site navigation and reputation. Note that these businesses are well established and have been growing trees for decades. They know how to do it right. Nurserymen.com Based in Grand Haven, Michigan, Nurserymen.com is a third generation business with an extraordinary selection of seedling conifers and sold as bare root and in plug containers. Not as extensive but just as attractive are their hardwood seedlings. They sell out early so request your order at least six months in advance. I ordered 50 bare root Eastern redcedars in December to be planted in Alabama. There was a March delivery from Michigan and I planted the seedlings in early April with a nearly 100 % survival rate. Virginia Department of Forestry The only government supplier of trees on this list, VDOF has been in the seedling business for over 90 years. They offer hundreds of conifers, hardwoods, and specialty packs. Their website is customer friendly very easy to use. VDOF provides an online catalog. Seedling costs are very reasonable and are mostly sold as bare-root planting stock. The best values are in quantities of 1000 and only sold during the dormant season. Arbor Day Tree Nursery The Arbor Day Foundation is a pioneer in tree promotion and care. I have been a member for years and get my annual bundle of seedlings that come with the membership. Their nursery includes a wide variety of fruit, nut, and flowering trees and you can get a significant member discount on bulk wildland trees for planting tracts with large acreage. Musser Forests Based in Indiana County, PA., Musser Forests has been growing quality plants for over 70 years. They offer hundreds of conifers and hardwoods plus their online store is well constructed, easy to use and has the largest selection of tree varieties found anywhere. Musser provides a free catalog and valuable information on tree care and planting. Seedling cost ranges widely according to species and size. Gurneys Seed and Nursery Company Based in Greendale, IN., Gurneys has been in the tree and plant business since 1866 and sells all types of nursery stock, including landscape trees, shrubs and fruit trees. Gurneys is one of the leading seed and nursery companies in the United States and very much present online. I particularly like their Official Blog and YouTube videos. They offer the top-rated flowering trees, shade trees, and trees for windbreaks. The Nursery at TyTy The TyTy, Georgia-based TyTy Nursery has been in the tree nursery and flower bulb business since 1978. This family business promises to provide each and every customer with the best product, fastest delivery, lowest price, and overall best service for your money. They are also one of the largest tree seedling sources online with an outstanding YouTube collection of how to plant videos.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Multiple Intelligences Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Multiple Intelligences Survey - Essay Example In a learning/teaching situation some of the different strengths are attributed to the students' different learning or cognitive styles (Larsen 1986). Therefore, if a teacher is able to recognize or take into account the multiple intelligences that her students are endowed with, and apply in her lesson plan then learners will be able to learn better. Taking into account the concept of multiple intelligences various tests and assessments for different levels have been developed that help in self-assessing one's own abilities in a particular area. The multiple intelligence survey that I undertook through the Internet search is specifically meant for teachers. The results with high score accurately indicated my strengths in areas that I am interested and good at. Most importantly the results have helped me to know where and why I am weak and what I can do to overcome my drawbacks. One of the learning strategies that I can adopt in order to improve my linguistic abilities is to reflect on what I read, maintaining a journal, recording or writing down stories etc. Similarly, my inclination towards nature helps and motivates me in learning and knowing more about the names of plants thereby enhancing my knowledge about nature. This again can be linked to improving linguistic ability by writing or describing what I experience and see, or hear in nature around me. Since, the results indicate that I am good at fine motor skills that include incorporating body movements into learning; I can adopt teaching techniques that involve call for body movements and gestures such as "dumb-charade" (a word-guessing game), where the students are divided into two groups and each student is prompted to explain an idea or meaning of a word through gestures and signs. In a classroom situation an activity can be developed in such a way that it has a sequence of activities that kindle different intelligences simultaneously. For instance, a blue print of a house plan is shown to the students and in the first step they are asked to study it (mathematical/logical) then they are asked to describe the plan (verbal) in step three the students are asked to discuss and share ideas (interpersonal). Conclusion Thus, as a teacher I think that incorporating the multiple intelligences concept into my lesson plan will certainly help me in judging the level of student's interest in a specific area and adopt a mode of teaching suitable to the individual in particular or a class as a whole. Besides, it also helps in formulating learning strategies according to individual abilities. It may not be really feasible to test on all the seven intelligences, but focus on those that facilitate in language acquisition. It can be concluded that the theory of multiple intellig
