Monday, September 30, 2019
Recombinant dna technology Essay
Recombinant DNA technology refers to the ability to isolate specific DNA sequences and alter or manipulate them to produce desired effects. More often, recombinant DNA technology is referred to as biotechnology. Recombinant DNA technology is fascinating in that it has developed into a multi-billion dollar industry, and completely revolutionized agriculture and pharmaceutical industries, all within the past 50 years. According to one account, biotechnology was born during a meeting in Hawaii in 1972 between Stanford medical professor Stanley Cohen, and biochemist Herbert Boyer from the University of California (Russo, 2003). The men were attending a conference on plasmids, and discussed the ability to introduce plasmid DNA into the bacterium E Coli that would allow researchers to actually clone the plasmids in the bacteria. Boyer and Cohen eventually chose different paths, both affected by the growing concerns about the safety of recombinant DNA technology, but this meeting is marked as the beginning of the biotechnology revolution. Cohen stayed in academia and defended recombinant DNA technology in US congressional hearings. During the same time, in 1976 Herbert Boyer partnered with venture capitalist and MIT graduate Robert Swanson to set up and develop the worlds first biotechnology company, Genentech (Russo, 2003). Since its introduction in the 1970’s the biotechnology industry has exploded, revolutionizing science and agricultural as well as pharmaceutical production. In 2011, Ernst &Young stated in the US alone there were 1,870 public and private biotechnology companies, their revenues worth over 60 billion US dollars (, 2012). To better understand how biotechnology has impacted the world we live in, it is good to have a broad understanding of the underlying principles of recombinant DNA technology. Firstly, two types of DNA are isolated. The first is bacterial plasmids that will act as the â€Å"gene carriers†and the second is DNA from another organism with a gene of interest (Campbell essential biology, 1967). The plasmid is cut in one place, and the DNA is cut in the area of interest for a specific gene. Restriction enzymes cut double-stranded DNA molecules at highly specific locations, called restriction sites, into fragments that can be manipulated (Harrison, Sampson, 1992). The specificity of the different enzymes depends on the base sequence of the DNA. Some enzymes cut both strands at the same point to produce â€Å"blunt ends†, others cut strands at different points producing staggered ends â€Å"sticky ends†(Harrison, Sampson, 1992). The DNA fragments are then mixed with the cut plasmids, joining together at their base pairs, or â€Å"sticky ends†(G with C and T with A in a sequence). The union is made permanent by a â€Å"pasting enzyme†called DNA ligase, thus creating recombinant DNA. (Campbell essential biology, 1967). The bacterium containing the recombinant plasmid is then mass-produced creating clones of the recombinant DNA to be grown in large quantities. The success of biotechnology companies reflects the high demand and numerous applications of recombinant DNA technology. Animal farming and breeding has been altered, giving animals more meat, as well as giving cows growth hormones to produce more milk (Donnelley & McCarthy, 1994). Biotechnology is responsible for the synthesis of useful proteins to create vaccines and drugs that fight acute or chronic diseases and illnesses. Due to recombinant DNA technology, insulin is readily available to diabetics. Alternatively, genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) have been responsible for advancements in agri-business. In agriculture, biotechnology has allowed for genetically modified crops to produce more yield, and thus more revenue for farmers, by creating pest-resistant, weather- resistant crops (Federici, 2010). Genetically modified food products can be given a longer shelf life through altering the genetics of an organism. To farmers, and a world with a growing population, genetically modified crops are looking more and more attractive. Weather resistant GMO’s that can grow in otherwise detrimental climates have even been suggested as a solution to world hunger. There is concern about the safety and ethics of genetically modified and engineered organisms. In many European countries, GM foods are clearly labeled, in the US and Canada, there is no mandatory labeling laws for genetically engineered foods or products (Federici, 2010). Scientific data has indicated in some circumstances that animals fed by GM crops have been harmed or died. In some instances animals exposed to GM crops developed abnormally and displayed detrimental reproductive issues (Maghari & Ardekani, 2011). Increasing prevalence of food allergies has also lead to blaming untested genetically modified crops as the source of the allergies (Maghari & Ardekani, 2011). Environmentalists are also enraged at the introduction of genetic ally modified organisms. GM seeds, once planted, and harvested, yield seeds of their own and often mix with wild, organic seeds, thus producing offspring that are hybrids of the genetically modified organism. Loss of biodiversity due to the GM resistant strains overtaking natural plant breeds in nature is a serious concern for environmentalists and biologists (Burke, 2012). They claim that the effects of GMO’s have not been researched or experimented long enough to determine if there are any long-term side effects to humans (Maghari & Ardekani, 2011). Although the biological advancements in medicine and science have greatly improved the quality of life of humans, the effects of genetically modified foods and GM animals is concerning. By providing vaccines otherwise unavailable to humans through biotechnology, many people experience longer then expected life spans. Usefulness of recombinant DNA technology in the worlds healthcare system can not be denied. However, the dependence on GM food in sustaining the world’s population should be examined more in depth. Has enough research been conducted on the effects of GMO’s on humans, animals, biodiversity, and the environment? I would disagree that sufficient data exists to be exploiting the science of biotechnology as vastly as humans have. Bibliography Burke, D. C. (2012). There’s a long, long trail a-winding: The complexities of GM foods regulation, a cautionary tale from the UK. GM Crops & Food, 3(1), 30-39. doi:10.4161/gmcr.18041 Donnelley, S., & McCarthy, C. R. (1994). The brave new world of animal biotechnology. Hastings Center Report, 24(1), S1. Ernst &Young. (2012). Global Biotechnology Report. Ernst & Young website. Federici, V. (2010). GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD AND INFORMED CONSUMER CHOICE: COMPARING U.S. AND E.U. LABELING LAWS. Brooklyn Journal Of International Law, 35(2), 515-561. Harrison, J., & Sampson, J. (1992). Enhancing understanding of recombinant DNA technology. Journal Of Biological Education (Society Of Biology), 26(4), 300. Maghari, B., & Ardekani, A. M. (2011). Genetically Modified Foods and Social Concerns. Avicenna Journal Of Medical Biotechnology, 3(3), 109-117. Russo, E. (2003). Special Report: The birth of biotechnology. Nature, 421(6921), 456. Simon, J., Dickey, J., Reece, J. (1967). Campbell essential biology with physiology. (4th ed.). London: Dorling Kindersley Limited. Quaye, W. W., Yawson, R. M., Ayeh, E. S., & Yawson, I. I. (2012). CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD SECURITY: THE ROLE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. African Journal Of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition & Development, 12(5), 6354-6364
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Global Warming Research Paper
Global Warming: Its effects on the Economy by Vincent Colletti Professor Shakely English Composition II July 1, 2008 Outline THESIS: From the findings of experts on Global Warming and Climatology, it can be concluded that Global Warming has a direct effect on our current global economy and the instability of the future. Introduction I. Background A. The study of Environmental Economics B. Economic issues and relations to past and future global warming estimates II. The effects on GDP A. Increase of natural disasters B. Impact on agriculture C.Rise in health care cost 1. Heat waves 2. Spread of disease D. Further subjugation those who have a lower standard of living 1. Displacement III. Opposing arguments A. Efforts to prevent global warming are to costly B. Low Winter mortality rate C. Possible Profit lies in the Arctic IV. What is being done to counteract climate change’s affects and plans for the future A. Kyoto Protocol 1. Acceptance/Refusal 2. Funds created B. â€Å"Green Collar†Jobs and Alternative Energy Sources 1. Wind/Water Power 2. Fuel efficient automobiles 3. Carbon CaptureConclusion Global Warming: It’s affects on the economy In considering climate change policies, the fundamental trade-off principal that society faces is between, consumption today and consumption in the nearing future. It is a question of economics; the return on this environmental investment is lower damages and thus higher consumption in the future. Now is the time that nations must decide whether or not they will make investments in understanding the economics of the environment and act accordingly to slow the climate change over the coming centuries.According to the National Bureau of Environmental Research (NBER) environmental economics is defined as â€Å"†¦ studies of the economic effects of national or local environmental policies around the world, including effects on pollution, research and development, physical investment, labor supply, econom ic efficiency, and the distribution of real income. †It is the desirable option to have policies that are economically efficient so that the environmental objectives can be achieved in a least cost approach, but then the question arises how long should we wait until an optimal climate-change policy is fabricated? pic] This chart explains the forecasted increase in Earth’s average surface temperature according to a series of climate change situations. It is, of course, impossible to predict with certainty what permanent economic effect global warming will have, but many economists and scientists agree the past and present effects can serve as a guide as to what can be expected. From the findings of experts on Global Warming and Climatology, it can be concluded that Global Warming has a direct effect on our current global economy and the instability of the future.Although scientists generally agree on the probable rise in the average global temperature over the next cent ury foretelling the change in a specific region is more complex. Due to the fact that the forecast models used in determining global warming’s affects are just that, models, they cannot be taken as fact and are subject to change. According to the Stern Review, a report created by the former Chief Economist of the World Bank Nicholas Stern, â€Å"the cost of climate change could be equivalent to a permanent loss of around 0-3% in global world output†(Stern ix).This would take humans into unknown territory which is the essential factor in the Stern Review which develops the basis that climate change will affect everyone, not just those whose greenhouse gas emissions are elevated. The report conveys the costs of extreme weather conditions could decrease the â€Å"†¦world Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by . 5-1% per annum†¦ †(Stern viii) before the middle of the century. In regards to the models Stern used in his report, the USA could expect a double of an nual natural disaster costs due to the increase in hurricane wind speed attributable to the rise of sea temperature.This should serve as Americas warning considering one of the most costly hurricanes, Hurricane Katrina, hit our shores in 2005. As Al Gore, former Vice President and long time Environmentalist, points out in his book An Inconvenient Truth, â€Å"Hurricane Katrina caused approximately $60 billion in insured losses†(Gore 102). A further impact on the world economy would concentrate in the UK who will be heavily affected by the melting of glaciers, whose â€Å"annual flood losses alone could increase from 0. % of GDP today to 0. 2-0. 4% of GDP once the increase in global average temperatures reaches 3 or 4 degrees Celsius†(Stern viii). Along with the devastation that will follow the increase in natural disasters, global warming will soon prove to be a burden on our agricultural market as well. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the â⠂¬Å"changing climate could cause soils to become drier and drier, and crop failures could become more widespread. †What burdens will this place on the global economy?It will affect the poorest countries first, mostly due to the fact that the majority of these â€Å"poor†countries have a high dependency on agriculture as a means of living and trade. Another affect on our agriculture will be the disruption in our food supply according to author and Boston Globe editor Ross Gelbspan, â€Å"global warming could result in insect related crop damage. †With the information presented pertaining to the rising level in carbon dioxide it should be inferred that although plant growth accelerates in areas with elevated carbon dioxide concentration and to some would seem like an opportunity to initiate in mass harvesting and ncrease yields but it should be considered that many scientist along with Gelbspan predict, â€Å"these initial increases will soon flatten, and a lon g-term diet of concentrated carbon dioxide will weaken plants,†(Gelbspan 37) resulting in a less full-bodied, nutritious product. The fall in farm industry will ultimately pilot the increase of illness, death, and poverty, especially in third world countries. As briefly mentioned before, global warming will not only have an affect on our economy but also our health care system.Naturally the rise of global temperature can be dangerous for humans because of the extreme weather conditions that are bodies are not accustomed to. A study by the EPA shows that an increase in â€Å"†¦the concentration of ozone at ground level due to higher air temperatures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ may lead to severe complications â€Å"for people with asthma and other lung related diseases. †Logically higher air temperatures could seriously impact those who live in southern areas of the world.The EPA estimates that in Atlanta, for example, even a warming of about two degrees(F) would increase heat -related deaths from currently 78 people annually to anywhere from 96 to 247 people per year, which if translated into a global scene it would be a travesty. The Stern Review points out a shocking yet â€Å"scared straight†statistic for some, it expressed that the heat wave in Europe of 2003 killed 35,000 people and is estimates show that if temperatures increase 2 or 3 degrees(C) this number can come close to doubling.Also the EPA has speculated that global warming will promote insect life in farther northern areas that were once unable to facilitate growth. In terms of providing medicine for the various diseases carried by the insects such as Malaria, Dengue fever, Nile virus, and Yellow fever, it worries me if government or medical help will be able to offer aid to enough people considering it’s hard enough to get an adequate amount of Flu vaccinations in a single season; imagine an extension of warm seasons with infected insects spreading and establishing themselv es in â€Å"unknown territories,†this could be the next modern epidemic.In the Heat Is On, a striking fact the author uses to convey a similar point of that of above is â€Å"A side effect to global warming are insect attacks. A study shows that Alaskan forests have suffered from severe outbreaks of bark beetles, which have devastated several million acres of forest†(Gelbspan 141). With an increase in severe weather conditions, spread of disease, decline inhabitable land, and sea levels raising many people will be forced to flee their homes. In a 60 Minutes special one of the worlds leading authorities on climate control, Bob Corell, told the world that â€Å"98 percent of the world’s mountain glaciers are melting. This is a startling fact considering the impact that will have on coastal cities around the world. Corell proceeded to explain that sea levels around the world will increase three feet within 100 years. Melting glaciers will inevitably increase flo od risk and water supplies around the world. Thus approximately â€Å"one-sixth of the world’s population†(Stern vi) will be threatened with drinkable water shortages and displacement. Being unable to produce food or purchase necessities, it is estimated that â€Å"tens to hundreds of millions of people, with warming of 3 or 4 degrees(C) will have to relocate†(Stern vi).Although it is often thought just those in Africa, Asia, and small islands will be affected it should be known that large cities such as New York, Tokyo, London, and Cairo all possess an equal risk. An estimate put forth by the Stern Report states that â€Å"†¦by the middle of the century, 200 million people may become permanently displaced†¦Ã¢â‚¬ all of which can be attributed to rising sea levels, strong floods, and soil and water salinization. Increases in extreme weather patterns â€Å"could reduce global gross domestic product by up to 1%†¦ A two to three degrees Celsius , up to 10% of global output could be lost†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Stern Review).Nations worldwide must see the broader economic and security factors of global warming. â€Å"The melting Artic is the proverbial canary in the coalmine of planetary health and a harbinger of how the warming planet will profoundly affect U. S. national security†(Borgerson 9). With an economy in distress such as the United States, investing in energy efficiency should seem like the logical step forward in the nation’s history but lobbyists and those who oppose, with their isolationist instinct, look to seek a profit and mask the environment’s downward spiraling transformation.It is time we â€Å"†¦get on with the important work of mitigation and adaptation by managing the consequences of the great melt†(Borgerson 9) however this proves to be harder than environmentalists expected. Opposition to â€Å"green energy†has currently caused much debate, with slandering advertis ements from both extremes of the spectrum. One combatant idea stems from the â€Å"respected economic analysts GlobalInsight, their estimations, in 2002, concluded that meeting the Kyoto target would reduce Germany’s GDP by 5. 2%, Spains by 5. 0%, the U. K. ’s by 4. %, and the Netherlands by 3. 8%†(Horner 259). These speculated values stressed the idea that cleaning the environment was just not worth the lost incurred with following the protocol. Another suggestion opponents of environmental cleanup is â€Å"Spain and Britain would lose a million jobs, while Germany would lose nearly 2 million jobs, thanks in part to 40% increase in electricity and heating cost†(Horner 259), an proposal that has proved to be false, although they have seen a loss in GDP many analysts believe it is due to rising fuel costs.Since the estimations of those who consider global warming too large of a problem to deal with, surfaced to be a fallacy, a new concept was pushed into the media, thus influencing the public in their favor. â€Å"Between 2004 and 2005, the Artic lost 14 percent of itsperennial iceâ€â€the dense, thick ice that is the main obstacle to shipping. In the last 23 years, 41 percent of this hard, multiyear ice has vanished. †(Borgerson 2).To many this may seem like a grim glance into the future, but for commercial industries and government this is an opportunity to exploit our land. The artic region located near Alaska would be a prime spot for accessing gas reserves. President Bush has proposed that a three way treaty between the United States, Russia, and Canada should be created and refineries put in place. It would seem as if â€Å"big business†is blind to what must occur in order for them to have their chance at producing fuel from the gas reserves.This plan is supported by the fact that it will lessen the dependency on foreign oil. Climate change will have an un-proportionate positive to negative effect ration ex cept for idealists in the market looking to turn a profit. The Stern Report addressed argument that global warming will have a constructive role in the future for instance; places such as Russia and Canada will be beneficiaries of a 2 or 3 degrees (C) in the sense that climate change will lessen winter’s harshness eventually leading to lower winter mortality, and heating costs.It is also believed that the surge of warmer climates may also increase tourism to once barren artic tundra regions. An efficient response to global climate change will depend on the actions of an internationally collaborative effort. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has realized this and formatted a treaty entitled the Kyoto Protocol. This protocol sets forth for almost every industrialized nation, except the United States and Kazakhstan, a guideline as to how much greenhouse gas they may emit within a year.It proposes that countries with higher emissions of greenhouse gases be held responsible and require them to pay for more energy efficient activities in less developed countries, thus managing not so much limiting, the amount of harmful gases released and funding countries in need of further energy efficient program development. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, â€Å"over 50 nations representing 55 percent of industrialized nations’ emissions have agreed to ratify the protocol. †To many economists this places the United States in the middle of the â€Å"war on global warming†and sees the U.S. soon being forced to participate or face global environmental isolation. â€Å"Every country will need to adapt to climate change†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Walker 163) although it will be much easier for some than others. Countries who barely produce enough GDP will find it harder to allocate funds to environmentally safe practices rather than an industrialized nation whose profits soar and money is easily set aside to research and development of â€Å"green†methods. â€Å"Already 3 global funds are aimed at aiding the least developed countries to adapt†(Walker 163).As of April 2006, the Least Developed Country Fund has collected a sum of $89 million in actual funds. While the Special Climate Change Fund has received $45 million towards alternative manners of conduct and the estimated by the World Bank state the Clean Development Mechanism will have obtained close to $500 million by the year 2012 (Walker 163). It is ostensibly and economically understandable why so many countries fear the reduction of emissions the cost of mitigation, the loss of jobs, the public will become discontent with government.However a transition to renewable energy would create millions of jobs globally and facilitate less fortunate nation’s raise of living standards without negatively compromising economic conditions of established countries. The transition from a high to a low greenhouse gas polluting ec onomy will promote competitiveness and opportunity growth. For instance, Britain, within the next twelve years, has a targeted 20% increase in energy efficiency, 10% of vehicle traffic being powered by bio-fuels, and 15% of energy derived from renewable sources (Black).Currently Sweden obtains about 5% of its electrical energy from water, this is called tidal power. Tidal power creates energy from the sea water that moves landwards, the current drives turbines which in effect generate energy. Another way to counteract global warming is the use of wind. Wind power is produced by use of wind mills, often clustered together on a wind farm, the force of the wind converts natural energy into a useful form such as electricity. Wind energy is easily harnessed, renewable, and is responsible for about 1% of world wide electricity use (Black). The importance of change is illustrated by the fact that world economic energy efficiency is presently improving at only half the rate of world economi c growth†(U. S. Department of Energy). Another option to offset or maybe even neutralize the affects of global warming lies in the ideas set forth by an economic analyst Cliff May. May believes an â€Å"open standards†fuel law should be sanctioned that would require all new cars sold in the U. S. be Flexible Fuel Vehicles. Flexible fuel cars are automobiles that run not just on gasoline but a variety of alcohol and ethanol based fuels.This would force consumers to buy these new cars that burn fuels cleaner than gasoline. One way of creating a demand for theses flex fuel cars would be to offer tax breaks as incentives for both the producer and consumer. An advantage that comes from alternative fuel such as ethanol is it is made from corn, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, and just about any starchy crop. Along with crops as possible â€Å"green†fuel sources, biomass for instance grass, crop residue, fallen leaves, weeds, and trash, all can serve a higher purpose and consequently are in abundance in the U. S. Before long, billions of dollars that we are now sending over seas could be going into the pockets of Americasâ€â€farmers, auto workers, alternative fuel producers and investors†(May 8A). Not only would alternative fuels create an economic stimulus, far greater than the checks sent out by President Bush, but it would help restore the environment. .By adding to our consumption of an emerging market, alternative fueled automobiles, investing in companies that produce these fleets of vehicles, and taking away from government spending which follows the formula in calculating GDP, the U. S. ould be ranked number one. Additionally, a solution for increasing unemployment rates would finally be achieved. Also, being one the largest manufacturers of flexible fuel automobiles will enable international trade to increase significantly along with national income. There are limitless ideas as to what can rejuvenate the economy but few have hop e of standing up to an idea this enveloping. It is worth keeping in mind that our past can serve as an example of how mankind reacted too late when faced with â€Å"threats like acid rain, deforestation, asbestos, CFCs, declining fisheries, BSE†(Black).Simply, climate change will cause damage, in the sense that in what is done for our own benefit will cause harm to those in the future. Global warming can not be predicted with complete accuracy but enough can be inferred from the information and effects already available. â€Å"Mitigation- taking strong action to reduce emissions- must be viewed as an investment†(Stern i). Economists may see the fight against global warming as a cost incurred at this moment in order to avoid the repercussions of what the future may bring. And the less mitigation we do now, the greater complexity of ongoing adaptation will be.The production and dispersing of low carbon or â€Å"green†technologies is critical in moving the world into a more sustainable condition. â€Å"There is no reason economic development and environmental stewardship cannot go hand in hand†(Borgerson 8).