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Audit - Essay Example It has no intentions of growing thru expansion, enter into new contract (due to limitations of financial capability), or withdraw any line of business it is representing. All the lines it is representing are selling well and have contributed to the revenues earned by the company. Marketing activities of the company are direct and not very excessive. They do it on tradeshows, exhibits, and do lot of announcements thru social media and e-mails. Since company is limited to loyal customers, up-dating them on company products is easily done. Yes, cost-reduction steps can be taken. Cost reduction is implemented by monitoring of monthly operating costs and trying to figure out which expense could be limited. Company practices cost reduction on variable expenses such as travel, representation, energy consumption and miscellaneous expenses. Control procedures of the company are accounting controls, cash control, separation of duties, documentation of all transactions and regular audits. They are adequate controls to ensure that employees are performing their duties honestly and in accordance with company’s objectives. Yes, management performs periodic analysis of operation in all its angles thru the establishment of a performance goal. Here, management and employees sit down and talk how to accomplish the goals and objectives of the company by setting a specific target in a specified time. Each company assigned with different tasks, agree to set a specific goal of accomplishments. Management monitors accomplishments regularly, or as often as monthly. Yes, this also is monitored very closely on a weekly basis. Internal control is established as a process of monitoring marketing costs and its relative profitability. This process is the responsibility of the Accounting
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Morality Play Essay Example for Free
Morality Play Essay * Popular from the early 1400s to the 1580s. * Morality plays were about the fate of a single individual’s soul. * The main character represented all men and often had a name such as Mankind or Everyman to demonstrate their allegorical function. * They include vice and temptation characters attempt to corrupt the Everyman figure. * Allegorical characters also represent virtues. The ‘Everyman’ character listens to them and takes note of warnings, often returning briefly to his ‘good’ lifestyle. * A reform/relapse pattern is repeated several times. * Through a series of blunders and moral lessons the hero is gradually educated into an understanding of the difference between right and wrong and the nature of god. * At the end, the main character settles his accounts with God and either lives or dies forgiven and Christian. He is wiser and better at the end of the play. * A chorus, such as the Messenger and Doctor characters in Everyman, is used to comment on and explain the action for the audience. Elements of Renaissance plays. * Contain soliloquies in which a highly distinct self reflects upon his own desires and actions. * Celebrate the scope of human powers while acknowledging their boundaries; there is a duality at work which praises man’s creative powers (by implication also those of the poet, or author) but concedes that man is not God and that ultimately all his powers derive from God. * They begin to refer to the new countries and things being discovered by explorers, mentioning exotic settings and transporting their audiences around the world. Renaissance ideas * The body and soul are separate and linked with different elements and humours. * Catholicism was banned in England and the Pope was considered the antichrist by some. * Renaissance scholars studied classical literature, including Roman and Greek philosophy. Discussion of what it meant to be human centred on reason, balance and dignity much more individualistic than medieval scholastic thinking. * The humanist attitude to the world was anthropocentric: instead of regarding humanity as fallen and corrupt, their idea of truth and excellence was based on human values and experience; people openly questioned religious theology and teaching. * The world was dynamic, changing and exciting. Plays explored the many contrasts between how people should behave and how they actually do, and the questions and contradictions thrown up by a changing world.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Curfews: Whats the Point? Essay -- social issues
Curfews: What's the Point? The 14th amendment of the United States Constitution states that any state shall not â€Å"deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws" (Legal). However, many cities and states in the US currently enforce curfew laws that deny young teens under the age of 18 their right to be in public places or to drive after certain hours. These laws are punishing minors for exercising their constitutional rights in the same way that adults do without such punishment; they are mostly causing no harm, and do not deserve to be discriminated against by the government in the way they are. Many believe that teens are responsible for a large percentage of crimes, particularly violent ones, and that having a curfew in effect helps lower crime rates. In one study, the average adult surmised that teens amount for 43% of all violent crimes, when in reality the number is only a mere 13%, and this number is made up by only a half percent of minors (Cobey). If this is the reason for creating curfews, it is clearly a discrimination against all minors, as reproving 99.5% of young citizens due to an inconsequential number of minors committing crime is certainly unjust. As a matter of fact, in some cases, applying curfew laws have actually increased juvenile crime rates. Teens begin to associate police officers with the curfew, and police officers begin to see a...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Fred Maiorino Case Study Essay
Overview Fred Maiorino began his career at Schering-Plough in 1958 at the age of 28. He had been a successful sales representative till Jim Reed took over the position of General Sales Manager for South Jersey sales district in 1987. In 1988, Fred received his lowest ever performance evaluation of â€Å"Good†which was lower than any other sales representatives’ in the district. In fact, Fred’s salary increase at the end of the quarter was less than half of the average of other sales representatives who were at least 20 years younger to him. When Reed first came to New Jersey sales district, he turned to Fred for help and leadership. He implemented a new performance evaluation measuring system which rated salesmen according to two different measures. This new system included evaluations based on product market share gains and critical incidents of effective and ineffective salesmen actions recorded during joint calls made by district managers and sales reps. Moreover, Reed began coaching his subordinates and providing them with medical journals to help improve sales pitches. Unfortunately, even after working at Schering-Plough for over three decades as a highly successful salesman, Fred was terminated over coffee with Jim Reed at a local diner. This paper discusses why the different initiatives taken by Schering-Plough to motivate Fred Maiorino had failed. It also examines Reed’s role in the alleged breach of psychological contract and, contributions to the injustice and discrimination against Fred. Finally, this paper will provide recommendations for alternative coaching, goal-setting and leadership approaches that Schering-Plough could have adopted instead to ensure employee retention and loyalty. Breach of Psychological Contract At the beginning of their relationship, Jim Reed informed Fred that he would require Fred’s help in leadership. Although Reed may have made the remark in a casual manner, Fred took it seriously as he was able to recall the conversation even after a few years. Older employees tend to enjoy collaborative tasks through social interactions more than competitive tasks (Kanfer & Ackerman, 2004, p. 441). In fact, employees in their midlife respond more positively to managerial strategies that promote cooperation instead of competition (Kanfer & Ackerman, 2004). In this case, it is fairly logical to think that Fred may have assumed that he would be promoted or provided with a salary hike if he was successful in helping Reed design a leadership plan for the district. In fact, this particular conversation with Reed may have led him to believe that Reed would acknowledge his hard work and loyalty by actually taking Fred’s advice or letting him help with the new strategy thereby , creating a psychological contract between the two parties involved. A psychological contact emerges when an employee believes that a promise of future benefit or return has been made in return for his contributions and, an obligation has been created for the employer (Robinson, Kraatz, & Rousseau, 1994). In other words, a psychological contract refers to the belief or perception of mutual obligations of an employee (Rousseau, 1989). Unfortunately, the assigned case does not indicate that Reed lived up to his promise of taking Fred’s help in motivating, mentoring and training new employees. According to Humphrey (2003) such acts can be deflating as the motivational benefits of bottom-up empowerment are forgone or lost. Moreover, violation of psychological contracts may lead to lower motivation and increased intentions to quit (Raja, Johns & Bilgrami, 2011). Thus, breach of such emotional contracts in the workplace may give rise to distrust, dissatisfaction and in extreme cases dissolution of the relationship between an employee and his employer (Roehling, 1997). In fact, breach of the psychological contracts lead to behaviors that undermine organizational effectiveness and efficiency (Lemire & Rouillard, 2005). Reed’s behavior increased Fred’s state of vigilance to the point where he began to actively monitor how well Schering-Plough was meeting the terms of their psychological contract. Moreover, in Fred’s eyes, Schering-Plough has breached the psychological contract with Fred. Fred had dedicated over 35 years of him life to the company only to find out it had made plans to make him retire early. Furthermore, Fred began to lose his faith in Schering-Plough when he realized that younger salespersons were being hired to replace long-term hard-working employees like him. In addition, Reed referred Fred’s decision to decline the early retirement plan as a foolish act. According to Zagenczyk, Gibney, Kiewitz, and Restubog (2009), supervisors’ supportiveness/discouragement strengthens/weakens the relationship between employers and employees. A study that included 297 responses from 31 organizations confirmed a relationship between the existence of psychological contract and employee commitment. In fact, those with relational psychological contract exhibited more commitment to the workplace than those with transactional contracts (Chiang, Liao, Klein & Jiang, 2012). Violation of Procedural Justice Reed’s evaluation and spying on Fred resulted in the latter being suspended without pay for two days. This led to an increase in Fred’s feelings of injustice and violation. Additionally, Fred and Reed held different views of the measurement of Fred’s performance at work, flexibility, goal-setting and the purpose of coaching. In fact, Reed’s communication of matching market share goals and what was expected of Fred was highly complex and ambiguous. Such behavior on Reed’s part raised questions about procedural justice at Schering-Plough. Procedural justice is determined on the basis of the quality of what is being communicated an employee. In other words, procedural justice is based on the extent to which an employee feels whether his employer communicated crucial decisions in a sensitive and ethical manner (Harvey & Haines III, 2005). In other words, how a decision is made and communicated is what counts most (Harvey & Haines III, 2005). Unfortunate ly, Reed’s behavior implied that he regarded Fred as someone worthy of respect. This was further attested when Reed felt that it was not important to let Fred know the dates when he saw Fred’s company car parked in his driveway during work hours. Moreover, the new performance evaluation system implemented by Reed showed that Fred was doing â€Å"very good†. However, Reed decided to focus more on the least desirable component of Fred’s evaluation and give Fred and overall â€Å"good†. The results of the evaluation were humiliating for Fred as it was his lowest ever rating and was certainly lower than all other new hires who were at least 20 years younger to him. The assigned case study does not tell us how exactly Reed communicated his evaluations of Fred’s performance to Fred, but it does tell us that he evaluated Fred the very same way the second time. This time he sent Fred a memo letting him know that he was capable of doing better. The procedures involved in decision-making and the method of communication used affect employ ee behavior at work (Harvey & Haines III, 2005). Ineffective Performance Appraisals and Goal-Setting Systems Right after Reed informed Fred that he would need the latter’s help, he implemented a new appraisal system that evaluated employees based on new criteria. However, this new system seemed to worsen his relationship with Fred. Job relatedness, formalization, reliability, open communication, trained appraisers, ease of use, employee accessibility and appeal procedures are among some of the characteristics of an effective appraisal system (Caruth & Humphreys, 2008). The newly implemented system barely met any of the above categories. General guidelines instead of comprehensive policies and written instructions were used by the company. It is important to use appraisal systems that encourage improvement and are not regarded as threats to be feared by employees (Hammer, 2007). As such, performance evaluations should be followed