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Human motivation essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Human motivation - Essay Example In terms of social status, the person with higher status generally has lesser aggressive behavior than the poor persons. For, the rich have so many choices to choose from. Whereas, the poor are more aggressive for the poor have lesser choices to pick from. Consequently, the poor will try to force the other side to implement their choice. For example, the rich can choose to eat at the exclusive but costly restaurants because they prefer privacy and restaurant ambience is filled with only a few people. Or, the rich can choose to eat a hurried lunch at the fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken. Here, the McDonalds place is bustling tight with people both young and old. Thus, a person who does not have social skills usually ends up behaving aggressively in order to get attention or to get the other person’s forced approval. Furthermore, the person that is lesser in social status will be more aggressive because he or she is not after the social status in life but rather what to ea t now, what to wear now and where. According to the journal Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (Nanale et al., 2004), Homophily is a natural phenomenon. It is the standard situation where people would rather join a group that have similar likes and dislikes as they have. The popular saying â€Å"birds of the same feather flock together†explains this. This is generally true with human behavior. Thus, friendship are more solid between friends of the same interest ( prefer NBA, Soccer, poker, girls, drinks and even nightspots) as compared to friendships between relatives and people who are not friends. As discussed above, the person that have the ability to make choices will have less aggressive human motivation. In turn, these people are likewise less coercive and angry for they will generally not force their wishes on the other persons. To reiterate, a person who can make choices from many alternative actions is less aggressive than a person who can not make choices due to
Friday, September 27, 2019
Determining the Effectiveness of Graphic Organizers Research Paper
Determining the Effectiveness of Graphic Organizers - Research Paper Example Study Justification The graphic organizers do not remain within the bounds of books. Nowadays, almost in every academic institution; they are frequently used. Additionally, expository terms and texts are mostly written in a vogue manner; additionally, many academic authors use sophisticated language that hinders many students to properly understand the exact meaning of the text. In this regard, it becomes highly necessary to understand and determine the effectiveness of graphic organizers. Research Questions 1. What is an academic performance difference that is provided by the graphic organizers? 2. What makes graphic organizers to be more effective? Hypothesis Graphic organizers have been effective in diminishing the impacts of learning disabilities and at the same time upgrade the academic performance of the students. Null Hypothesis Learning disabilities do not remain the same regardless whether semantic mapping or cognitive mapping is utilized. Variables There exist two types of variables-independent and dependent variable. The independent variable is one that does not depend on the function of any other variable, and the opposite is true about the dependent variable. In this research proposal, they are: Independent variable = cognitive mapping or semantic mapping Dependent variable= Learning disabilities Assumptions 1. ... Cognitive Mapping Cognitive mapping facilitates developing significant ideas and relationships by employing arrows, spatial arrangements and lines with an aim of evaluating and understanding a particular text, context structure or a relationship between different concepts (Darch & Eaves, 1986). Semantic Feature Analysis Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) is constructed in a way to enabling students to identify and comprehend relevant but pertinent pieces of information from lecture or text. The shape of matrix is used to present conceptual characteristics; and a matrix relationship uses vocabulary for its development, which represents the coordinate concepts installed at the top of the matrix and the vocabulary provides the subordinate concepts along the side (Bos & Anders, 1990). Semantic Mapping Semantic mapping enables students to highlight significant pieces of information from a lecture of text. In addition, students can pinpoint the isolated parts of information from the lecture o f text after identifying the main ideas supporting the main theme of the concept. In this way, semantic mapping is highly relevant to make better reading sense (Little &Box, 2011, p.27). Syntactic/Semantic Feature Analysis Syntactic/ Semantic Feature Analysis (SSFA) do not much differ from the concept of SFA. However, some difference such as adding the cloze-type sentences, for which matrix provides its base, are included to in the SSFA concept. In this concept, cloze sentences comprise of empty spaces. And, the empty spaces are to be filled up by the students by comprehending the context of the sentence and the SFA matrix. Visual Display Using computational manner, the visual displays are constructed in a way to represent concepts, relationships or facts spatially. In
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Weekly paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Weekly paper - Essay Example In restaurant operations particularly, while the foods served are enhanced in terms of content, delectability, or design, the owner ought to realize that the service attached to the main commodity must be significantly invested upon as well. By personal experience, it feels great to find out that a certain restaurant consistently makes a sumptuous menu yet due to lack of hospitable crew and stable conduct in addressing customer issues, I am more likely to generate a lasting negative impression. It would turn out this is a delicate matter to cope with in the process. Through Walker’s lesson, I have become contemplative of factors with customer service, human relations, or other intangibles which constitute not just a profitable but even a sensible kind of entrepreneurship. As an aspiring businessman, I have come to acknowledge the essence of perceiving beyond the monetary approach of stabilizing grounds and networks for optimum returns. Executing around intangibles imply responding proactively to challenges with variable connections, properly establishing which forms the key to sustaining overall trust and confidence between the producer and the targeted
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Scot's Law of Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Scot's Law of Contracts - Essay Example The paper gives detailed information about contracts that are formed where all the concerned parties have arrived at an agreement. This is in terms of the stipulations of the contract and in willingness to see the contract out without duress. In legal terms, consensus in idem must be achieved for a contract to be deemed as binding. Not all terms in the contract must be agreed upon. However, the most essential ones must be agreed when the parties meet. Another tenet of the Scottish Law of Contracts is that it must not always be in writing. The Requirements of Writing Act 1995 clearly states that a contract must not always be written contrary to belief by people who are not essentially lawyers. The conduct of the parties, the spoken word or a combination of these may be used in the formation of a contract as much as the written word. The Scottish Law of Contracts requires that consensus in idem be reached. This means that regardless of the means that the contract was formed, there must be a consensus that was reached by the parties. It is possible for the parties in a contract to think that they have come to a consensus only for the court to overturn that belief. This is so especially when the parties think that they have reached an agreement only for the court to ask whether a reasonable person, given all the facts in the case would have acted in the same way. A contract has to have an agreement at least on the essential terms.... Additionally, she cannot claim that in court of law as ultimately, she would have to prove that a legally binding contract did indeed exist between her and the customer. The Scottish Law of Contracts requires that consensus in idem be reached. This means that regardless of the means that the contract was formed, there must be a consensus that was reached by the parties. It is possible for the parties in a contract to think that they have come to a consensus only for the court to overturn that belief. This is so especially when the parties think that they have reached an agreement only for the court to ask whether a reasonable person, given all the facts in the case would have acted in the same way. In this case, Arju was not under any obligation to heed the recommendations of the other customer as ultimately, she had not approached him but he had approached her. Therefore, a reasonable person would have pointed out that she was not under any obligation to buy the AK47 Watersquirt and hence no contract could have been made. As Arju’s lawyer, I would not advice her to sue the customer as there was no contract between him and her. Case A2 In this scenario, Arju comes across a sales assistant who is wearing the stores uniform and having a label â€Å"home decoration expert†. The assistant concedes that he does not have enough knowledge on power washers but states that the store only stocks the best appliances meaning that whichever she chose would do the job just right. Here, the assistant is in a legal capacity to enter into a contract with the customers on behalf of the store. Therefore, Arju had the guarantee that whichever power washer she chose would do the job that she required it to. As seen earlier, a
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Geoengineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Geoengineering - Essay Example On the other hand, it can be characterized more specifically as inherent incorporated engineering schemes to improve climate. The name geo-engineering is distinctive with ecological harm and unplanned existence environment alteration; that are outcomes of mechanized human world, instead of being an anticipated result. The worldwide withdrawal of hydro-carbons and the chains of it from the under-surface via incorporated geological discipline and engineering expertise have been named as petroleum or gasoline geo-engineering. The ground of geo engineering is at present passing through a course of interest and discussion, as it has at the moment turned out to be generally established that global warming is jointly truthful and perilous. A level of necessity, in labors to investigate and execute possible solution, is founded on the momentous disappointment in managing emissions, and the likelihood that extreme spots in the global environment organization are just around the corner. In spe cific concern, the Arctic contraction is resulting in speeding up of warming. Speedy attempts with geo-engineering may be crucial. Other sensitive spots might be evaded by tumbling the rage of global warming so as to achieve constructive destiny and stop the consequential climatic transformation. 1. Approaches for Geo Engineering Expected approaches for geo engineering can be enumerated as: solar radiation organization, Greenhouse gas treatment, Arctic geo-engineering, Heat carrying. Solar radiation organization schemes meant for lessening the quantity of sunbeams striking the globe and thus neutralize global warming. Through this approach of geo engineering; greenhouse gas amount in the ambiance do not diminish, and therefore this technique does not tackle troubles for example marine acidification originated by these gases. The occurrence of global diffusion as a by-product of plant or animal fuel utilization is extensively recognized, and is not basically a geo-engineering practic e. Also it is happening by nature as an outcome of volcanoes and chief forest fire spread. On the other hand its purposeful exploitation is an instrument of the geo-engineering. Solar radiation organization schemes regularly have the improvement of condition. While greenhouse gas treatment presents an ample prospective solution to climate amendment, it does not provide immediate consequences; for the same reason, solar radiation organization is mandatory. Practices that are part of this group comprise of: stratospheric sulfur aerosols, Ocean foams, Cool roof, Cloud reflectivity development, increase cloud reflectivity, Space sunshade and Cloud seeding of cirrus clouds. Cool roof is made by means of whitish-colored roofing and concrete paving materials, Cloud reflectivity development can be acquired by means of fine and excellent sea water spray to whiten clouds and boost cloud reflectivity. Space sunshade is done by hindering solar emission with space oriented reflectors or other ar rangements. Cloud seeding of cirrus clouds is achieved most likely by utilizing airliners. Greenhouse gas treatment schemes appeal to eradicate greenhouse gases from the environment, and thus deal with the core foundation of global warming. These schemes either openly eliminate greenhouse gases, or otherwise meant to manipulate usual progressions to eliminate greenhouse gases obliquely. These schemes present a wide-ranging resolution to the