by accurate description and diagnosis of the ratings so that employees are able to discuss, understand and prevent future problems (Lee, 2005). This was lacking in Reed’s appraisal system. Moreover, recording and monitoring employee behavior during joint calls may have led Fred to be more cautious and nervous during client interactions. According to Gray (2002) such systems do not encourage competency or loyalty as they are distorted by evaluator bias. Fred never thought his performance rating was fair – in fact, he resisted it because older workers are more likely to avoid situations that put them at a disadvantage when compared to younger employees (Kanfer & Ackerman, 2004). The following paragraphs discuss what Reed could and should have done better to improve Fred’s situation and circumstances. Improving Leadership Style One of the major issues that led to Fred’s decision to take Schering-Plough to court was Reed’s ineffective leadership style. It is important for managers to know what behaviors promote achievement of results and what behaviors are plain ineffective (Lindbom, 2007). In fact, one of the most important job duties of a manager is to improve his followers’ performances. This meant, Reed should have communicated better with Fred. In fact, he should have asked Fred about his problems and listened to him instead of simply pushing him and sending him memos for poor performance. Continuous feedback and dialog would have allowed Reed to understand Fred’s needs, strengths, and weaknesses better while building a stronger bond with him. Once this bond was built, it would have been much easier for Reed to alter Fred’s behavior according to the interest of the organization. An effective manager is attuned to individual followers and takes the right decision at the right time (Buzady, 2011). This allows the manager or leader to interact and alter workloads during difficult times. Transformational leaders focus on matching behaviors and communication instead of goals and skills (Humphreys & Einstein, 2004). Therefore, Reed could have improved Fred’s motivation and performance by communicating in a way that would have been easy for Fred to understand and relate to. Moreover, a leader must encourage and understand the ideals and values that his followers share. In order to come to a common ground with followers, an effective leader must think less about himself and more for others (Kerfoot, 2004). Congruency can only be reached when a leader looks beyond himself and more toward the opportunities for advancement of his followers. Leaders should ensure that challenging work that is valued is provided to subordinates while considering the followers ability. He should always consider the followers self-esteem and self-concept, communicate goals clearly and understand the relationship between paying attention to individual followers and job satisfaction (Isaac, Zerbe & Pitt, 2011). Moreover, it is recommended that sales leaders employ a more active style of leadership in order to improv e participation and performance. Therefore, Reed should have considered adopting transformational leadership style (Bass, 1993). Transformational leaders are those who are able to develop the ability within their subordinates to look beyond their own self interests and align their goals with that of the organization. Although transactional leadership style is more popular among sales managers and is believed to induce desired responses in employees, transformational leadership has been found to produce higher such results (Dubinsky, Yammarino, Jolson & Spanger, 2001). Transformational leader hold deep personal value systems that allow them to unite their followers while modifying their goals (Bass,1999). Moreover, transformational leader demonstrate individual consideration, charisma and inspirational motivation – all of which were lacking in Reed from Fred’s point of view. Improving Coaching Furthermore, Reed needed to change his way of coaching his subordinates. Reed’s concept of coaching included handing out manuals and writing memos that stated Fred was capable of doing better. Today, most organizations are determined to improve the ability of managers to coach their subordinates effectively. Many organizations shelve out millions of dollars to promote and facilitate a health coaching environment. In fact, coaching is considered a manager’s top priority in many companies. Therefore, Reed should have designed one-on-one monthly meetings with his subordinates where he could have discussed ways to improve individual sales performance. Moreover, instead of punishing Fred for products that he was selling less of, Reed should have first appreciated Fred’s top selling products. Subordinates look forward to reinforcement when they do the right things and welcome constructive criticism when they recognize their work needs improvement (Robinson & Roussea u, 1994). Improving Reward System . A sudden change in the reward systems is usually not well accepted among employees who perform consistently. Therefore, it was critical for Reed to first speak to his subordinates regarding changes in Reed used a highly ineffective reward system where the company ended up awarding Fred less than his expected salary increase. Instead, Reed should have made every effort to determine what rewards his subordinates valued and how much effort they were willing to make to attain the rewardsperformance and work with them to improve on it. Constant coaching, mentoring and one-on-one monthly individual performance evaluations would have given employees an idea of what rewards to expect from the new system. In fact, the unexpected and unprecedented reward might have actually de-motivated Fred to the point where he did not find it necessary to work on his weaknesses in selling the two major products of the company. References Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M., & Jung, D. I. (1999). Re†examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership using the Multifactor Leadership. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 72(4), 441-462. Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1993). Transformational leadership: A response to critiques. Braun, C. (1997). Organizational infidelity: how violations of trust affect the employee-employer relationship. The Academy of Management Executive, 11(4), 94-95. Buzady, Z. & Georgiu, A. (2011). Riding the waves of the motivation cycle. OD Practitioner, 43(1), p. 35-41. Caruth, D. L. & Humphreys, J. H. (2008). Performance appraisal: essential characteristics for s strategic control. Measuring Business Excellence, 12(3), p. 24 Chiang, J. C., Liao, C., Klein, G., & Jiang, J. (2012). Consequences of psychological contract violations for IS personnel. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 52(4), 78-87. Dubinsky, A. J., Yammarino, F. J., Jolson, M. A., & Spangler, W. D. (1995). Transformational leadership: An initial investigation in sales management. The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 17-31. Hammer, M. (2007, Spring). The 7 deadly sins of performance measurement and how to avoid them. MIT Sloan Management Review, 48(3), p. 19-28. Harvey, S. & Haines III, V. (2005). Employer treatment of employees during a community crisis: The role of procedural and distributive justice. Journal of Business & Psychology, 20(1), p. 53-68. Humphreys, J. H. (2003). Xenophon as leadership theorist: an early model of leader behavior and follower work motivation. Academy of Management Proceedings, D1-D6 Humphreys, J. H., & Einstein, W. O. (2004). 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Sunday, November 10, 2019
Promote from Within and Hiring Form Outside Essay
Introduction In my opinion based on the case study, it is not justified in appointing Mike Ullman, an outsider as CEO instead of Jessica Robert, who was instrumental in turning around the company between 2005 and 2010. The reason I disagree is because promoting from within brings a lot of benefits to employees and organization. I individually support promoting from within and I think that promoting from within is definitely more justified than bringing in an outsider. Research shows that insider and outsider both has different benefits and loss and it is depends on the managerial decision. Different management has different view towards insider and outsider. I have choose to support promoting from within in this assessment is because that the research make me believe that promoting from within can increase productivity and employees satisfaction. I have provides three strong reason to support my personal view. Question 1 The first reason of promoting from within is good for morale. When the top management is decided to promote from within, the others employees are often very pleased because they think that â€Å"one of their own†has been promoted to a management-level position and makes them feel nothing is impossible. (David G. Javitch., 2005) The morale of employees will improve when they realize that every one of them is possible to be promoted and this usually leads to increase motivation of employees. Since Jessica Robert was instrumental in turning around the company, the others employees will think that it is justified to promote Jessica Robert. The others employee has witness her hardworking in turning around the company and they do not have any objection in promoting Jessica Robert. If the company promotes Jessica Robert, the morale of employees will definitely boost because they think that it is possible to happen on their own too. When morale and motivation goes up, the productivity and the efficiency of the company will increase especially when the employees like or respect the newly promoted individual because they are already used to the way that work together with the newly promoted individual. (Charles R. Knoeber., 2001) Motivation is playing an important role within an organization because in increased of motivation often leads to increased of employee satisfaction. In case, Jessica Robert has joined the organization as the COO at 2005 and she was made a turnover for the company. Her succession is all seen by the others employee in the organization and she became a very respective person in the company. If the company promotes Jessica Robert as CEO, the motivation of others employee will definitely increase because most of the employees are respect her and they have been working together quite a long time thus, they are already used to the way Jessica Robert work. Second reason is an internal candidate is most likely already familiar with the functional aspects of their new job because he used to an employee in the organization. (DR. David G. Javitch., 2005) Jessica Robert He joined the company at 2005 and she is very familiar with all the process and the system in the particular organization and she don’t have to spend times to get used to the new environment, people, and the job scope. She knows the corporate culture, the procedures, policies, processes, employees, and internal and external customers associated with the job. (DR. David G. Javitch., 2005) Therefore, by promoting she can definitely increase the effectiveness of the company because she can generally hit the ground running. She can work more effectively than an outsider and increase the productivity. She can also lead the team to achieve goals easier than an outsider because she probably already familiar with every employee’s ability and behavior. (Mobb. S., 2010) A final reason to promote from within is that the current employee is already a â€Å"known quantity†to both management and non-management. Both groups know the employee’s strengths and limitations in terms of technical skills, abilities, knowledge bases, and professional personality. (DR. David G. Javitch., 2005) Internal candidate is recognized by both group and they may find easy and feel satisfy to work together with the person who they used to familiar with. Promoting Jessica Robert is actually benefits to the company because both management and non- management know her ability and strength. Her succession on turning around the company has proved her ability and she is definitely qualified to be the CEO of the company. Besides that, she is not longer requires any or as much training as employees from outside the company because she are familiar with at least the general workings of the business. (G. Raheja.C., 2010) Question 2 Advantages of promoting from within The first advantage of promoting from within is benefits on both sides. An organization that promotes from within has the opportunity to identify the characteristics, qualifications and skills it wants to be the suitable leader. (Greenwood, B., n. d) This will benefit the employees, who have a clear understanding of expectation. It is also benefits the organization because by promoting from within, it actually gives the top management a chance to evaluate staff carefully before making a recommendation for a promotion. In the process of evaluation the employees, the top management may discovered the skill and ability of each different employees and make a further promotion or changes. (Mobb. S., 