Monday, September 23, 2019
TO PLAN A SMALL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
TO PLAN A SMALL BUSINESS - Essay Example It’s a time tested fact that every business when it is founded starts on a small note and then grows with time, in order to gain sustainability and maintain competitive advantage in the marketplace. The small businesses are started by identifying and fulfilling the needs of the customer while starting with a very small seed capital. In a similar note, to fulfill the needs of the needs of the youngsters, and busy professionals, who lack the time and space to network and socialize with each other, the concept called 18 Cafe has been developed. 18 Cafe will satisfy the socializing needs of today’s youngsters and busy professionals, while providing a cool, soothing and relaxing ambience of the 18th century, but with the technological connectivity of the 21st century. Mission The mission of 18 Cafe is to provide superior line of products at affordable rates without compromising on the product as well as the service quality. The following figure illustrates the expected figur es of net sales, gross profit as well as net profit for 18 Cafe during the first two years of its operations. Figure 1: Expected position during the first two years of operation Objectives The short term objectives of 18 Cafe would be to accomplish sales of ?200,000 in its outlet in the first year and maintain a net profit margin greater than 30% of sales by the end of the year. In the long run, 18 Cafe expects to expand its outlets in UK and subsequently across Africa. Business The globalization of the planet Earth has brought with itself, various advantages to the human life. It has moved on from the era of industrialization in the early 70’s to an era of digitization which began in the late 80’s and finally transformed itself to the era of globalization in the era of late 90’s. People’s lives have increasingly becoming hectic as they try to maintain a descent lifestyle with a descent income. With the rise of middle class families all around the globe a long with the pressure of financial crisis on the Euro zone, people around the globe and mostly in the western countries are responding to the pressure on their financial needs by working extra hours or by doing or handling multiple jobs. As a result of this hectic work schedule, social lives of the people are getting hampered. Man is a social animal and the social networking media like Facebook and Twitter has to some extent helped people in connecting with each other. But, the need for physical space is very much essential in spite of the shortage of time for networking in the people’s life. Keeping the need of today’s busy individual in mind, a proper business plan is being built to develop cater to the needs of the human interaction in the real world. So the idea in this business plan is to develop a Wi-Fi cafe that will be serving the purpose of human interaction in the real as well as virtual world, while grabbing some quick bite to please their appetites. The pr oposed name of the cafe is 18 Cafe. The Cafe is intended to be set up with an initial capital of ?100,000, of which the owner would put in 25% and expected to arrange a bank loan for the remaining 75% capital
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Computing security exam question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Computing security exam question - Essay Example PKI provides a powerful and robust environment to ensure security of consumer interests, transactions, and information. Stephen Wilson states that â€Å"It is well known that PKI’s successes have mostly been in closed schemes†. This paper will seek to assess and analyze the effectiveness of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a schema that provides high level of security and confidentiality for Internet users that seek to engage in online transactions and e-commerce. It enables information and monetary transactions to be conducted in a safe and secure manner. A digital certificate is issued in order to recognize individuals and organizations. PKI utilizes public and private keys over the Internet in order to ensure high levels of authentication and privacy. The Internet presents valuable business opportunities for individuals and organization, but it also causes safety and veracity problems (Carlisle, 1999). PKI helps to provide supplementary levels of safety and veracity for online business transactions and e-commerce. The rapid growth of the Internet pushed the need for high levels of trust, confidentiality, and security. Several companies began to design security algorithms and protocols in order to ensure safe and secure transactions. Netscape designed the SSL proto col which allowed the use of digital certificates and security algorithms for safe business transactions over the Internet. PKI was dubbed to the ultimate security protocol and mechanism in the 1990s. A number of vendors began to operate in the environment seeking to create standards and procedures. However the hype over PKI was over by the start of the twenty first century as vendors began to register technical and operational problems over its implementation. The rapid proliferation of the Internet during the 1990s also raised concern about conviction and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Immanuel Kant on law and justice Essay Example for Free
Immanuel Kant on law and justice Essay To be moral living human beings there must be a guiding action. This action varies depending on the degree of obligation: law, rule or maxim. A law should promote and protect the common good. Above all, a law must be just and reasonable to follow. A rule is a prescribed guide for conduct or action that indicates how we ought to act to behave in certain situations. Rules are not strictly legislated but are nevertheless obligatory guidelines for actions. A maxim is a general truth or rule of conduct. Immanuel Kants political teaching may be summarized in a phrase: republican government and international organization. In more characteristically Kantian terms, it is doctrine of the state based upon the law (Rechtsstaat) and of eternal peace. Indeed, in each of these formulations, both terms express the same idea: that of legal constitution or of peace through law. Rechtsstaat is a doctrine in continental European legal thinking, originally borrowed from German jurisprudence, which can be translated as a legal state, state of law, state of justice, state of rights or state based on justice and integrity. It is a constitutional state in which the exercise of governmental power is constrained by the law, and is often tied to the Anglo-American concept of the rule of law, but differs from it in that it also places an emphasis on what is just (i. e. a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion or equity). In a Rechtsstaat, the power of the state is limited in order to protect citizens from the arbitrary exercise of authority. In a Rechtsstaat the citizens share legally-based civil liberties and they can use the courts. A country cannot be a liberal democracy without first being a Rechtsstaat. German writers usually place Immanuel Kants theories at the beginning of their accounts of the movement toward the Rechtsstaat. Kant’s approach is based on the supremacy of a country’s written constitution. This supremacy must create guarantees for implementation of his central idea: a permanent peaceful life as a basic condition for the happiness of its people and their prosperity. Kant proposed that constitutionalism and constitutional government ought to be sufficient to guarantee this happiness. Kant had thus formulated the main problem of constitutionalism: The constitution of a state is eventually based on the morals of its citizens, which, in its turn, is based on the goodness of this constitution. A Kantian justice system would thus solely focus on what was done, rather than on the character of the person who did it. No excuses regarding a criminals genome, upbringing, history of mental illness, or socioeconomic status can exonerate him from receiving punishment for the criminal act. The fact that a man was abused during his childhood does not justify his infliction of similar abuse on others later in life. Many duties are developed into laws because society has deemed them important for the protection of the individual. There are some laws that are written to safe guard the individual and others for the community. All laws must be written to uphold society which includes protecting the rights of all people in both the majority and minority consequently all laws must possess certain common traits. Immanuel Kant believed that all humans are born inherently bad and must try hard to be good. This model of thought is of immense help to understanding what actions Kant saw as necessary for the creation of justice within the real world, since, once again, every individuals worldview is based upon that individuals own set of experiences. â€Å"Pure reason is a perfect unity; and therefore, if the principle presented by it proves to be insufficient for the solution of even a single one of those questions to which the very nature of reason gives birth, we must reject it, as we could not be perfectly certain of its sufficiency in the case of the others†. (Critique of Pure Reason, 3) Kant on Contemporary Issues Contemporary Issue: A proposal by the government to legalize theft. According to Immanuel Kant’s theories and views he would try to oppose this law. The general definition of theft is the taking of another persons property without that persons permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. Immanuel Kant would consider this an immoral action on the individual’s part therefore resulting in punishment. When someone is punished for something it is because they did something abominable. Humans act not only on impulse as effected by laws of nature, but also out of conscience choice based on principles and these principles tell us how we ought to act. Our conscience as a capacity has a fundamental sense of value and personal responsibility. If theft were to be legalized, it would result in a never-ending chain of people committing evil actions to further their own need. People would become more selfish and greedy. Because Kant believes humans are born inherently bad we must strive every day to avoid temptation which we can only be redeemed by good behaviour and the grace of God. This would also go against Kant’s ideal justice system. â€Å"Nothing can escape our notice; for what reason produces from itself cannot lie concealed, but must be brought to the light by reason itself, as soon as we have discovered the common principle of the ideas we seek. †(Critique of Pure Reason, 5). Kants theory is his belief that it should always be possible, within our power, to do the right thing. Kant believes that rational humans are agents, they have plans, and they make deliberate choices. It is this fact about humans that Kant’s ethical theory seeks to enshrine and protect. Human agency should never be sacrificed for anything less valuable and everything is less valuable. Justice has a moral obligation to always do. The first duty of justice is to never treat people as mere means to one’s own ends. But treating a person as an end in themselves is to do more than respect this duty: it is also to assist them in achieving their morally lawful ends. For these reasons Immanuel Kant would not allow to legalize theft. Our government, justice duty and morality would all be altered if such a thing were to happen and that was Kant’s biggest fear that our humanity would be consumed by materialistic things. We need laws and peace in order for us, as people, to be rational human beings. Work Cited: Germany. Understandings of the Rule of Law Wikis Der Freien UniversitA ¤t Berlin. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Sept. 2013. Kant, Immanuel, J. M. D. Meiklejohn, Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, James Creed Meredith, Immanuel Kant, Immanuel Kant, and Immanuel Kant. The Critique of Pure Reason. Chicago: Encyclop? dia Britannica, 1955. Print. Rauscher, Frederick, Rauscher,. Kants Social and Political Philosophy. Stanford University. Stanford University, 24 July 2007. Web. 21 Sept. 2013. Immanuel Kants Critique of Judgment. Immanuel Kants Critique of Judgment. N. p. , n. d. Web. 21 Sept. 2013.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Costco Wholesale Corporation Marketing Essay
The Costco Wholesale Corporation Marketing Essay Costco Wholesale Corporation is the largest membership warehouse club chain in the United States with an aim to offer low prices on the selective and specialty brands in the wide range of products. Costco opened its first warehouse in 1983 and since has grown to become the fifth-largest retailer in the United States and seventh-largest retailer in the world. Currently headquartered in Issaquah, Washington, Costco has 614 warehouses with 67.4 million members and 160, 292 employees worldwide. Costco began its journey in Seattle, Washington with its business model similar to that of Price Club. Price Club was founded in 1975 by Robert Price and has been considered the pioneer of the warehouse stores. Its membership was only available to business customers and certain groups such as employees of local businesses, nonprofits, or government. Shoppers paid a membership fee to the company to buy bulk products at discounted prices in a no-frills warehouse setting. Costco was founded on the ba sis of the same concept; however, it started to expand customers to non-business members as well to raise their profit. In less than six years, Costco became the first company ever to grow from zero to $3 billion in sales. By the early 90s, it had outperformed its rival club, Price Club. However, Sams Club became successful in surpassing them both. Face with threats of a takeover by Sams Club, Costco and Price Club entered into a partial merger in 1993, creating the nations largest warehouse chain. The newly formed company, named PriceCostco, focused heavily on international expansion. However, the company soon faced a breakup due to disagreements between the two leaders, Jim Sinegal and Robert Price, regarding company direction. Sinegal continued to manage PriceCostco while Prices breakaway company was named as Price Enterprises. In 1997, the company changed its name to Costco Wholesale and all its Price Club locations were rebranded as Costco. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses No-frills approach Low product and services Tenured management Satisfied employees Membership Loyalty High inventory turnover compared to its competitors Incredible return policy Great membership benefits Private label Not enough warehouses Weak advertising No self-checkout Store hours Contributing to higher carbon footprint and pollution due to bulk-packaged products Opportunities Threats Future expansion Private label growth Economic downturn Strong competition Diversification in terms of geography Political, cultural and ethical issues with international expansion Strengths Costcos no-frills approach has helped the leader keep its overhead costs low and in turn offer great prices to its customers. Costco does not let fancy buildings, salespeople, and big advertising budgets get in the way of providing great values. It has been successful at keeping overhead costs low by eliminating costs historically associated with wholesalers and retailers, such as delivery, billing, and account receivable. Costco buys its merchandise directly from the manufacturers and route it either to a cross-docking consolidation point or directly to their individual warehouses. Their depots receive container-based shipments from manufacturers and reallocate these goods for shipment to their individual warehouses in less than twenty-four hours. This allows Costco to eliminate many of the costs associated with traditional multi-step distribution channels by maximizing freight volume and handling efficiencies. Traditional steps generally include purchasing from distributors as oppo sed to manufacturers, use of central receiving, storing, and distributing warehouses, and storage of goods off the sales floor. Costco passes the savings generated from elimination of these traditional costs to the consumers by not marking up its merchandise more than 15%. In comparison, a supermarket may mark up its merchandise by 25% while a markup by department store may be up to 50%. Costcos strategy to offer limited selection of nationally branded products in a wide range of merchandise categories has helped the business generate high sales volume and quick inventory turnover. It carries fewer than 4000 items as compared to 40,000 items at a supermarket and 100,000 items at Walmart. For example, Costco may only carry one size of Aspirin bottle containing 350 pills, whereas a Walmart may carry two or more different sizes of Aspirin bottle. Narrowing the number of options increases the sales volume of each, allowing Costco to squeeze deeper and deeper bulk discounts from suppliers. Because of high sales volume and quick inventory turnover, Costco sells it inventory before it is required to pay many of its merchandise vendors. It can use cash received from selling its inventory to pay it vendors and thus avoiding financing and payment plans. Costcos additional strength lies in its strong managerial ground. Costco believes in a homegrown approach to management by promoting from within the company. The majority of its current home and regional office team members are home grown, which means that they started in their warehouses, depots, and business centers, learned the business and moved up within the company. One great example is its current CEO, Craig Jelinek. He started his career with Costco almost 28 years ago by managing a single warehouse; however, he is now responsible for managing almost over 600 warehouses. In addition, Costco ensures its employees satisfaction by providing them with generous wages and benefits. While this practice may be more expensive for Costco, they have an off-setting cost containment effect. Its turnover rate is unusually low at 17% overall and just 6% after one years employment. In contrast, Walmarts turnover rate is 44% per year, which is close to the industry average. Due to its low tur nover rate Costco saves money spent on recruiting, hiring, and training. It takes cares of its employee, which in turn take care of its members. Smiling employees help make Costco the best shopping experience. In addition to low prices and great service, Costco has a very generous and hassle-free return policy. It offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of its products including food, furniture, jewelry, and electronics. If a member is not 100% satisfied with the purchase, they may return it at any time for a full refund; there are no time limits with the exception of electronics. Electronics, such as televisions, projectors, camcorders, touchscreen tablets, MP3 players, and cell phones, must be returned within 90 days of purchase. However, Costco offers a two-year manufacturers warranty on its electronics free of charge. Perhaps, its the low prices and great shopping experience that Costco has been able to retain its members successfully. In the United States and Canada, it has been able to keep 90% of members, while it retains 86% of members worldwide. This number is even higher for business members at 93.7%. In addition, other great membership benefits offered by Costco contribute t o its success in retaining members. It has formed strategic relationships with outside parties to ensure that its members can be provided great warehouse prices for additional products and services that range from health and auto insurance to five star vacations. Costco has also been very successful with its private label offering, Kirkland Signature. It is now considered a strong private label offering as it competes with many national brands in an ever-expanding range of categories. After 19 years since its launch, the private label products now represent only 15% of the items carried by Costco but generate 20% of its sales dollars. The goal of the company with Kirkland Signature products is to provide equal or better quality at discounted products. It believes that it has the capacity to increase the sales penetration of its Kirkland Signature products to 30% over the next several years, while continuing to provide its members with quality brand name products that will always be part of its product selection. Weaknesses Although strengths exceed Costcos weaknesses, it still needs to address them for the betterment of the companys future. Its warehouse locations are mainly concentrated in urban areas with higher population densities versus their competition Sams club who chooses to place their clubs in the suburbs. It may be very time consuming for someone to shop at Costco who does not live nearby its coverage areas. In addition, long lines at the checkout are the subject of many complaints made by Costco customers. In comparison with BJs, Costco does not have self-checkout lanes while BJs has well managed self-checkout lanes. Their store hours are also a big setback for busy members. Many of the other membership clubs open early for the convenience of business members and stay open late to accommodate busy families. Another weakness of Costcos strategy is that they spend very less on advertising. They generally rely on reputation and word of mouth advertising. However, one of Costcos biggest competitor, Sams Club, spends about 50 million dollars on advertising and direct mail promotions. If Costcos competitors are able to take away its market share due to lack of promotional activities, it may adversely affect Costcos future performance. Since many of Costcos members may purchase too much stuff unnecessarily due to its bulk packaging, the practice may lead to higher carbon footprint and pollution. Costco offers bulk-packaged products to target large families and business owners. However, many of its members are not large families or business owners; they choose to stop at Costco because they like the products and prices. As a result, they end up purchasing more than their needs and create unnecessary waste. It may be seen as a negative because it is against current mainstream green marketing. Opportunities Of the 614 Costco warehouses worldwide, nearly three quarters are located in the United States. Costco can find opportunities to increase international expansion that will help fuel decades of future growth. Recently, India and China have become the choice of retail expansion for big businesses like Walmart. Similarly, Costco can find ways to increase its presence in these markets as well. As more stores open, more opportunities will be created for Costcos private label, Kirkland Signature, products to compete against big brands. Growth of its private label can also be fueled by looking into introducing more margin enhancing products. Growing trend of internet shopping can also open up many opportunities for Costco. Costcos current website,, is currently members only. To target members that may not have the privilege to shop at Costco warehouses, it can offer online only membership. This approach can help Costco rapidly expand its market saturation. Additionally, it can lead to improved margins while simultaneously improving revenue growth. Costco can also take advantage of the current economic downturn by finding more high quality products at affordable prices from various vendors that may not have been available before.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Hemmingways In Our Time :: Hemmingway In Our Time