2010) The other advantage is good relationships. (Greenwood, B., n. d) They have a solid network of collegial relationships within the organization because they used to an employee of the organization. The employees are willing to mentoring by him because he probably has build up a very good relationship within them. The top management is also relieved on him because his ability and skill has been recognized. Employees who are promoted from within are more likely to have a good understanding of the organization, its history and core values as well as the culture of the organization. They do not have to spend much time for extra training and they know the way to manage the organization and the way to help organization to earn profit. (Moobs.S., 2010) Disadvantages of promoting from within The first disadvantage is competition among staff. Promoting from within can lead to competitiveness among staff members vying for the same position. When one person is promoted, bad feelings can result in the people left behind. (Agadoni, L., n. d) This can lead to dissatisfaction at work, poor work performance and de-motivated the employees. Some employees may have felt entitled to a promotion even if they are not qualified, simply because they have put in more time and effort to the company. If length of service were the only criterion for promotion, people could be promoted to a job they can’t perform, which could lead to them being fired and reduce the effectiveness of company. The other disadvantage is smaller pool. The top managements have fewer options to fill a spot when they look for promotion only within the organization. (Agadoni, L., n. d) In addition, an insider of the company might not have the right skills needed to perform a job above their current level. They would need training and experience to accomplish the new tasks as expected, whereas outside talent might already possess the needed skills and different kind of experience. It will definitely reduce the organization’s efficiency when training is necessary for the new promote because re-training takes a lot of times and cost. (R. Knoeber. C., 2003) Advantages of bringing in from outside The first advantage of bringing in from outside is be able to achieving clarity on what the situation really is right now both internal to the company and externally. Most of the times, an outsider can see things in different angle and with precisely because they have different experience and they are new in the organization. (Constance Dierickx., n. d) They sometimes bring a point of view that is clear for that very reason. This different lens and frame of reference is exactly why an outsider is valuable and also what most organization is looking for. The second advantage is calibration. Most of the insider of the organization who are appropriately trying to inform the leader but who do not have an independent point of view and who may be stuck in routine ways of reporting. They are often follows the leader’s point of view and they do not have their own experience in certain sector. An outsider first in the organization, he may bring a breadth of different experience from having worked at different of companies in multiple countries on multiple continents as well as different industries. (Constance Dierickx., n. d) An outsider can ask questions that are different, share what he has observed and lead the members to achieve organizational goal. They can challenge their own assumptions as well as the veracity of the information they may hold dear because they have different of resources comes in different way. Disadvantages of bringing in from outside The disadvantage of bringing in from outside is learning curve. It takes time to follow up to speed on a new job, and learning about the corporate culture. (Lisa McQuerrey., n. d) This is especially true when the new outside manager wish to radically change the management style that previously was in place. Not only does the manager need time to be acquainted with the changes and its employees also need to come to an understanding of how the new promoted operates and what performance expectations he brings to the table. The second disadvantage functional expertise of the outsider. Unless the top management has witnessed the outsider at work in his/her field of expertise, otherwise there is no way of knowing whether the outsider’s functional expertise is meets the organization’s standards. (Mayhew.R., n. d) The technical skills or clinical experience of an outsider might not fit the organization’s requirement as well as the job scope. In addition, most of the organization does not take long time for employers during the recruitment and selection process and the employer should always ready to pay risk for incompetency recruitment. (Richards Brigg. B., n. d) Impact of promoting from within on the morale of employees The impact of promoting from within can improve the morale of employees due to great communication. An organization actually has many levels of communication such as from management to employees, between departments, between management groups and between individual employees. To maintain morale, communication lines need to remain open and important information needs to be delivered in a timely fashion. (Anderson. A., n. d) According to Anderson. A, laying off employees usually has a negative impact on morale, but allowing employees that are not scheduled to be laid off to believe that they could damage morale even further. A communication must be build within an organization, a leader who are promoted from within is actually be able to do that because they have been worked for a long time in an organization and good relationship could be build within employees as well as management group. Impact of bringing in outside on the morale of employees The impact of bringing in outside is affect the morale of employees because of the changes in management. Employees can become accustomed to the practices and methods of a particular manager, and when there is a change in management that can have an effect on morale. (Anderson. A., n. d) When an outsider bringing in, he might change the management of the organization and this will affect the morale of employees because most of them are not comfortable with the change and it may takes time for them to acquainted. (Lisa McQuerrey., n. d) Referencing Charles R. Knoeber. (2001) CEO Succession: Handicapping and the Choice between Insiders and Outsiders. [Online] Available at: http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~sauerr/seminar_papers/succession2.pdf [Accessed: 14 Jan 2013] Agrawa. A. (2004) Are outsiders handicapped in CEO successions? [Online] Available at: http://www.bama.ua.edu/~aagrawal/succession.pdf [Accessed: 14 Jan 2013] Briggs, B. (2007) Problems of recruitment in civil service: case of the Nigerian civil service. African Journal of Business Management, Vol 1 (6), p. 142-153. Available at: http://www.academicjournals.org/ajbm/pdf/Pdf2007/Sep/Briggs.pdf [Accessed: 19 Jan 2013]. Mobb. S. (2010) Internal Managerial Promotions: Incentives, CEO Influence, and Firm Valuation. [Online] Available at: https://editorialexpress.com/cgi-bin/conference/download.cgi?db_name=ALEA2010&paper_id=267 [Accessed: 15 Jan 2013] G. JAVITCH. David. (2005) Selecting the Best Manager. [Online] Available at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/78576 [Accessed: 15 Jan 2013] Greenwood. B (n. d) The Advantages of Promotion From Within. [Online] Available at: http://work.chron.com/advantages-promotion-within-6320.html [Accessed: 17 Jan 2013] Laura Agadoni (n. d) business and entrepreneurship. [Online] Available at: http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/disadvantages-promoting-within-4019.html [Accessed: 17 Jan 2013] Mayhew. R. (n. d) Disadvantages of hiring an outside supervisor. [Online] Available at: http://work.chron.com/disadvantages-hiring-outside-supervisor-5593.html [Accessed: 20 Jan 2013] Dierickx. C. (n. d) Benefits of hiring an outside consultant. [Online] Available at: http://www.cdconsultinggrp.com/resources/articles/benefits-of-hiring-an-outside-consultant/ [Accessed: 20 Jan 2013] Anderson. A. (n. d) What impact morale in organization? [Online] Available at: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/impacts-morale-organization-6.html [Accessed: 20 Jan 2013]
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Make Rock Salt
How to Make Rock Salt Rock salt is a natural, unrefined salt consisting of large crystals with mineral impurities. Sometimes the impurities color the salt. For example, natural salt occurs in white, pink, red, and black. The grain size, color, and flavor make rock salt popular for recipes, bath products, and crafts, but it can be expensive! You can make your own rock salt substitute from regular table salt. Rock Salt Materials Salt (NaCl) - You can use iodized salt, uniodized salt, or sea salt.WaterFood coloring (optional) Grow Rock Salt Crystals Heat the water to a rolling boil. Very hot tap water is not hot enough because salt solubility depends on temperature.Stir in salt until no more will dissolve.If desired, add a couple of drops of food coloring. Two drops of red and one of yellow will give you rock salt that resembles pink Himalayan rock salt.Pour the solution into a clean container. For the cleanest crystals, avoid getting undissolved salt into this new container. On the other hand, for the quickest results, leave the undissolved salt to help start crystal growth.Let the salt crystals grow. As the water evaporates, the liquid becomes more concentrated and the crystals will grow more quickly. When you are satisfied with the amount you have (or the crystals stop growing), pour off the remaining liquid and let the salt dry. You can break it into pieces and store it in a sealed bag or jar.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Definition and Tips for Business Writing Best Practices
Definition and Tips for Business Writing Best Practices Business writing is a professional communication tool (also known as business communication or professional writing) corporations and other professional entities use to communicate with either an internal or external audience. Memorandums, reports, proposals, emails, and a variety of other business-related written materials are all forms of business writing. Tips for Effective Business Writing The purpose of business writing is a transactional one. Of course, the content of business writing relates to a business entity but it also relates to a specific and purposeful transaction between the writer and his or her audience. According to Brant W. Knapp, author of A Project Managers Guide to Passing the Project Management Exam, the best business writing can be understood clearly when read quickly. The message should be well planned, simple, clear, and direct. Fast Facts: Basic Business Writing Goals To Convey Information: Forms of business communication, such as research reports or policy memos, are written to disseminate knowledge.Delivers News: Professional writing is often used to share recent events and accomplishments with both internal and external audiences. Call to Action: Business professionals use writing in an attempt to influence others for numerous reasons from selling merchandise to passing legislature.Explains or justifies an Action: Professional communication allows a business entity to explain their beliefs or to justify their actions. The following tips, adapted from Oxford Living Dictionaries, form a good foundation for business writing best practices. Put your main points first. State exactly why youre writing the correspondence upfront. One exception to this rule is for sales letters. Reminding the recipient of a past meeting or a common connection you share is an acceptable way to open as it may influence the recipient to be more amenable to your intended aims.Use everyday words. Using words such as about rather than concerning, expect rather than anticipate, and part instead of component will make your writing less stilted.Know your audience. Unless its aimed at an industry-specific audience, dont fill your writing with lots of technical jargon. (Specifics can be attached separately.) Adjust your tone to suit your intended reader. For instance, a letter of complaint would have a far different tone than a letter of reference. Finally- this should go without saying- never use derogatory or sexist language, and actively work to eliminate gender-biased language from any form of business communication.Use contractions when possib le. Business writing has undergone a shift from formal to a more accessible style so using we’re not we are, and we’ve not we have is the way to go. Even so, you dont always have to use a contraction. A good rule of thumb is that if a contraction improves the sentence flow use it; if the sentence is more persuasive without it, use two words. Use active rather than passive verbs. Active verbs allow the reader to comprehend quickly and to understand more completely. For example, The decision has implemented to suspend production, leaves the interpretation of who made the decision to call it