Hemmingway's In Our Time Half-way through reading Hemmingway's collection In Our Time I was interrupted by my roommate, George. He wanted to know how I liked the story. He seems to be very impressed that I'm reading Hemmingway. I explained to him that it was, in fact, not one story, but a collection of short stories. He asked if they had a common theme or not, and I found it difficult to answer. "Yeas and no," I said. I then went on to explain that although one character, Nick, appeared occasionally, the stories didn't flow as one large story. "It's sort of like a painting," I told him, "If you could pick out any one individual brush-stroke and study it, it would be meaningless. But if you pull back and see all the brush-strokes, you can view the painting in its entirety." He thought this was very wise and went away, contented that I was a literate genius. Myself, I didn't really know what to gather from the stories. I've never honestly read any Hemmingway previously. I've started to read The Sun Also Rises about ten times and gotten waylaid by Batman, Robert B. Parker, and the like each time. I think I read The Old Man and the Sea ages ago in high school, but it was so long ago that it has slipped completely from my memory. He is one of those authors that I always connect with my father and his college years for some reason, although I'm not entirely sure why. I've always wanted to read Hemmingway, but I've always wanted to read all of Shakespeare, Homer, and Eliot, too. The edition I'm reading has the short stories separated by "Chapters" which do and don't tell a story. The "Chapters" strongly remind me of Pink Floyd's The Wall. I was also surprised at how simple it is to read them. They are perfect examples of how Poe defined the short story: quick, (sometimes) powerful, and written to evoke one feeling. After r eading The End of Something, for example, I was struck by how easily Hemmingway made me sad. The ending to A Very Short Story was pure torture. All the stories are simply constructed, no superfluous words, no extra images to clutter the feeling. They seem to be written with Strunk and White's Elements of Style in mind.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Scholarship Essay: Im Fascinated by the Universe :: College Admissions Essays
"Did life exist on Mars?" "What would it take to build a spaceship that could travel at the speed of light?" "When will the moon be colonized?" These are just some of the questions that wander through my mind all day. Fascinated by the secrets of the universe, I yearn to uncover mysteries. In order to blast open all the closed gates between knowledge and myself, I need the powerful tools of education. After I graduate from high school, I plan to attend a college or university that has strong mathematics and science departments. Even now, I am actively preparing to enter the realm of science, taking college-level math and physics classes through the Running Start program. Upon receiving a college degree, my life-long dream is to engage in scientific research for NASA. Unfortunately, most colleges notable for their academic standards are also renowned for costly tuition. My family consists of one working parent and two children who wish to attend college.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
An Image of Africa Essay -- Literary Analysis, Joseph Conrad
An Image of Africa Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad has been depicted as â€Å"among the half-dozen greatest short novels in the English language.†[pg.1] Chinua Achebe believes otherwise. In Chinua Achebe’s An Image of Africa: Racism is Conrad’s Heart of Darkness he simply states that, â€Å"Joseph Conrad was a thoroughgoing racist†[pg.5] Achebe argues that the racist observed in the Heart of Darkness is expressed due to the western psychology or as Achebe states â€Å"desire,†this being to show Africa as an antithesis to Europe. He first states Conrad as â€Å"one of the great stylists of modern fiction.†[pg.1] He praises Conrad’s talents in writing but believes Conrad’s obvious racism has not been addressed. He later describes in more detail that Conrad’s â€Å"methods amount to no more than a steady, ponderous, fake-ritualistic repetition of two antithetical sentences.†Allow me to elaborate by stating some of Achebe’s arguments and my critiques. Achebe first points on Conrad’s â€Å"adjectival insistence upon inexpressible and incomprehensible mystery.†He states that many of Conrad’s critics simply see this as a stylistic flaw. Achebe believes that Conrad’s choose â€Å"the role of purveyor of comforting myths,†this being, according to Achebe, to guarantee him not to be in conflict with the â€Å"psychological predisposition of the reader.†[pg.2] He first moves to analyzing Conrad’s distinction of the two rivers in the novel, but later moved to a more important topic, the â€Å"racism†towards blacks in the novel. He argues that their lack of speech is viewed as â€Å"dehumanized.†Achebe believes that Conrad views dialect as being a downgrade. This relation to Conrad’s â€Å"withholding of language from his rudimentary souls.†[pg.7] His first claim is of the dis... ...ation of Central Africa.†[pg.6] Achebe states that Conrad’s image of Africa is not of his own, but of the Western imagination and that Conrad is simply showing the norm. Achebe’s main point is as much of Joseph Conrad’s racism but more of Western society’s need for change. We need to look beyond the stereotypical image that which the West holds â€Å"to its heart.†[pg.8] We must look in today’s society, today’s media and books read in schools. We must realize that â€Å"offering bribes to the West in return for its good opinion of Africa†[pg.9] is preposterous. He sees now as the time for change. He doesn’t but blame of Conrad but on western society. â€Å"The victims of racist slander who for centuries have had to live with the inhumanity it makes them heir to have always known better than any casual visitor even when he comes loaded with the gifts of a Conrad.†[pg.9]
Monday, September 16, 2019
Leadership Development Report Essay
Leadership has a paramount importance in the business world. It is not about a position, but how a person can influence others in creating and working towards that common organisation’s goal, and to create meaning in the works that we do. This report begins with the servant leadership framework that covers what I value in leadership. Also included in this report are the self-assessments that measure my leadership potential and competencies. This report also covers the issues associated to the industry I have chosen to work in and address my person-specific issues. II. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MODEL (175) Definition servant leadership Servant leadership is a type of leadership where the leader does order to be served; but focus on serving their followers in order to assist and guide them into more useful and satisfied people. This theory emphasize on the creation of moral purpose for leaders. It focuses on the impact that they leave on other people’s life to measure their greatness. Characteristics of servant leadership The servant leadership theory consists of ten key characteristics. These characteristics are; listening intently, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. (Miller, Skringar, Dalglish & Stevens, 2012) Why servant leadership? My concept of leadership is someone who is able to influence their followers through inspiration, empower them to realize their undiscovered true potential, and bring meaning to their life. In addition, I believe that a leader needs to be able to listen to their follower’s need in order to put the will of the group above their own will on the group. I strongly uphold the need for empathy in my leadership concept, because I believe that a leader must be able to put themselves in their follower’s shoes and perceive things through the eyes of their followers in order to gain understanding from different perspectives and to empower the followers to bring out their passion and thus bring forward their fullest potential in making a meaningful work. As mentioned by a successful leader – Fred A. Mansk Jr, â€Å" The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to the point that they eventually surpass him or her in knowledge and ability.†Therefore, I find Servant Leadership as the most suitable framework for my leadership plan. III. Diagnosis of Strength and Weaknesses To support the diagnostic process and to provide the information on my leadership strengths and weaknesses I am using the information from two personality tests; Carl Jung’s and Issabel Briggs Myer’s Typology Test and a standardized emotional intelligent (EI) test. Self Assessments Carl Jung’s and Issabel Briggs Myer’s Typology Test Carl Jung’s and Issabel Briggs Myer’s Typology Test is a psychometric assessment designed to measure the preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions based on their psychological preference. The aim of this test is to help people to have a better understanding of themselves, by understanding their strengths, weaknesses, possible career preferences and their preferred approach when interacting with others. This test puts one into four letter categories, where each letter stands for a specific personality type. (Briggs, Myers, 1998) After undertaking this typology test, I was classified under INFJ (Introvert, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging) typology. Firstly, introversion displays a characteristic that is reserved and highly private. This goes in line with my personal characteristic as I look within for meaning and understanding. Secondly, intuition indicates an emphasis on abstract ideas and focusing on the meaning of the bigger picture rather than solid details. Feeling focuses mainly on personal concerns and emotional perception rather than the logical and objective facts. Judging describes about the need to have control by planning, organizing and making decisions as soon as possible because of INFJs’ deep attention on the future. INFJ type is described as having the strengths of being determined and passionate, altruistic, decisive, insightful, creative, inspiring and convincing. Dr. Dranitsaris stated that INFJ leadership style is quiet and influencing. INFJ leaders often lead by inspiring and motivating people with their ideals, working hard to gain the cooperation of others rather than demanding it. In a business context, INFJ leaders also tend to genuinely care about the people and how happy they are with their job. (Dranitsaris, 2009). This describes the traits considered as strengths of the INFJ type: that of being warm, altruistic and passionate. The main motive for every work done is not focused centrally on gaining personal benefit but for the greater good of the broader society; to find value and purpose for every tasks. Also, INFJs are described to be deeply concerned about their relations with people and how it links to humanity. (Heiss, Butt, 1996) These are the strengths I believe I possess in myself and these characteristics go in line with the framework of servant leadership as explained previously. However, the very strong need to have a cause for every work done can serve as a weakness for INFJ. This is because it can become difficult to maintain the drive and energy to complete works when I am not able to derive any deeper purpose or relate the objective of the work to a worthy goal. The complexity INFJ is further seen with the tendency to be idealistic. When objectives are not in line with a meaningful goal, INFJ will incline to grow restless and demotivated overtime. This will affect the effort and end result. The result may deviate from the targeted aim which becomes a conflict with the need for perfection. These weaknesses are worsen with the reserved nature of INFJ which may trigger unexpressed internal conflicts. Emotional Intelligent Test (EI) Emotional Intelligent test, on the other hand is a psychological test which allow an individual to identify their social skills that facilitate their interpersonal behavior. It identifies one’s capacity for goal-oriented adaptive behavior. It focuses on the aspects of intelligence that govern self-knowledge and social adaptation. Below are the results that I have attained from this self-assessment: Strengths Potential Strength Weaknesses – doing well in the area of emotional understanding – chose good forms of resolution for others conflict situations on the test – empathetic – socially insightful – driven towards self-development – healthy approach in resolving conflict situations – doing reasonably well in the area of emotional identification, perception, and expression – act in accordance with your values – lacking in self-motivation – not very assertive – need to strengthen self-esteem – further development needed in personal resilience/hardiness. These strengths indicate that I possess some of the traits that are needed to display the characteristics of a good servant-leader. IV. Industry-Specific Issues Looking into the Hospitality industry, specifically Airlines, I will use Singapore Airlines as a basis of my evaluation. The extent of superior service is paramount for it to establish itself. In order to deliver the standard of service the company has set for itself, it requires highly passionate and motivated employees. One of the elements that contribute to the success of Singapore Airlines is its human resource that highly regards contribution of creative ideas in which rewards are later given. (Singh, 1984) To be passionate, to inspire and to encourage innovation are strengths found in INFJs that match with the traits of Servant Leaders who encourages and motivates the followers to making a meaningful and effective work efforts. V. Person-Specific Issues Gender, age and culture are important aspects to be considered in shaping one’s leadership development. Being someone coming from Asia, the idea of women becoming a leader will face cultural constraints. In the context of organization, becoming a female leader will be more challenging than the male counterpart because there is a strong notion whereby men are born to lead and women to follow or serve and men hold the leadership positions. (Carly, Eagly, 1999). This is still present in the traditional Asian culture. Even to the eyes of the followers, the figure that is seen to be capable of leading goes to male gender. The masculinity possessed becomes a symbol of strength and competency. (Schein, 2001) Instructions led by female leaders are more likely to be followed because of the idea of obedience to authority rather than being influenced through inspiration. The gender-bias corporate culture becomes a huge obstacle in making use of servant-leadership framework as a female. This gender bias is still evident in many office settings of Japanese corporations whereby higher ranking positions are given mostly to male; and in fact Japan seeing a near zero resemblance between women and managers. (Schein, Mueller, 1992) Besides that, age also becomes an issue in determining the level of experience of a professional. Younger age typically indicates limited exposure to the various real-life experiences and this may affect the extent of wisdom in making judgments. VI. Timeframe and Evaluation Plan The weaknesses based on the self-assessments are used to develop my leadership goals and the Michigan Leadership Competency Model serves as a tool to categorize the goals set and the timeframe for the plan. Time Frame Self-Developmental Goals Self-Management Conceptualization Servant leaders seek to nurture their abilities to dream great dreams; not just consumed by achieving operational goals. To develop characteristic and thinking process encompass broader-based conceptual thinking require discipline and practice. Leading Others Influencing/Persuasion Servant leaders seek to persuade and convince others through inspiration rather than coerce compliance. This requires a level of confidence, personal drive and energy to be emulated to the followers. As represented in one of my weaknesses from the self-assessment, I lack in self-motivation, self-esteem and assertiveness. These characteristics need to be developed in order to gain enough personal power to lead and guide others. Innovation Creativity Creativity is one of the key characteristics of servant leaders. Also, the hospitality industry takes great importance in areas of innovation to stay competitive and relevant. This is a characteristic that continually needs to be fostered and developed. Social Responsibility Ethically Social Servant Leadership highlights the importance of leading for the greater good for a deeper moral purpose. This emphasizes the need for moral awareness and ethical conducts when leading. This can be done by participating more in charitable or environmental causes which aim in improving social welfare of the broader society. Such participation allow exposure and knowledge-gaining. Evaluation by Multi-Step Action Plan 1 year Completing Bachelor of Business Degree 3 years Employment in Airline as Flight Attendant to gain exposure to new experiences, ethical conducts and ideas and insight knowledge on providing service in hospitality industry (Innovation & Social Responsibility) 2 years Further study on Master of Hospitality Management to broaden conceptual thinking process. This also help to gain self-esteem and improve on the ability to influence (Conceptualization & Influencing) Working in Management VII. Industry Leader Input Previously I focused my goals only on the trait developments. This was difficult measure because characteristics can only be proven once I’ve been put on the position to be a leader in a group. There was no tangible achievement to evaluate the success of my goal planning. Therefore, through his suggestion, I modified my goal timeframe by adding a multi-step action plan that cover the length of time to achieve each target. For example, the employment in an Airline industry will help me garner new experiences, perspective and practice discipline in work ethics. Feedback on my work performance from supervisors can serve as a form of evaluation. Also, the attainment of higher qualification will allow me to gain broader and deeper knowledge on the industry through research. The exposure and experience may help me to develop a stronger leadership characteristic and further evaluation can be done through taking re-test for EI. Wordcount: 1,509 words (Excluding References, Appedices, Headings & Tables) VIII. Appendices 1. Michigan Leadership Competency Model Leadership Assessment Report Scores range from 1 to 6, with 1 indicating that you rated yourself low on that competency and 6 indicating that you rated yourself high. Introverted iNtuition Introverted intuitives, INFJs enjoy a greater clarity of perception of inner, unconscious processes than all but their INTJ cousins. Just as SP types commune with the object and â€Å"live in the here and now†of the physical world, INFJs readily grasp the hidden psychological stimuli behind the more observable dynamics of behavior and affect. Their amazing ability to deduce the inner workings of the mind, will and emotions of others gives INFJs their reputation as prophets and seers. Unlike the confining, routinizing nature of introverted sensing, introverted intuition frees this type to act insightfully and spontaneously as unique solutions arise on an event by event basis. Extraverted Feeling Extraverted feeling, the auxiliary deciding function, expresses a range of emotion and opinions of, for and about people. INFJs, like many other FJ types, find themselves caught between the desire to express their wealth of feelings and moral conclusions about the actions and attitudes of others, and the awareness of the consequences of unbridled candor. Some vent the attending emotions in private, to trusted allies. Such confidants are chosen with care, for INFJs are well aware of the treachery that can reside in the hearts of mortals. This particular combination of introverted intuition and extraverted feeling provides INFJs with the raw material from which perceptive counselors are shaped. Introverted Thinking The INFJ’s thinking is introverted, turned toward the subject. Perhaps it is when the INFJ’s thinking function is operative that he is most aloof. A comrade might surmise that such detachment signals a disillusionment, that she has also been found lacking by the sardonic eye of this one who plumbs the depths of the human spirit. Experience suggests that such distancing is merely an indication that the seer is hard at work and focusing energy into this less efficient tertiary function. Extraverted Sensing INFJs are twice blessed with clarity of vision, both internal and external. Just as they possess inner vision which is drawn to the forms of the unconscious, they also have external sensing perception which readily takes hold of worldly objects. Sensing, however, is the weakest of the INFJ’s arsenal and the most vulnerable. INFJs, like their fellow intuitives, may be so absorbed in intuitive perceiving that they become oblivious to physical reality. The INFJ under stress may fall prey to various forms of immediate gratification. Awareness of extraverted sensing is probably the source of the â€Å"SP wannabe†side of INFJs. Many yearn to live spontaneously; it’s not uncommon for INFJ actors to take on an SP (often ESTP) role. References Briggs, K. C., & Myers, I. B. (1998). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Palo Alto, CA. Greenleaf, R. K. (1977). The Servant as Leader. Business Leadership: A Jossey-Bass Reader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Miller, Skringar, Dalglish & Stevens, (2012) Leadership and Change Management. 1st ed. Prahran VIC Australia: Tilde University Press. Maxwell, J. C., & Dorvan, J. (1997). Becoming a Person of Influence: How to Positively Impact the Lives of Others. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Schein, V.E. (2001) A global look at psychological barriers to women’s progress in management. Journal of Social Issues. 57, pp. 675-688. Schein, V.E., & Mueller, R. (1992). Sex role stereotyping and requisite management characteristics: A cross cultural look. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 13, pp. 439-447. Carli L.L., Eagly A.H. (1999). Gender effects on influence and emergent leadership Powell G.N. (Ed.), Handbook of gender and work, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 203–222 Soo Min Toh, Geoffrey J. Leonardelli (2012) Cultural constraints on the emergence of women as leaders. Journal of World Business, Vol. 47, Issue 4, pp. 604-611 Karmjit Singh (1984). Successful strategiesâ€â€The story of Singapore Airlines (SIA) Long Range Planning, Vol.17, Issue 5, pp. 17-22 Dranitsaris, A., (ed.) 2009, Personality Type and Leadership Behaviour: Jung’s Typology for the Workplace, e-book, accessed 25 April 2013, Central Michigan University, 2004, Leadership Competency Model, accessed 20 April 2013, < > Heiss, M.M, Butt, J.,1999, INFJ, Typelogic, accessed 25 April 2013, HumanMetrics Jung’s Typology Test INFJ, 2012, accessed 25 April 2013,
Online Behaviors And Impression Management Essay
Introduction With the rapid development of technology, the Internet has become an effective mechanism for social networking. People can not deny the fact that a successful social networking is more possible to lead a successful life. A personal impression serves as an important role in establishing new networks and managing old ones. It was proved that people have more opportunities presenting themselves in the computer-coordinated communication settings than face-to-face environments. Therefore, regardless of generations, the ways how people interact with one another have been greatly changed by online social sites. The purpose of this study is to understand how people utilize online social sites to manage their personal impression and how they behave on social media; also, people utilize social media in order to gratify their social needs such as their friendship maintenance. The thesis of this paper is that social media influences personal behaviors as well as their impression management and i t also has positive impacts on people friendships performance. Personal Behavior on Social Media Individual behaviors may be restrained because of their awareness that their behaviors might possibly be seen by other people, and the fact that people tempt to look more appealing in any social occasions is obvious (Jeong, 2011). Since social media is served as a platform which is opened to public, people tend to pay more attention to how they appear and behave online. An experiment from Denton (2012) indicates that participants within heterogeneous networks such as Facebook have more desire to shift their impressions to others. A heterogeneous network is a network which is established for people without same interests, religions or common interests; in other words, people are able to speak or act freely on those websites. This experiment explains further that people manage or even shift their image based on others views and attitudes. According to Cummings (2012), the setting of profiles provides an opportunity for ones’ social life; people put effort into presenting a better image which aims at influencing others within the network. Jeong (2012) also declares that the process in which individuals attempt to control their impression with others is called â€Å"impression management†. Impression management can be used interchangeably with the term â€Å"self-presentation†, and its goal is to elevate people’s public image by performing behaviors based on how others evaluate them. Jeong also states that impression management usually occurs together with social desirability. Social desirability is defined as an individual’s tendency to describe themselves and behave in a manner in which they believe they will be viewed favorably in a situation. Moreover, Jeong also points out three main characteristics of self-presentation in online media platforms. They are asynchronous, malleable and selective. Asynchronous means that people can edit and update self-presentational cues deliberately over time. Malleable means people can simply manipulate those cues. Denton (2012) explains further by stating that people