quits open. On the other hand, the meaning of, Weve decided to suspend production, is clear.Write tight. Again, using the example above, choosing the word decided rather than made the decision makes reading easier for the audience.Don’t be a slave to rules in every situation. Again, this is a case of knowing your audience. If your aim is to make your writing conversational, its fine to end a sentence with a preposition now and then, especially to improve flow and avoid awkward construction. That said, while many businesses have their own in-house style guides, elementary rules for style and grammar must be observed for your writing- and you- to be considered professional. Sloppy writing, poor word choices, or an unearned overly f amiliar attitude can come back to haunt you. Keep your font choices simple. Stick to a nice, clean type style such as Helvetica or Times New Roman and limit the number of fonts you use in correspondence. Your goal is something that legible and easy to read.Dont overuse visuals. According to sources at Technical Business Writing, Graphic displays should make up no more than 10 to 25 percent of the business writing. Too many graphics become confusing and often detract from the message you want to convey. A few, powerful, well-placed graphics will accomplish more to get your point across than something that looks like a bad attempt at scrapbooking.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Using Control Systems Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Using Control Systems - Case Study Example The idea of balanced scorecard was developed by Kaplan and Norton. The balanced scorecard is a performance management tool backed up by design methods and automation tools, which is helpful for managers to monitor the efficiency of their followers’ activities and analyze the short/long term consequences of these actions. According to a survey of management tools conducted by Bain & Company (n.d.), balanced scorecard was the most widely used management tool in 2010. Design of a balanced scorecard facilitates the identification of a set of financial and non-financial measures and linking of targets to them. This design is helpful for managers to assess whether the firm’s current performance meets its expectations. As stated in OPM.gov (n.d.), under the balanced scorecard system, business managers gather and review information from four different perspectives such as the customer’s perspective, the internal business perspective, the innovation and learning perspecti ve, and the financial perspective. In contrast to conventional frameworks where employee performance plans pay attention only to behaviors, actions, or processes, the balanced scorecard approach particularly emphasizes individual employee performance so as to align employee performance plans with organizational goals. Management professionals opine that the balanced scorecard approach to employee performance is extremely effective to obtain an extensive view of an employee’s work performance. The major objective of the balanced scorecard is to develop an improved system that can measure the overall performance of an organization and identify the key areas of improvement (tutorialspoint). Another key objective of this management framework is to assess the efficiency of an organization’s workforce by simply focusing on their individual performance and the extent to which they meet expectations. An effective
Friday, November 1, 2019
Strategic Management of HR 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Strategic Management of HR 2 - Essay Example Furthermore, the relationship between line management and HR departments is also becoming integral and diversified as organizations require more accountability and responsibility on the former’s part, this notion however, poses several implications for the business. The aspect of diversity and inclusivity as well as the ethical dimensions attached with the outcomes of endorsing a culture of inclusiveness suggest that organizations must work towards the establishment of effective frameworks that govern work-life policies that encourage inclusivity and also encourage HR managers to adopt the role of being catalysts of change to promote a multicultural workforce within the organization. Organizational Issues in Strategic Human Resource Management Establishing HR Systems The differentiating aspect of strategic management of human resources in comparison with human resource (HR) approaches implemented on an individual basis is the former’s specific concentration towards the establishment of human resource systems (Lepak et al., 2006) that can aid towards the achievement of organizational aims and objectives. In the organization of today, however, the establishment, development and consequent implementation of these systems faces several challenges that hamper the initiatives taken by the HR department to promote strategic readiness in the organization for the effective management of its workforce through the present business climate. Reichers and Schneider (1990) define climate as the workforce’s observation and opinion of practices, policies and processes in the organization that are formally established or informally applied within the business. Lepak et al. (2006) note that organizational climate is a highly critical variable in creating a suitable fit between the nature of the organization and the job performance of employees. Moreover, organizational climate has also been found to be an imperative factor in contributing towards the effectiv eness of the organization as a whole (Ostroff et al., 2003). HR Policy Challenges Lepak et al. (2006) argue that in enhancing the strategic readiness to manage its people, an organization must implement effective HR systems that are in turn governed by specific HR policies. These policies include: 1. Concentrating on employee expertise such as skills, education and talent 2. Concentrating on the management of worker motivation 3. Concentrating on providing workers with chances for participation within the organization thereby, promoting employee involvement The selection and implementation of the aforementioned HR systems is faced with certain organizational issues, the first of which is concerned with an accurate assessment of the expertise demanded by an organization in its workers, this view is further cemented by the notion that each HR policy sphere requires specific knowledge scales in order to help an organization to achieve its strategic objectives (Lepak et al.,
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