behave differently in different situations or interact with different people with whom they have specific relationships. For example, a lazy and incompetent employee may spend his evening as a passionate and assiduous worker volunteer or he behaves as a hard-working worker only under supervision; in this case, employers might misunderstand that he is truly a diligent worker. Thirdly, selective means people can improve their impression by choosing specific cues. Jeong explains this term by giving an example that individuals are more likely to donate or show their supports for charity campaigns as long as they realize that their participation would be noticeable to other people. Besides, there are some companies tend to elevate their images by sponsoring nonprofit organizations. To conclude, in general, people tend to behave favorably and try to create a positive impression to others on social media. Impression Management on Social Media Social media has been a new and easy platform for people managing their impression. Sameer (2007) states that document preparation programs make it relatively easy to manipulate the appearance of profiles; also, programmability helps people keep track of contents to the audience, and browser application provide an easy way to distribute the original or modified profiles. Therefore, Krisanic (2008) concludes from her research that impression management has been commonly carried out by those who involved in social networking activities. Jeong (2011) also states that online media platforms are expected to provide people with a greater opportunity for impression management, and because of its â€Å"public display†which enables participants to articulate and make their social networks more manifest; furthermore, Ellison (2008) declares that this kind of â€Å"public display of connection†serves as important signal that helps people navigate their networked social world. Cummings (2012) supports his idea. He points out that social network sites provide people a channel to present themselves digitally, and also gives them another way to provide details about themselves and establish or maintain their relationships in their own social network. Also, profile owners are not the only ones who are able to provide information on their own pages. Most sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn allow those who are involved in the connection to create additional information, and the use of wall posts and the recommendation are the examples (Cummings, 2012). All in all, the main characteristics of social network sites include the capability to make connection between people and share personal information; on top of that, it offers an easy way for people to manage their personal impressions. Friendships Performance on Social Media The articulation of friendship connections is another facet of impression management; it might possibly be viewed from others as an identity marker to profile owners (boyd & Ellison, 2008). Although boyd and Ellison argue that online audiences’ comments may dominate user behaviors, Vallor (2012) thinks that those interactions are part of the reciprocity which serves a prime function maintaining friendships. Reciprocity is an original biological stimulus that operates as the core of human sociology and is the mutual characteristic of different types of friendships (Vallor, 2012). Take Facebook as an example, reciprocity emerge with diverse forms; it begins with the friend requests and accepting invitations correspondingly, responding to friends’ status by pressing â€Å"like†button, sharing photos and videos online, comments on friends’ status, and â€Å"tag†friends on pictures or posts. Therefore, a study from Vallor (2012) shows that instead of d iminishing people’s interactions in their real lives, online social sites actually extend chances for such interaction. Vallor (2012) also declares that social media can support friendships. Many social network sites allow additional information, and which encourage people to list hobbies, post photos, and interact with other individuals within the network (Cummings, 2012). Furthermore, social network sites help individuals to manage contacts beyond traditional software like outlook, and they also help incorporate visual information such as pictures of contacts (Cummings, 2012); hence, the online social media offers a precious function of recombining efficiently with friends in the past (Vallor, 2012). To conclude, it is true that these sites help participants perceiving more sense of social value and connection; also, social network sites help reinforce participant’s desire to maintain their friendships (Vallor, 2012). Conclusion As online social networking sites as a new media technology comes out in our society, individuals have more opportunity than ever before to present themselves in public by using them. These sites allow users to make self-presentation by creating their own profile pictures, personal information, photos, videos, and their activities. Impression management is related to social networking sites use because individuals tend to develop different self-presentation depending on the audiences online. From those studies we were discussed, people tend to behave favorable to their audiences. However, the authenticity of profile information comes into concern since everything that shows on people’s profiles may dominate their images to others; whether this fact leads to negative problem of social networking sites may still need to be further investigated and researched. From another aspect, we can conclude that social networking sites have a positive impact on friendship performance. Although some studies argue that the online social networking sites may damage the traditional meaning of friendship, it serves as a valuable tool maintaining the friendship in people real lives. All in all, social network sites if manage properly; they can of course offer very concrete benefits to people social networking lives. References boyd, D. & Ellison, N. (2008). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. (pp. 219-220). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13(2008) 210-230. Cummings, J. (2012). Virtual First Impression Matter: The effect of social networking sites on Impression formation in virtual teams. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2012 pg. n/a Ellison, A. S. W. (2012). Impression Formation in a Social Network Context. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2012 pg. n/a Jeong, H. J. (2011). The Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Campaigns on Consumer Responses to Brand in Social Media: Impression Management Perspectives. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2011 pg. n/a Krisanic, K. (2008). Motivation and Impression Management: Predictors of social networking site use and users behaviors. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2008 pg. n/a Sameer, B. (2008). First Impression formation in electronic profiles. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2008 pg. n/a Vallor, S. (2011). Fl ourishing on Facebook: virtue friendship & new social media. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. 2011
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Comparing Old & New Terrorism
Introduction1.1 BackgroundIn the countdown to the end of the twentieth century, notable scholars came up with a new concept of ‘New Terrorism’ which represents a shift from the traditional terrorism. The ‘new terrorism’ ‘refers to a qualitative change in the nature of terrorism, which has allegedly taken place during the 1990s’ (Kurtulus 2007:476). This paradigm has also been variously referred to as ‘contemporary terrorism’ (Laqueur 2003) ‘post-modern terrorism’, ‘super-terrorism’, ‘catastrophic terrorism’ and ‘hyper-terrorism’ (Field 2009). This dissertation intends to undertake the examination of this paradigm shift. It intends to examine the various sources if there is indeed a ‘New Terrorism’ as canvassed by some scholars and policy makers. It would do this by doing a case study of Irish Republican Army, or the IRA and Al Qaeda representing each group.1.2 Aims and ObjectivesIn this section, the research aims, objectives, and research questions will be outlined. Firstly, the aim of this research is as follows: To ensure that this aim is fully explored, the following research objectives have been devised: How are the emerging forms of terrorism different from the traditional methods How should the existing counterterrorism infrastructure be amended in order to meet the challenges of the modern age 1.3 Research QuestionsThe research question is as follows: What are the new forms of terrorism and what factors created them What are the key factors that have contributed to the success of these new terrorist practices Is the current counterterrorist system capable of dealing with the emerging terrorist threat To seek to explore this aim, research question and these objectives, a review of the literature will be undertaken to explore these areas have experienced change over time. The findings from this review will be used to explore and examine the research aim, objectives and question. To ensure that this is appropriately undertaken the following topics will be discussed in the review:1.4 Scope of the StudyA study of the Irish Republican Army will be undertaken in comparison to the modern operations of the recognized terrorist agency Al Qaeda.1.5 Structure of the StudyThis study will be comprised of 6 sections including the introduction, literature review, and methodology, case study analysis, Discussion, Conclusion.2 Literature Review The section will review relevant literature as regards the proposed research.2.1 Defining Terrorism and emerging forms of Terrorism2.2 Factors that contributed to Terrorism’s Success2.3 Current prevention and enforcement options2.4Trends3. Methodol ogy This chapter illustrates the research methodology used as well as providing a brief introductory passage regarding the meaning of research methodology.3.1 IntroductionThe methodology focuses on an explanation of the qualitative and quantitative research approaches considered for this thesis to answer the following questions: How are the emerging forms of terrorism different from the traditional methods How should the existing counterterrorism infrastructure be amended in order to meet the challenges of the modern age This includes the elements of the research approach adopted and the reasons behind this choice.3.2 Methods of Data CollectionSecondary sources dating from the operation of the Irish Republican Army as well as year to date operations of Al Qaeda will provide the required range of data for assessment.3.2.1 Case Study AnalysisYin (2009) contends that the case study analysis strategy is a valid tool for providing empirical content. This method of research allows for an investigation into the real world impact of terrorism. Others contend that the case study is not always the best strategic analysis approach (Baxter and Jack 2008). However, Stake (1995) demonstrates that a case study can provide understanding and increase the capacity for understanding. The approach for this dissertation will utilize a qualitative, interpretative research method; a case study examination of the Irish Republican Army and Al Qaeda. Yin (2009) demonstrates that the exploratory case study method can be used to examine situations in which there is no defined outcome. This research will rest on the goal to identify challenges and lessons for future. For the purposes of this research, the qualitative research approach is more suitable due to capacity to assess the wide ranging nature the terrorist conditions. Case Study This section will present a case study examination of the Irish Republican Army in comparison to the operations of Al Qaeda.4.1 Irish Republican Army formation factorsRyanair and (another airline of your choice)4.2 Effectiveness of the IRA methods4.3 Al Qaeda formation factors4.4 Effectiveness of the IRA methods4.5 Trends4.8 Discussion(Tie the case study to the literature review) 5. Conclusion 7. References Baxter, P. and Jack, S. 2008. Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers. The Qualitative Report, 13 (4), pp. 544–559. Field, A. 2009. The ‘New Terrorism’: Revolution or Evolution?. Political Studies Review, 7 (2), pp. 195–207. Kurtulus, E. 2011. The â€Å"new terrorism†and its critics. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 34 (6), pp. 476–500. Laqueur, W. 2003. No end to war. New York: Continuum. Stake, R. 1995. The art of case study research. Sage Publications, Inc. Yin, R. 2009. Case study research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
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